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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well, to elaborate:

My sister thinks my parents' house is dirtier. Well, the kitchen is, in the sense of there being a mountain of dirty dishes and whatnot on the two unused sections of the counter (That have only been cleaned like 2 or 3 times I can remember in my entire life), and the spot on the floor directly in front of the counter needs to be cleaned (That spot, for whatever reason, is a magnet for dirt buildup)...while my sister's kitchen, the counters are clean...but the floor is kinda sticky.

As for the living room, my parents have a lot of clutter, but the carpets are generally fairly clean; it's just there's some junk that mom says she's going to thin out, but has barely chipped away at it. Meanwhile, my sister doesn't have as much clutter in the living room...but the floor is filthy; I feel like I can't walk around barefoot without needing to wash my feet immediately after. She's mentioned wanting to vacuum, but her vacuum died years ago, so she hasn't been able to; also not helping is the fact that her pets bring a lot of dirt in when they come inside, which we only had that problem at home when my mom's dog was still alive.

Hopefully that gives you a better idea :\


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What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Kari, Cocks: Welcome to my nightmare </alice_cooper>

EDIT: Now I remember why I never bothered with trying to use any emulators on Linux unless I went through WINE. Tried to setup a C64 emulator and went through a nightmare of needing to find the exact BIOS files it demands (Which I can't seem to find anywhere online; they're all in a different format for another emulator) and having to install 50 other things just to try and make it work >>;


good luck, bro. :<

sooooooooo i found out today that

*my hours are being cut*

found out via email this morning that once the children's head comes in 2 weeks from now, i'm going down from an average of 10 hours a week to 6 and a half. couple this with my car starting to break again, the frequent memory leaks, and Steve's car having some light problems (seems like that may have been fixed today), and you get a Kari that cried and yelled all the way to work today. then my car stalled in an intersection, and i got pulled over! i'm only sunshiney today because the kids are putting up stuff for the 'Haunted Library' thing they're putting on and i have to save face. but as soon as i get back to Steve's, cue emotional turmoil~*

(and the only libraries that are hiring assistants recently are either too far, require more experience, or, in the case of the best candidate, want nearly 30 hours a week from their person. might be back to retail, whoooo~*)
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If it makes you feel better, I've grown tired of my current job due to the constant drama and headbutting between my boss and her assistant; it feels like they can't listen to each other and try to reach an understanding, while their inability to see eye-to-eye is causing the entire store to suffer (We recently ran out of some of our most basic stuff, like pepperoni. I could see running completely out of less-popular toppings like anchovies because we forgot to order some, but pepperoni is one of the most popular pizza toppings; that's something we need to keep ourselves well-stocked on, lest customers take their business elsewhere).


funny, Steve's managers seem to be like that. the store manager's a sweetheart, but her second in command's a massive bitch. at the very least, Steve's used to taking the role of ButtMonkey (a role i'm trying to get him to break out of), so he doesn't really mind, but the difference between them is striking. :\

and then there's the other manager, Steve's friend Mike, who is a nice guy, if a bit misguided. :\

don't quit, pent, things'll only be worse if you do. :[
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I don't intend to leave until I'm ready to move. Basically, they have the perfect employee for the job; I'm smart enough to know this job is shit, yet crazy enough to still work for them regardless.

In our case, the store manager is a nice person but a terrible boss that brings in so much money by how badly she runs the store (We need a lot[ of new equipment, as much of ours is very well-worn and breaks down a lot...but, because buying new equipment cuts into her annual bonus check, while paying for repairs does not, we are stuck with equipment that is prone to break down at any second. Which, she lives in a total dump that makes my sister's house look at clean as a 5-star hotel; god knows where all that money is going :\ ).

Meanwhile, her assistant wants to help the store run more efficiently, but his suggestions fall upon deaf ears.


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Alcohol, most likely; her husband is an alcoholic :\


that's sad. i hope he isn't abusing her, but those things go hand in hand. he's likely stealing her paychecks if that's the case. :\
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few tests at the hospital tommorow


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Indeed; hope he's fine :[

So, checking my car over, I think maybe the weird sound I've started to hear is maybe that belt that needs to be replaced. The trick is, getting dad to replace it; we do have the part on-hand, but he seems to be of the mindset of "ignore it until the problem becomes too big to ignore, and then do something about it" :\


confront him on it? i got nothin' here, bro. :\
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