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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@storytiem: i'm still interested if people are, i'm just feeling sick as fucking hell today and exahusted from the past week. you may be wondering why i haven't posted in 3 days. i've been wanting (WANTING) to throw up all three of those days, but i can't because i'm on prescription medication and can't afford to lose any of it. (and now you know partly why.)
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@Kari: The best time if we want to do it is Sunday evening; I can go to grandma's office when I get off work
(Tomorrow night wouldn't be good, since I have work the following morning)


I'd like to get in on it! Just let me know ahead of time what you have planned.

Also, Kari, it seems like everyone is sick right now. A lot of people at school have ... something (we're calling it the plague), and I think I caught a touch of it because my throat's been itchy, my nose is stuffy and I've generally felt nauseated and generally off the last couple days. One of my classes was cancelled today because our professor was too sick to come to class.

On a slightly better note, yesterday's math seminar was pretty interesting! I'm surprised I understood some of the concepts as well as I did, and when talking about it with my professor afterward he praised my logical skills. I smiled and blushed like a humongous dork because that's the best compliment I can get ... ;___;


i've been having more problems than usual because i'm on my period and i think my medications are interacting

yeah, there's definitely something going around. if it persists longer than 5 days, see your doctor, you likely have the bacterial version.

@pent: i have no idea what the fuck we're doing tomorrow so i'm going with a tentative yes.
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Alright. If I have work tomorrow morning, I'll go to grandma's office when I get off, and we'll go from there :3


kk. i'm going to wait till this evening to find out what's happening with 'family dinner'; tbh i don't think it'll materialize. i should call my sister, though, and see if she's going to that 'cocktail hour' my grandpa is having for Felix.
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Alright. I've got everything ready on my end; I just have to go to grandma's office tomorrow night


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 03, 2015, 10:06:48 AM
yeah, there's definitely something going around. if it persists longer than 5 days, see your doctor, you likely have the bacterial version.

Considering that it's not progressing and feels similar to the bacterial respiratory infection I had last year, I'm a little worried this might be the case. 0__0

In better news, I leveled up my hair tonight! Now I'm tri-colored.


Pics? :3

Work went by quickly tonight. I actually had more time than I thought I did, as I clocked out and realized I still had 20 minutes before I was scheduled to get off ^^;


carer is still being a little mary, i hope i get out of this shithole soon
usual whining post please ignore


@leaf: *hug*
@bells: i want pics because the second i hear about tri-coloured hair i worry that you've become a calico cat, and not in a good way.
@pent: sis did not go to cocktail hour, i haven't heard from mum in 2 days, so as far as i know i'm good to go. will start gathering hilarity.
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Storytime went pretty well, even if it took a while for us to get started ^^;
[dons mining hat, ventures back into the caves to find more Worst Nintendo Experiences to share]


Steve has pneumonia. ;^;
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So, storytime is going to happen again this weekend. We're aiming for Saturday evening currently :3
I have a new batch of the Best of Worst Nintendo Experiences lined up (The remaining 8 I felt were worth reading), and also have plans to throw in a few of my stories if we want to spice things up a bit (The Return of Jamie, Zelda: Ocarina of Stupidity, and Pentium's Pokémon Journey: The Part People Actually Cared About)


i still have my excess stuff, but i need to procure a mic. i fucked up Steve's laptop last week because Windows 8 sucks balls. :I

also, Steve has a job now!! >w<
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