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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@leaf: you're better off not going to sites like that. they'll give you viruses anyway (if not computer, then you might catch the bigotry). >>; *hug*

Me and Steve hit one year today. >w<
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/u/ confirmed best 4chan board honestly they pump out the best scanlations so fast it's dizzying. no other board can live up to the respect i have for those weebs
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


/flash/ is the only board worth visiting tbh
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Only one I liked was /cgl/, but the elitism is a turn-off (At least once a month you get some Asian cosplayer that says people that aren't Asian shouldn't be allowed to cosplay as anime characters, plus the people involved with EGL are strongly against males taking part in it; to them, EGL is a penis-free zone). But, if you avoid the BS, sometimes there's good stuff there


Well my first day of school was kind of meh, albeit quick


@Leaf: That's good, at least; that it was over quickly

@Kari: Indeed
I'd love to get an EGL dress, but for obvious reasons I'd never take part in the community; same with how I am about the community for, say, Super Smash Bros.

So, as far as doing anything online, today has been shit. I first thought it was just Windows 10 putting my shitty connection at gunpoint to download updates, as every version of Windows has done to me since XP, but I'm at the office on Asagi (Whom still runs Windows 7), and many of the same sites still aren't loading, all with the exact same error. I even tried booting Linux Mint from a LiveUSB, to no avail; exact same problem. Some sites are working, like here, while others are like they simply don't exist, but when you pull up the "Is This Website Down Or Is It Just Me?" site to check those sites, every single one of them is flagged as "it's just you; [site] is working", which does nothing for me, as I still can't access it and there's no reason why some are working and some aren't.

I mean, it is kinda rainy, but it's not near bad enough for my ISP to be shitting itself >>;


Quote from: Cockleshell on September 08, 2015, 08:20:15 PM
/u/ confirmed best 4chan board honestly they pump out the best scanlations so fast it's dizzying. no other board can live up to the respect i have for those weebs


Also, as for males in EGL: can I just say I love that "brolita" is a thing?

Today I went in to talk with my professor about a program we're working on, he was as appalled by my messy code as I told him I knew he would be and we agitatedly, yet amicably shouted at each other about it. Afterward I ended up getting wrangled into literal logic games with him and some students, which I ended up doing for like an hour until I had to take off for my next class. They were fun but I always feel so put-on-the-spot playing new games with smart people! It didn't help that it was super hot out and all the buildings were uncomfortably warm.

Also, that feeling when your lit professor poses a question to the class and nobody can figure out the answer.


when that happens to me, i feel a sense of relief. "Hooray! I'm not Dumb!" : D

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so the first lecture i had today was cancelled and no prior notificiation so i got the great experience of going all the way to the classroom and seeing the sign and "fuck"
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


sorry, fam

well i got upset over a tissue today, how were you guys?


been having stomach problems and sick with a cold recently. also, we leave for Rindge tomorrow and i need to figure out what we need to pack. otherwise, we're doing okay for now. :0
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I might be a manager at a dominoes soon. Had a job interview last friday, and tomorrow i go back for "orientation?" I think.

also, not really looking for a why yes or why no here but, the main reason i haven't been on is that this website displays tiny on a mobile platform, and right now i dont have a computer

one more thing
@Choco: congrats at 30,000
Simon was here :P


One of my coworkers is creepy :\

In unrelated news...rabbit? ^^;


we're still on this page?