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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i tuned in for a whole two minutes!! (at 11:58 ) =D
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This thread is in topic now D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


*shrug* Everything started half an hour late, after my dear Katharine took a header off the desk and Firefox made her restart.  Sooo, you didn't miss much.  Other then the epic opening sequence for the last time until fall.

Charlie Daniels commercial, awesome.

...had to make an appearance.

For some reason I was too sleepy to even remember what the thing was called ><

Mmmm, Valium.  That's the thing though, look at literature of the time and you see just how wide spread the use of tranquilizers was for the first time.

Bell Divestment + Satire = Profit

No one round here (that I listen to ever plays The Decemberists.

Hey, it isn't my fault that the Australians are a naturally witty people


Hooray Choco! I have no idea what was playing, that was almost the end of the show I think....


Quote from: "Bella"WHAT IS LOVE! *does that accompanying Night at the Roxbury dance*


I love that song.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


and then, surprise, old ladies
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Does anyone know why i'm still here D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


um, jailhouse rock was playing. :3
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Meh, Choco-san, better late than never. xD

You'e here because we <3 you, Zen-kun. :3

Quote from: "Red-san"BABY DON'T HURT ME, DON'T HURT ME, NO MORE!

I love that song.

Lol, me too. x3

Quote from: "Stewart-san"*shrug* Everything started half an hour late, after my dear Katharine took a header off the desk and Firefox made her restart. Sooo, you didn't miss much. Other then the epic opening sequence for the last time until fall.

Charlie Daniels commercial, awesome.

...had to make an appearance.

For some reason I was too sleepy to even remember what the thing was called ><

Mmmm, Valium. That's the thing though, look at literature of the time and you see just how wide spread the use of tranquilizers was for the first time.

Bell Divestment + Satire = Profit

No one round here (that I listen to ever plays The Decemberists.

Hey, it isn't my fault that the Australians are a naturally witty people


Hooray Choco! I have no idea what was playing, that was almost the end of the show I think....

Oh no, Katherine swan-dived off the desk?  That can kill a computer. ;O;

Oh my yes. :D

Pffft, tell me about it...I've heard stories from my own family about valium abuse back in the day.

We get, like, three radio stations around here: an independent rock station (well, actually there are two-- one out of Boston and another from our own region) a classic rock station and a crassly commercial light rock one... the first is the only one usually to listen to.

Aye, mate, those cray-zay Aussies.

Speaking of crazy, call me crazy but were you more accent-y than you were last week? :V

And speaking of Aussies, today I thought it would be an awesome idea to practise my Australian accent. I read somewhere that Australian shared a few similarities to the New England accent... I hear it, both accents employ a strange game of hid-and-go-seek with their "R"s. Like, dropping them from some words and then plopping them into other words where they don't belong. So yeah, I'm not very good at it... but it was fun. (I love doing accents and voice impressions! Ask me about my killer Sarah Palin and Suzie Orman impersonations xD).

Last night, I stayed up till three in the morning writing... by HAND. In a notebook. At first I was working on Isra's story, but later I branched off into a-- LE GASP?!-- OS-tan fanfic. A sappy one, involving Unix-sama and Linux-tan and Multics-sama and a big pot of awk-ward stew. >///>

And today I got up at 12:30 PM. The horror.


the latest i've slept in is 1 pm........and that was last year's april vacation when it felt more like SUMMER. i don't do much writing personally, but bella, when you get the chance, post it!! ^^
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What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


*look the video*
*dies from heart attack*
Quote"OS Tan Collection reminds you that your OS will never threaten to stab you(Unless somebody programmed it to do it) and, in fact, cannot speak(Unless somebody programmed it to do it, too). In the event that your OS does speak, OS Tan Collection urges you to disregard its advice(Unless it suggest you only good thing)."


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


My my, aren't you lovely~



zen: is that matthew broderick? (ferris bueler's day off)

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