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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Yeah, the only sports I follow are those involving my local teams... though I will admit I get VERY involved with those. To wit: I sobbed when the Pats lost to the Giants in the 2008 Superbowl. >>

You already guessed my town once, Kari, but to answer your question: Grafton County.

Chocofreak13're right below coos county right? you're near plymouth?

the plymouth book exchange sells copics :3

i think i already told you the town i live in. :\
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: NejinOniwa on January 11, 2011, 09:34:45 PM
It's a very pirated copy of Finale, so I don't think that'll quite work. >_> finale!

I had to use Finale for my Musictech class and it was ballz, crashed every 5 minutes.

Only good memory of it was when I used it to recompose Reimu's, Yuyuko's, and Aya's theme from touhou in one song for my final project :D



i was just thinking of getting audacity. i'm not too versed on freeware music editors outside of UTAU. :\

i have an urge to play bust-a-move 99. but i have to go out and shovel in approx. 5 minutes. :\ so no.
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Commence stalk-o-matic initialization...

Audacity is good, just DL it. It's no-no for sheets tho. So I dl'd finale, and it seems to do the job. Sucky that it's a 2,5gb iso for a 200mb install, but meh.


I think i may be too addicted to borderlands D:

my life is becoming really really predictable right now..

7am wake up
8:30am start work
12:00pm lunch
3:00pm plants vs zombies at work
6:00pm go home
7:00pm eat dinner
7:15pm play borderlands
9:00pm watch burn notice
12:00pm sleep

.... and this is from mondays to fridays ._.
My my, aren't you lovely~


they have burn notice there? cool.

i feel totally stupid. i'm fuck!ng ripshit over just losing this bidding. i'm blubbering out of rage, disappointment, and frustration.

with a dash of hopelessness.

we had the winning bid all day.....and then i get outbid by fuck!ng. 50. cents.
i'm also disappointed in myself, since my sister said i could bring the max bid up to 7.50, but i thought to myself that the 5.50 we had was fine.

the guy who won probably had one of those auto-bidding things on it, making it a futile effort in the first place. which is even more frusterating. the kick in the seat after all that is that one of the plushes was not only in mint condition, but that one happens to be EXTREMELY rare and would fetch anywhere from $25-$65 on ebay (buy now price), sans shipping.

the thing that makes this all bittersweet is that out of the 7, 3 were of the same character as were another 2. those 2 (plus the super-rare one) i don't have yet (meaning i don't have a plush for the character yet), but the 2 that were the same i would have avoided if they were sold by themselves because they're shorter than some of my other plushies.

part of me wants to crack open a coke and play some bust-a-move, but the game has been frustrating me all day so i probably shouldn't.

ah, hell. think i will anyway.
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that's tough choco D:

damn snipers. playing unfair D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


i thought ebay had outlawed programs like that, too. >___<

he's probably gonna split em' up and sell em' off. that's what they do.

now that i've ranted i feel better, but the smoldering rage is still latently there.
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there there

*pats choco*

well some people still find ways i guess ^^;;
My my, aren't you lovely~


Ugh, Kari, I know how you feel.

I once stalked an Apple \\\ (one of only three computers I consider Holy Grails) for about three days on ebay; I had the top bid on it in the final minutes, but a sniper took it out at -LITERALLY- the last second. The damn thing's so frustrating/emotionally-taxing. ><;


Snipers gonna snipe. -.-

Sigh, I got a job offer on Monday from my old workplace, where they wanted me back in the position I had before I left for France last autumn. I was very happy that they didn't have a problem with that I could work from February till the end of June, after which I'm moving away permanently, so we agreed that I'd go sign the work contract on Friday. On Tuesday morning the same person called me again and told me that their boss in the HR department had interrupted her holidays to tell them that they need me for the entire summer, i.e. until the end of August instead of June, and that if I didn't agree they wouldn't hire me after all. >.< I was given time until this morning to make up my mind, and today I called them to tell that by August I'm already in France, since I won't postpone my move again because of work issues. So yeah, I didn't get that job at the end and will be unemployed at least until I move out of the country. -.-

edit: And just now I got a call from a yellow-press reporter who's looking for some guy owning a holiday camp or something in Eastern Finland, and she said she had found my phone number searching for that person's name. I have the feeling it's just better to not have a phone these days. T_T;


look at the pictures, you'll feel better. :[
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I didn't really understand their meaning. ._.