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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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It's in fair condition in my eyes; it's got some scuffs and scratches, and mild yellowing in spots, but it is in pretty good shape for its age and still has the accessories :3


so, apparently, Doremy Sweet's theme has the same melody as the X-Files theme
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Quote from: Penti-chan on August 13, 2015, 04:42:18 PM
It's in fair condition in my eyes; it's got some scuffs and scratches, and mild yellowing in spots, but it is in pretty good shape for its age and still has the accessories :3

then it should be worth at least 100 bux


Two really weird things:
Last night I opened my window and looked out to see if I could catch a glimpse of the meteor shower (I'd had pretty good luck viewing them the night before), and I heard a knocking sound in the woods, followed by a soft rustling noise.

Okay, nothing weird about that, probably just an animal creeping around.

But then I heard it again. And again ... and again, and again, always at the same interval, maybe a minute long. When I poked my head outside once again to check for meteors an hour later, it was still going on.

I also just called the customer help line for my new VoIP phone and stayed on hold for like 15 minutes to find out it was a phone psychic line. There's been no indications ("Welcome to 1-800-CRACPOT Psychic Line!"), just a prompt to go forward in English or Spanish, and the usual hold music ... that was quite the surprise.


Strange .___.;
I'm reminded of how some older gas stations, the sign on the pump with the number to call the state department that handles that sort of thing was outdated...and was a sex line. This went unnoticed for quite some time, apparently, before they were like "whoops; here's our new number. Please put this new sticker on the pump"


Quote from: Penti-chan on August 14, 2015, 03:22:29 PM
I'm reminded of how some older gas stations, the sign on the pump with the number to call the state department that handles that sort of thing was outdated...and was a sex line. This went unnoticed for quite some time, apparently, before they were like "whoops; here's our new number. Please put this new sticker on the pump"

Now I don't feel so silly for accidentally dialing a psychic number...



sorry i haven't been around guys, been so focused on making stuff for the flea market that it's taken up nearly all my time! recent events:

-been modge-podging my ass off because of the sale making all sorts of stuff (will post pics)
-been basically living at Steve's for awhile since he's on the hunt for a new job and thus around; life is decent/good
-likely going to a nice dinner on tuesday with the family to use up a gift card me and my sister got for mum's birthday
-been watching a lot of The Young Turks lately and it's nice :0
-Steve has an interview with the UPS Store on monday (s'why i start in the evening, lol), lookin' nice there too :0

kinda sad i'm missing out on this meteor shower business, but oh well, i have to get this done. ;^;

@Pitking: that game sounds interesting. what's it about?
@bells: well, if that's the number they gave you, it's their fault. i'd say call to complain, but i doubt the phone hacks can "spirit" a number from "the other side". >>;;
@cocks: that's the actual X-Files theme how are they not sued it doesn't even match
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Yay! : D

So, I did my laundry this morning; first time I've ever gone to a laundromat (Well, I went once with my sister a couple of years ago, but this is the first time I've done mine there). It did take a second run through the dryer to get my clothes dried, but otherwise, it seems like it was a touch faster than at home (Clothes dried in 24 minutes vs. 60+ with that nearly-dead dryer of ours).

Also, on my front, I'm slowly working on an inventory list of my games and such, while also cleaning some junk out of my room. On my next day off, I'm going to get another trash bag and do it again; slowly chip away at the mountain of junk in front of the closet door. Although I have quite some time until I actually can move (I'm personally aiming for early October at the soonest, but that's subject to change based on a variety of factors), I've started to plan out what goes and what stays in the first wave of stuff.

What's for certain immediately is that my figurines of XP-tan and ME-tan will go out ahead of everything else, likely in the next few weeks; I'm sure Kari won't mind looking after them, so I know they're safe :3


I exclusively use laundromats since we don't do laundry enough to warrant buying a washer and dryer (and when we crunched the numbers it would take a long time to make it cost-effective.)

I watched a movie called Pi the other day, it was about a socially-withdrawn mathematician who builds a supercomputer in his apartment so that he can find mathematical meaning in the universe and ends up in the middle of something much larger than himself.

It was cyberpunk, very surreal and very arthouse, and it also reminded of Serial Experimenta Lain, except with math instead of cyberspace.


...I was about to say "Sounds like Lain", and then I saw the last bit -w-;;

Also, given how often we do laundry here (Mom usually washes several baskets worth of clothes, bedsheets, blankets, etc. at a time), it's more convenient for us to have our own washer and dryer


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 15, 2015, 11:47:35 AM
@Pitking: that game sounds interesting. what's it about?

It's a story where the player's a very talented AI / robotics post-grad student. I really like the fact that the decisions one makes have a real impact on the outcomes. What kind of role do robots have in the society? How will it affect humans' lives? That sort of thing. Loving it. ^^

Also, congrats on the decent wages!

Finally, being a firm opponent of royalty apart from the drama and drag kinds, I condemn any Pitking variants of my nickname. *firm nod*


but you're the ruler of the site. it seemed fitting. :0
thanks! quite excited about it, but idk what the hours are like yet. ^^;
is the game on Steam? i've been looking to expand my library, so if it is i may track it down. :0

@bells, pent: i grew up with every house having a washer and dryer and it annoys me that the place we're moving to doesn't have them even in the building. there's a centralized laundromat, but otherwise no. :\ (even the place we're moving to after Pent gets here only has a laundry room per building instead of each apartment having one--i understand the logic completely but i'm paranoid so i may still end up doing laundry at my parents/grandparents' to ensure that nothing gets stolen. ><; )
laundry usually amounts to once a week since i change my socks and undies every day. i'll also toss in random shirts/skirts/pants if they don't smell clean, and other peoples' stuff (as long as we're living together, basically my mum, sister when i lived with her, and now Steve) to fill out the load if need be. :0
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I think Pit is more like our president, TBH -w-

Also, mmm. Kinda sucks, but a laundromat isn't bad as long as you stay there with your clothes until everything is done; so, bring a book and get as comfy as you can :3


President Vanellope von Pitkin...

as for laundromats... here we still do things the old fashioned way (mom has 2 washing machines and 7 clotheslines for drying) unless is special care clothes, then we send them to pro cleaners