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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: "panda"missed me!

All of you....uhmm yea ;hi


Hiya Darknight-san, Red-san, Q4(V)-san, panda-san and Alfamille-san! *waves*

Finished my statistics research yesterday after working on it all day. Yay! Now the only thing it needs is be passed by the examiner; no corrections whatsoever, and I'm clear! Scary.

Why're you aching, Red-san? :L

QuoteQuote from : Darknight_88

I hope Pitkin  (or Linux-tan, AKA: chani/Dark Lord), or whoever manages the image aproval, read  this: While uploading, I think I uploaded twice the same archive. As far as I can remember, It was 1 of 3.1, in the Others category.Plz dont let it upload.

Everything's A-ok. I check the files before approving; wrong categories are corrected, duplicates deleted. It's not a big deal. ^_^ (Super Ego: Any mistakes by the joke admin Pitkin in the gallery uploads can be reported to him so he'll fix them.)

Thank you, Super Ego-san... you could've left the 'joke' out of it. v_v


Any mistakes by the joke admin Pitkin in the gallery uploads can be reported to me so I'll fix him  ;010



....I like cheese....
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


welcome to ostan nice to c a new member and now i know u like cheese ...

*look at post count

ur not a new member ... ur one of the very old member back in the days old, man wow just my luck to meet u, so how r u, wht u been up to ... oh where r my manners , i'm one of the new members the name Q4(V) and welcome back, a lot of things have change here, bet it bring back old memories of u, hey can u tell if u remember any of the member, u may know Pitkin (the ppl trying to be British) he go way wayy back, but u must have a member with first admin tht way wayy wayyy back and yea this site has had more then 1 admin or so tht wht they tell me, they haven't told me the name of the first one or the second but the thrid and fourth were Chani and Linux-Tan ... man so may big things have happen and like. hope a catch u in the forum sometime ... oh hey does any1 remember this member .... lol

Q4(V) added the following  7 minutes after last message :

oh yea it may day tomorow so no college ... day off

Q4(V) added the following  3 minutes after last message :

hey Zixaphir was online today, hi Zixaphir nice to c u were online


FabianN-san was the first admin, after whom it's been DarkLord-san/Chani-san/Linux-Tan, who are all one and same person. ;)

And yeah, CaptBrenden-san's a familiar name, not only to me, but also to panda-san at least. ^_^ Whenever he gets to access the internet again, perhaps he can tell us more about his last few months during the deployment.


Hi Pitkin <3

I'm sore because I had to sand ^^;;; I haven't sanded in a long time.. so my arms went against me!

I hope you're doing ok!

I haven't been around much.. way busy ._. I'm trying to be a good Codi!
So cute it\'s deadly!


QuoteQuote from : rdhdtwns

Hi Pitkin <3

I'm sore because I had to sand ^^;;; I haven't sanded in a long time.. so my arms went against me!

I hope you're doing ok!

I haven't been around much.. way busy ._. I'm trying to be a good Codi!

You're always a good Codi-san. ^_^

I'm fine, more or less, thanks.

Keep visiting us every now and then, Codi-san! You're missed by all of us! ^_^


QuoteQuote from : Pitkin
You're always a good Codi-san. ^_^

I'm fine, more or less, thanks.

Keep visiting us every now and then, Codi-san! You're missed by all of us! ^_^


I think I'll accept "fine" for now :P Otherwise you know you can always talk to me!

I'm trying to at least read it frequently! I should try to post more so that I can obtain a rank like you guys ^^;

I've been working hard on the weekends and then falling asleep early in the evenings, and then waking back up at 11PM ^^;; Not healthy!
So cute it\'s deadly!


Aye, I've been going to sleep at ridiculous times lately... first at 6am in the morning and then next evening at 8pm and waking up at 11pm to stay up for a few hours and so on... ^^;

Don't strain yourself working too hard, Codi-san... it's not healthy either. v_v

edit: Oh yes, you said that already about the work as well... unhealthy part. Ahem, I misparagraph things inside my head. ^^;

edit2: And I'm getting more and more impolite... thanks for being ready to listen, if needed. ;)


It's super weird! x.x;; I used to be a big night owl.. but now it's like, on weekdays I can barely make it past 10PM ^^; So my mind wants to stay up, but not my body.

Oh it's ok Pitkin <3 What I really need to do is to stop talking about work. XD Or find a new job.

On the other hand, I'm having trouble bringing up different emoticons.. o.o;
So cute it\'s deadly!


I cannot really understand this either... this is the first weekend in a long time when I absolutely cannot seem to be able to stay up later than 3am. :D

Oh, talking about work is not the worst thing there is to talk about... ever since July 2004, most of my friends (and even I) seem to have no conversation without the military somehow involved; it tends to get a bit repetitive. ^^;


My response:"Sorry...I was destined to....  ;011


Now, what have you been up to of late, Alfamille-san? T_T;


edit: <- this Flash file pretty much sums up the meaning of life.