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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Nice :3
(I have heels, but I don't wear them often; partially because I don't have any occasion to, and partially because they do hurt my feet, since they're a little snug in the front -w-;; )


i now need new glasses. shit. ><;

@Pitkin: you're getting something from me, but it's not in the mail yet. sorry. ;^;
@leaf: awwwww yeah shower with your dad sim

also, cute headphones man.

the Amazon Giftcard i got resulted in the first three volumes of Confidential Confessions and a Mad as Hell DVD (documentary about the anchor of my favourite news program, his rise and fall and rise again). :0

also bought some manga last night, 32 volumes for under $20. feelin' good, despite everything. -w-
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Goujer (she/her)

For my roommate's Christmas gag gift I'm giving him a DVD case with the cover art of a gay porno with The Sandlot and Minions inside. The only two movies I know that will make him hurt physically.


@choco: sweet pickups. i hope swyds isn't as juvenile as it sounds

@leo: kek

still have like £26 left of my amazon giftcard to spend.i might buy some anime or manga (less likely to buy manga because i don't really read manga)


Happy New Year 2016 from France! May the new year be as free of disasters as possible, and as full of enlightenment and positive discoveries as the universe just allows!


Greetings from 2016, Aurora!

>tfw you're a lonely dog/computer lady and you kiss your dog & computer at midnight

Quote from: Legojer on December 31, 2015, 12:23:51 AM
For my roommate's Christmas gag gift I'm giving him a DVD case with the cover art of a gay porno with The Sandlot and Minions inside. The only two movies I know that will make him hurt physically.

Is The Sandlot really that bad or does he just hate it?


>TFW you kiss your pillow at midnight and call it "Nichi"

I'll join 2016 soon enough -w-;


happy new year, guys
lets hope in 2016 nobody gets offended at everything you say



@Bells: The Sandlot is a great movie, a classic for a lot of people. that person likely just doesn't like it. :0
@Leaf: I've seen SWYDS in action; it actually looks pretty tough. funny, too. :0

went to a Bernie Sanders rally today, positively electric. walked away with some swag, too, and Steve's mom (i hitched a ride with her and his sister) even took us out to lunch after. twas a good day. :3

also been looking at apartments. the two lucky winners for the time being are a $450/mo mystery studio that i'd have to commute nearly an hour to work from, and a Duplex between me and Steve's jobs for $795, 1 bedroom, some utilities included and it has a washer and dryer. *0*
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and school starts for me and other kids around the word

this is my final year until college, so i gotta make this one the best


Pitkin's hair update:

Totally dying my hair on Friday the 15th this month! Mwahaha!


@Pit: Nice :3
@Kari: Yay! : D

Nothing going on here



the apartments were duds, but i got some other leads. there's a 1-bedroom available for cheapish? that we're thinking about toward the end of the month. pet friendly!

(the duplex guy was more looking for a roommate, he was only looking for single people to move in, he's an older bachelor and it didn't even say it had its own kitchen, we'd have been renting his upstairs. just fucking say you want a roomate, creep)
(the mystery studio was 1-person only, and another place in the state was also 1-person, according to fire codes. maybe it's a state thing??)
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Quote from: Bella on December 25, 2013, 10:50:14 AM
Hello Remilia! Long time no see. How's your holiday going? :D

Aloha! It's going great, it's the best holiday I've ever had!  8)

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 25, 2013, 11:14:49 AM
Marty Khrushchev everyone!

@remillia: hey! happy holidays, good to see you! ^^

Good to see you too.  :)


...Has anything happened here while I was gone?

edit: brb, going to stalk every post you people have made recently.


... recently? Recently? *blinks*

That's my ex-roomie / partner in crime! Stop her!