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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Yay! ^^
*obligatory Evangelion "Congratulations" clip here*


Congrats Aurora-san! ^.^ 

Kari and Pent,  sounds like we're all on the same page re: things sucking right now. >>;;

Today dad and I went for a drive because it was warm and sunny out. Also managed to eat the first good meal I've had since like two days ago. ><


I never took a single exam in high school.  Gotta work dat system.


@Bella: Sounds nice, even with the long delay on a decent meal :\

@Stew: I didn't have to take exams either...but then again, homeschool :\

Work was kind of "meh"; I had to wait around an hour before I could clock in and start working, because it was completely dead when I got there. The rest of the night was ok, at least


cause pent didn't post it
@leaf: yeah, pent posted that to my facebook the other day. i'm super fucking psyched, especially to see how they do on the new dub. since, from what i remember, both the original dub and the japanese kinda sucked in terms of voice acting. >>;

on a more positive note, game went well last night, and since we didn't get as far as i had intended in the plot i get to relax for next week cause it's already written. -w-
also, i have cloned my review blog over to tumblr. all the new material is staying on blogger, but i'm gonna be posting the old reviews over to tumblr one by one. -w-
also thinking of learning korean. probably not smart to attempt 2 languages at once, but i'm gonna see how things play out and maybe i can tandem this summer. i doubt it, but i'm just playing around with the idea for the moment.
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@Kari: If you learn Korean, you'll be able to play the MapleStory DS game and better understand what's going on than with this unfinished English translation I have : D

Almost time for work. Well, I have about an hour before I need to leave. Hope it goes well :\


@Kari: I've heard that Korean is fairly easy to learn. Then again, my information on this matter has all been anecdotal evidence, so I'm not sure if it's true or not.

I had a very gory and realistic nightmare this morning (it involved me contracting a severe kidney infection and needing surgical intervention, wtf). Just another topping on the veritable crap sundae that my summer (thus far) has become.

I feel bad complaining because nothing overly bad has happened (like severe kidney infections). But it's really shitty being too apathetic to do anything that could possibly improve my life (like practicing programming, exercising or attempting to get out more), and I'm devastated that I won't be able to visit Stew this summer or vice-versa. Just thinking about it makes me want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep until I can see him again. Which sounds fucking shameful and pathetic when I put it that way, but come-fucking-on, he's my SO of 3 years and friend of 4 years, and I've managed to see him every summer for the last three years. Now I won't be seeing him for another 6 months ... at least. Maybe.

Even when I'm in a committed, loving relationship I'm still 4everalone, go me. 8)


@Bella: I know that feel. I haven't seen you or Kari in person in nearly 2 years, and since I'm thousands of miles away and I don't make near as much money as I was back then, taking a random trip up there would put a severe dent in my moving fund :[

On a lighter note, work went a lot better than I was expecting it to today; just had people I like there, and everything ran smoothly and felt relaxed -w-


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@everyone but cockle: this is us:

so guys, i just noticed something.....where the hell is nej? i haven't seen him post in at least a month, wtf is going on?

EDIT: oh, and i've also heard korean is rather easy to learn. but given i can barely stumble through the pronunciations atm, it's still a little intimidating.
i've heard hangul is the most correct alphabet on the planet, though.
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I know he's around, as about a week ago I accidentally messaged him on Steam, waking him up, when I was trying to message Stew ^^;;

Tonight, after I get off work, there will be more Portals -w-


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 19, 2014, 09:55:36 AM
@everyone but cockle: this is us:

N'aww, that's sweet. ;w;

On that note, Kari, we really should hang out some time this summer. Idk how/when, but I'm considering taking a trip to Boston sometime, and it would be a lot of fun to go with you! :>

Quoteso guys, i just noticed something.....where the hell is nej? i haven't seen him post in at least a month, wtf is going on?

Oddly enough, I was thinking the same thing a few days ago. I chalked it up to him being busy with university / finals / possibly graduation. At any rate, hearing that Pent's been in contact with him made me less worried, though I still miss having him around.

Today I combated my sadness through CONSUMERISM! Dad and I went to Concord, looked at fancy-ass plants in a nursery (he wants some lilacs, lupines and at least one Japanese maple ...) and I petted all manner of exotic / fluffy / prickly plants (including a topiary carved like a bear, lol), because I'm the sort of lunatic who runs around rubbing her hands on trees and bushes. Then went over to Sally Beauty Supply where I bought some new processing caps and a dye application brush (since I lost my last one...) and I also found some awesome-looking nail polish on sale. Then we headed over to the new Asian market, where I picked up some mochi and a bottle of strawberry Naipis, which is basically the Taiwanese answer to Calpico/Calpis (and just as tasty). Then it was off to browse the mall and pick up some more hair dye since I'm out — Hot Topic had a buy one, get one half off sale so I bought two bottles. Picked up a couple things at Target, including a really cute pair of flats on clearance for $10, which is great because I literally have no "nice" summertime shoes.

After that, we headed over to this other shopping complex to go to Moritomo, a very nice Japanese restaurant my programming professor told me about. It was closed until dinnertime (4:30pm) so I wasted time at Books A Million while dad checked out his stores. Then we went to Moritomo. The restaurant didn't disappoint - the wasabi shumai were TO DIE FOR, the chicken karaage was delicious and crispy and I had green tea and red bean ice cream for dessert, IT WAS SO GOOD, I HAVE TO THANK MY PROFESSOR FOR TELLING ME ABOUT THAT PLACE~~~


i haven't had karage in so long you lucky bit---
and adzuki and green tea ice cream, oh god i hate you ;^;

and we totes need to go to boston together. if you could manage to stay in the area for a day or two, i'd drag you on a driving vacation. >:3

@pent: glad to hear someone's in contact with him! tell him to post moar. :0
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Will do if I get in contact with him again ^^;

@Bella: Sounds nice :3
Also, I so wish I could join you but it's pretty much 200% guaranteed to not happen unless I either give up all hope of moving or throw what little money I have into a one-way ticket and simply not go home :\


@Pent: *hugs* :C

@Kari: Next time you're in Concord you should go! The food was delicious, the place had nice ambiance/atmosphere, the waiters and staff were nice, and the prices were good too. It's easy to get to as well - it's literally just a minute's drive off the interstate, in that really big shopping plaza with the Staples, Books-A-Million, GameStop and Eastern Mountain Sports (and a few other shops i'm forgetting). :O

As for visiting for a day or two — I would really like that and I think I could probably manage it. ^^