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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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and OSf, if you're having that much trouble, is it really worth it?

maybe a different distro would be better?
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Juz got out from hospital, I got some internal bleeding and I totally have no idea when/where/how it happen. no pain/sign at all >.>

after they drain it I can still see the color on my arm eek >.<, hope this thing will be gone soon.


You sir have some weird misfortunes going on.

I might have to keep my aggressions in check for a while then .w. ;

OS Freak

Choco: I tried Ubi on VB twice. First time it crashed VB and the second seems to be working ok. OMG WTH is going on with Ubuntu? I also installed Mandriva and does not seem to have any problems. I just want to try as many OSes as possible. I want to richly learn from all If I strive to be a good repairman specialist and PC technician.

Acher: OH: God that sounds like a serious business. You say you don't know how it happened. Do you recall any hit or something? My my... Internal Bleeding... It's scary. That kills people. It's the same as an hemorrhage like when bullets pierce internal organs. Don't stop taking care of the business. Prevention is the key to success.
Death as come. 2K Chan has but killed in extended Support. She has finally become Unsupported She is finally fully rejected by her Birth company. It\'s so sad...


acher: HO SHI----

os: nej recommended mint linux to me once, apparently it's good for older systems.
my brother also recommended xubuntu. wine also seems good. maybe those will give you ideas?


bella: i'm the only person i know who dresses this lazy. maybe it's regional where you are?

i just broke up with my boyfriend. yet i'm weirdly happy.
turns out he was dating his ex the whole time. :\ (don't say "sorry". i'm not.)
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@nejin: >_<"

@OS: I seriously cant remember a thing that might cause it, it was ok on the night. then i start my morning by goin in front of my screen first right after waking up (uh, its a habit). browsing some image board and thats when my roommate told me that my left arm was black and blue. it might be during my sleep. oh and good luck with your aim.

@Choco: what a guy =O ...


With all things happening...sorry about this, guys. Things are chaotic over here and thus it spreads around. Sometimes I wish this damn complex could learn how to keep itself in check...

...but then again it wouldn't be much of a complex then, would it.

In other news: I once more has uplink @ home, so delta is posting this one. Turns out some asshat had UNPLUGGED ME FROM THE SWITCH, so no wonder it wasn't working. I get the sudden urge to pull every other cable down there just to improve my own speed and our teacher is being an ass in general and shit is going downhill. FUCKWADDLING PEANUTS. What with all this rage going on you might just find yourself trapped in some sort of semi-apocalyptic event, so keep your heads up, folks.


It's summer Nejin, focus on the positive things in life! :D


Totally understand Choco, my girlfriend broke up with me earlier today and to tell the truth I'm more relieved then anything else.

Probably the best move Archer O_o

Still on dial up, kinda pissed about that and everyone I know is busy so there is nothing to do beyond make elaborate plans to buy the first two volumes of GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class.


@Acher: Oh my God, that sounds serious! I'm glad you went to the doctor and had things taken care of, though. D:

@OS Freak: try installing Guest Additions in Ubuntu and see if that helps. Ubuntu always worked alright in VB on XP, but it gave me a heck of a time in VB on OSX until I installed Guest Additions. Everything's been fine since...

@Choco: that guy sounds like such a loser. Good riddance, I say...

Yes, people around here are very casual dressers... actually, casual doesn't quite begin to describe them. I once saw two boys (12 and 14 maybe) walking through Wal-Mart in matching Family Guy bathrobes and slippers. xD Just yesterday, I saw a woman riding down a street in our town on a bike, wearing shorts and a sports bra. xD

@Stewart: Sorry to hear about the breakup. And the dial-up situation. ;;

I've never broken up with anyone... although I haven't dated much to begin with. The last time... hmm... well, last winter, my brother tried to set me up with his BFF, but I objected on the account of him being like three years older and like a foot taller than I am. In retrospect, I'm almost regretful, since he's a nice person. Yes, asexual/aromantics CAN date. If we choose to.

I've been getting wicked migraines or something like it lately. Seems to be connected to long periods of reading, so now I'm trying to figure out if it's related to eye strain, or migraines caused by the brightness of a page/computer screen, or if it's something else like sinus headaches. I have been suffering a lot of allergies lately. D:


Hey guys, i have a quick question and i thought it were too much to create a new thread so i post it here. I run Audiosurf, i record the surf with fraps. On my previous computer i could run at second highest graphical detail and get decent framerate of 30fps. But with my new computer i can't even run on medium without getting collosal framedrops throughout the song if im recording. I ruled out the grapics card as the source since my current is twice as good as my previous. Now: Can my CPU be causing this? My current is a AMD Athlon II dual core @ 2.9ghz My previous were a AMD Phenom quad core @ 2.2 ghz.


There ya go.  Athlon is inferior.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


QuoteIt's summer Nejin, focus on the positive things in life!
Summer is not a positive thing in life, I'm afraid. -.-

AND SO the /osc/ community takes yet another step toward unity with EVERYONE'S SECRETLY BETTER OFF SINGLE AND THEY KNOW IT attitude. Rejoice! ;w;


@Nejin: probly you should caught whoever did that to your cable.. oh and I hate shared internet too, this lousy modem didn't give me any control on usage. which results in me having no connection at all while the other guy can browse at ease with good speed.

@AMDkurt: I forgot its summer over there >.< me wanna play audiosurf again sometime.

@Bella: Well, at first I was thinking of to let it be >.<

I never had any uh... should I call it official date? I never had a relationship and I got dumped twice in my life T^T

OS Freak

Man I was in love once too and she broke up with me too. She said she needed time so i gave her the time being the nice guy I am. I never saw her again But news came to me from her cousin which I studied with. Nearly a year after the breakup. I found out she had rejoined with her ex and married him and already had a child. I was like, good riddance but that did break my heart.

Choco & Bella: Thank you for your support. Again I must say this is a good place were I can get all sorta help from it's nice members.

Acher: Keep us informed about all but if you need to take a break to don't strain yourself, let the arm rest. Funny I doubt you just squished your arm. I sometimes sleep over my right one and when I wake up my arm is numbed to the extent of that I know I have it the but doesn't move. It's like a dead appendage lol.

Choco & Stewartsage: looks we are a broken trio. Let's get together and drink and party!

Bella: I've noticed some heavy headaches after I've been on the computer while watching too many "light" pages at home. perhaps it is that.

Nejin: I'm supposing Overlords don't need positiveness right? lol

It seems we are all suffering from something whether it be emotional or physical. OMG Would that be Armaggedon approaching? I don't want to die! I got so many computer to explore!  ;103
Death as come. 2K Chan has but killed in extended Support. She has finally become Unsupported She is finally fully rejected by her Birth company. It\'s so sad...