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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Bella on February 22, 2011, 05:07:43 PM
I went to the doctor for a checkup today. Turns out I have Raynaud's Disease. ><

Also, he wants me to get blood work done, but I'm deathly afraid of having blood taken, but my family's pressuring me to stop being a crybaby and do it, but I say I won't unless I get a reward, in this case, I'm demanding they pay for my getting my ears pierced. Again. I SEE LOTS OF FUCKDAMNED NEEDLES IN MY GOTTDAMNED FUTURE.

Ugh, so sorry to hear that, Bells.  At least it's not life-threatening...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@red: i just read up on the subject, and in extreme cases of the worse form, it can cause gangrene of the hands and feet. o___o
@pitkin: my sister and mother are afraid of needles, yet i'm so blasé about the matter that i've actually stuck myself with pins on purpose. :\
@stew: it's supposed to warm up slightly later in the week, so we'll be getting rain. better'n snow in my opinion. :\
@bella: if you're afraid of needles, why are you getting your ears pierced (again)?
oh, and if i were you, i'd move to somewhere warmer, maybe here or mass (that way you could still ski :3).
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QuoteI went to the doctor for a checkup today. Turns out I have Raynaud's Disease. ><
Apparently, second-stage Raynaud's can be controlled using Viagra.



lol, poor bella now has the circulation of a 60-year-old man. x3
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@Stew: I WILL NOT MAN UP. >__> Srsly, I can count the encounters I've had with needles (or remember having, since I got childhood inoculations when I was young) on one hand; in 2005 I got a flu shot (had my face buried in a pillow while it was happening) and in 2006 I got two anesthetic injections during a dental procedure (I was on the brink of crying the whole time). >______<

@Pitkin: I'd just say Screw it and refuse to go, but, it'd make me look like a coward. Also, I'm really tired of capitulating to my fears. >>

@Red: It's not all bad, I could probably get into a career as a sushi-chef with my freakishly cold hands. .___.

@Kari: Because I don't object to piercings as much as I do injections or having blood drawn. I dislike needles but the thought of having one pushed through a piece of connective tissue don't alarm me as much as having one put something in or take something out of my body. ><

Plus, it's something I've wanted to get done since I was like 12 but never had the guts to do.

@Nej: Yes, the doctor brought that up. To paraphrase him - "There's another medication that's been tested in people with Raynaud's Disease... you've probably heard of it, it's sometimes advertised by people in bathtubs, side-by-side holding hands watching a sunset..." At which point the med student and I started lol'ing only slightly uncomfortably. -w-


I would probably not care a bit to look like a coward, but I'd think that the blood analysis would still be beneficial and therefore worth taking, no matter how unpleasant. >.<

I went to optician today for checkups regarding contact lenses and new glasses. The optician who checked me was really awesome, an older man who looked and sounded just like one of my favourite radio theatre's voice actors, not to mention he was all silly and fun and made me laugh a lot of times. ^-^

My vision's pretty much the same it was three years ago when I had my previous checkup. Contact lenses I tried once some years back and didn't really get used to them, but now I'm hoping to learn to use them properly and to have therefore a bit more variation to my looks. ._.

As for the glasses, I went there practically planning to get another green frames as I've been very happy with the current colour, but ended up getting red, very light frames. x) The selection for lighter frames was quite limited, as currently it's very trendy to have these heavy, plastic-made frames, which I would never want for myself no matter how well they might fit everyone else.

Dr. Kraus

@bells: Sorry to here about that but I agree with Pitkin on the blood work, would be in your best interests to get some blood work done to make sure everything else is A-OK and to treat Raynaud's Disease more efficiently. Blood work isn't that bad, when I had it done I just blasted loud music into my ears, closed my eyes, and looked in the opposite direction. Also, it only takes about, what I could tell, a few seconds for them to take the blood and you'll be to tired and drowsy to notice anything after its all done and sometimes even halfway through the whole thing!

With the help of blood work you can (as I've stated before) effectively suppress the disease, thats what happened for my Atopic Eczema and now I'm all well and can do everything I couldn't when it was severe. I even found out I was Blood type O- (negative) so I get big bucks when I donate blood ;)     


Finished my F-11F-1 model in about two hours; the least problematic aircraft I've ever assembled.  Pretty darn simple too, but it has a panel you can open to see the J65 engine (which had to be built) and moving control surfaces.  Now I only need a reason/purpose to use it.


Oh wow, the new skype is so ugly.
/c-c-c-c-combo breaker


rice is nice~

also: karma points for the day: i gave the lost and found a hat i wanted to keep, along with a stray glove. my reasoning for wanting the hat? "OMG I HAVE DAT  EXACT SAME HAT LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"
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The new skype is not only ugly; more importantly, IT LOOKS LIKE FUCKING MSN. DO NOT WANT.

@Broya, sounds like that doctor was enjoying his little chat with you, trololo~


@bory: that's something i wish i could have seen. funny and awkward. xD
@neji: the only thing that's been annoying me about skype recently is that there's this stupid popup in it every time it opens, so if i wanna change my status i need to move the window over. >__<
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Quote from: Krizonar on February 23, 2011, 07:10:00 PM
Oh wow, the new skype is so ugly.
/c-c-c-c-combo breaker

I wouldn't know about the newest version of Skype. I have the feeling the Linux one is stuck in the v2.1.x.x forever. Some weeks ago when I visited my parents, I saw the Windows version, and well... it confused me: its layout has changed since last summer and not really for the better. :/


i hate it when things do that >__< like how facebook changed its default profile format, i can't find anything anymore! ><; (and i really don't like having pictures of "me" on the front row of my profile. i'm not all that into facebook and this makes it seems like i am. :\ )
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double post lolwut: i think i may have stumbled on a touhou vocaloid album. :\
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