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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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dude, i'm not citing anyone here, we're accepting as fuck (well, usually). i doubt most people would be that accepting. >>;
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I'm okay with people of all religions as long as they 1) do not use religion to justify treating others (women, nonbelivers, LGBT people, etc.) badly and 2) do not use it as a way to remain ignorant and ignore basic scientific facts about the universe.


unfortunately, that's what most of the big ones do. :\
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you guys wanna know what I FUCKIng hate
those church people who stop you in the middle of the street for half an hour to talk about God and try to get you to join their church


i move back to college today ayyyyyyyyyy im gonna be so tired
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Leaf: Indeed; worse are the ones that go door-to-door about it. Oh, one time I had them trying to talk to me while I'm changing the tire on the truck I was driving at the time >>;

@Cocks: Good luck :3


@pent: i was going to the game store and these two old ladies prayed for me for like twenty minutes
@cockle: stay k00el

edit: why are so many people dying in 2015?


Who died? :[

So, I made the first down payment on the car, in the form of a new washer\dryer. I still have enough money for a one-way ticket and a small safety net, at least, and this will be convenient and save me some money in the long run vs. using a laundromat.


>tfw you bomb a math placement exam (well, "bomb", on a scale of 0 — 3 I placed at 2) and may have to be put in Applied Calculus (a.k.a. calculus for babies) instead of Calc I

>tfw you find out you can take a computer history class as a history requirement and a computers in fiction class as a gen ed requirement


Quote from: Penti-chan on August 28, 2015, 08:52:08 AM
@Leaf: Indeed; worse are the ones that go door-to-door about it. Oh, one time I had them trying to talk to me while I'm changing the tire on the truck I was driving at the time >>;

@Cocks: Good luck :3

we do get Jehovah's witnesses here too... I like making them dizzy with faith...

ya, GL cocks


good luck indeed cocks! school resumes in Pelham on monday and i work that day so i expect it to be 10x busier than it was today (the fact that i spent about an hour's worth of my shift looking at comic publisher sites and reading about Mahou Shounen Breakfast Club should tell you how quiet it was today).

plus it's likely i'll qualify for food stamps again! gonna pick up the paperwork tuesday. :D

@bells: i feel bad, but not too bad given that i could never qualify for calc at all. so you're still looking pretty good here.
@pent: niiiice! are you buying the washer or the dryer (or both)? :0
@leaf: if they try to talk you into joining their church, tell them to resolve the hypocrisy in their religious text before inviting people into their flawed scheme. and if they offer to pray for you, just tell them you'll pray back. to Satan. :0
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@Kari: I bought both at the same time. We went down to the local appliance sales place, and got a pretty good deal on a new, low-end washer & dryer -w-
(We had dad pick it up when he got off work, since he's the one with the truck)


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 28, 2015, 07:47:31 PM
@leaf: if they try to talk you into joining their church, tell them to resolve the hypocrisy in their religious text before inviting people into their flawed scheme. and if they offer to pray for you, just tell them you'll pray back. to Satan. :0

now now... that would depend on leaf's beliefs, but for example, here's a textbook of my own medicine

them:"Do you know what will happen in the end of days? are you sure you will be one of the chosen ones"
me: "Well, I honestly don't know If I'll be one of the ones getting salvation, heck even for all I know I'll be seeing my family go to heaven while I get dragged to hell to await for the final destruction of my soul, in the end only God knows what's my destiny on those times so I must do my best to earn a spot in the afterlife"
after this they get dumb stuck and ask another question, o which I answer from my heart, in the end I get 2-3 new reading material and I do study them and thank God...


@alphonso, choco: I'm all for it :-)


Hello,everyone,long time no see.Recently,I was working on my own AVG,maybe you can see it in the end of 2016 :)
I cant define that im strong life ,but my lifeblood is certainly hard.