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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I wear skirts more often than pants during summer, but dresses ARE very rare for me. Dresses and heels higher than one inch, that is. But the new dress is obviously a sign I'll have a more feminine style coming again. x)

Well, just to give an impression on my style, I have the feeling I'm the only woman in France who ever wears sneakers other than for jogging. In Finland it's less exotic, but I think I'm an "etrangère idiot" or just a huge geek when it comes to what I wear when doing grocery shopping usually. xP


Today was a day of so many firsts~ ;v;

At 26 miles, I took my longest driving lesson to date! And drove on the interstate! Most of it was on Rt. 3 but at one point I got semi-tricked into getting onto I93 through Franconia Notch - a two-lane, two-way stretch of interstate that's considered among the most picturesque and challenging in New Englande. WITH SNOW FLYING!

Got my glasses from the optometrist. They might not fugly as I imagined...=v=

Somebody who I never thought would give me words of encouragement gave me words of encouragement. About driving. It was a really wonderful moment~ ;v;

Also: Went to the used books shop/computer repair/music and movie store/segway rental centre-and-internet cafe and bought some books and music with a gift certificate.

I'm the same when it comes to skirts v. dresses Pitkin; I wear the former a LOT more than the latter, and both are typically reserved for the summertime.


Yay, nice to hear I'm not the only one, Bella. x) For me the problem is to find a dress I'd like: even the one I bought today I cannot exactly wear every day during summer (if I plan to do anything else than sitting around or taking a walk), and naturally it's totally out of question during winter, no matter with what kind of thermo-stocking. I do wear my thicker woollen-made skirt also at times during winter, but only when there's not too harsh wind.


alot of my dresses are the type where they can be worn with pants anyway, so it's kind of cheating. ;3

however i have this one sundress that i like to wear when the weather's nice and i'm in the right mood ^^ it's a halter top though, so i can't wear it unless the weather's REALLY nice. ^^;

i also love getting the chance to wear my sari. ^^ it's a little cumbersome the first few times you wear one, but after you get used to it it's super easy, comfy, and pretty. :3

only problem with that is i gave away my good blue skirt after it got drenched in blood, so i don't have a matching skirt anymore. :\
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Saris sure are impressive-looking, but already a textbook example of what I could never pull off myself. Like higher heels I feel it'd prevent me from moving naturally: my steps are super long every time I walk outside. :/ As said though, on others they can look great. x)


Quoteonly problem with that is i gave away my good blue skirt after it got drenched in blood, so i don't have a matching skirt anymore. :\
I solve this problem by almost only having clothes with blood-proof colors. >:]


Quote from: NejinOniwa on January 15, 2011, 10:09:00 AM
Quoteonly problem with that is i gave away my good blue skirt after it got drenched in blood, so i don't have a matching skirt anymore. :\
I solve this problem by almost only having clothes with blood-proof colors. >:]

The reason for my dark brown knit sweaters's been discovered! xD


Quite so. And oh, while I'm at it...
Quote from: Pitkin's sigCuriously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was "Oh no, not again." Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.
I spy a hitchhiker. -w-


Quote from: NejinOniwa on January 15, 2011, 11:36:18 AM
Quite so. And oh, while I'm at it...

I spy a hitchhiker. -w-

I'm a big fan yes, but I have the problem of not always knowing where my towel is. That's when the cover text comes in handy. -.-


i miss my skirt. i'm tempted to ask that guy i didn't wanna talk to anymore if he still has it. i want it back. :[

and pitkin, if you can't contain your strides a bit, then yeah, you'd be really uncomfortable in a sari. ^^;
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Dr. Kraus

Just did another pretest for A+ certification and got a 75%! But I'm not satisfied until I can do it and get 80% or above! 


i did something like that in computer class years the highest grade initially and ended up getting a 95 when i took it again for the final. still failed the class though, even though i knew exactly what i was doing. :3
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 16, 2011, 12:56:00 AM
i did something like that in computer class years the highest grade initially and ended up getting a 95 when i took it again for the final. still failed the class though, even though i knew exactly what i was doing. :3

Same thing happened to me last year in my Cisco class, I knew everything I was doing and still didn't pass the class until I did the final. I then went into servar mode and learned alot about Win2kServer and all that. My dad just needs me to get my A+ for the family business and then make $20/h yatta yatta yatta, then I'll be off to get my IBM Certification and Microsoft Certification. Long road ahead of me, I'm going to end up like my dad when he was studying for the Certifications, locked in my basement/office/bedroom doing nothing but reading books and going to work (remotely, which wasn't around for my dad so he was stuck leaving the house and all that.).


good luck. we're all rooting for you ^^
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My hdd just died.

30gb of "ORGANIZED" typemoon images and doujins
60gb of "ORGANIZED" manga scans
30gb of unorganized manga scans
20gb or random stuff i've made

My my, aren't you lovely~