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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Indeed ^^;

After the failure that was the Coffee Soda, the Cheerwine makes up for it. It's so good *w*


The good news is that they never did type "xxx" as the remaining part of the URL xD

I did warn him of viruses, though.


That's good, at least ^^;;


Indeed. Don't want my brother getting a virus. Dx Bad enough that I was downloading things without caution and I got viruses at his age.

In other news, my only living grandparent (maternal grandfather) that's actually related to me is coming here on his long drive to Michigan, and my family will be going out to eat with him and my step-grandmother. Depending on where they decide to stay, my brother and I might go swimming. :3


as far as i'm concerned step grandparents ARE grandparents. the grandpa i met on my dad's (Trygve) side was a step, and he was an absolute sweetheart. the way he was described to me, Bernard (my biological grandpa) was a bit of a bastard.

that said, sorta freaky that it's your maternal grandpa. that's the only grandparent i have left alive (including Trygve, sadly, but in addition to surviving his wife/my paternal grandma, i think he survived my maternal grandma as well. weird).

guh, i don't wanna vacumn today, but i know i have to. >>;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 30, 2014, 09:42:59 AM
as far as i'm concerned step grandparents ARE grandparents. the grandpa i met on my dad's (Trygve) side was a step, and he was an absolute sweetheart. the way he was described to me, Bernard (my biological grandpa) was a bit of a bastard.

Ah. In my case, my maternal grandmother was the only grandparent I regularly saw until her death, so I never really knew my step-grandmother that well. I apologize.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 30, 2014, 09:42:59 AM
that said, sorta freaky that it's your maternal grandpa. that's the only grandparent i have left alive (including Trygve, sadly, but in addition to surviving his wife/my paternal grandma, i think he survived my maternal grandma as well. weird).

That is freaky, to say the least. :O

In other news, I heard this morning that my favourite three cousins may be coming with too. My dad isn't happy with the possibility, but I am. :D


Hi all,

I wanted to share some good news with everybody. Fedora-Tan and I have found a house to purchase and we're moving in early June. It's a bit further away from the town, but the air's clean and we'll have cows in the neighbourhood. Funnily enough, the internet connection should be faster than where we live currently too. ^^

Apart from that, I've been around very little in terms of posting (yet reading most of the threads): somewhat busy with work, accounting and chores like that. Had a slight health scare some two months ago but it turned out to be nothing.

I'm sure I had other things to mention as well, but when one's memory is such as mine, it turns out to be often like this post. Short, that is.

So yup, hate you all and such. Cheers! ;)


Congratulations on the house. :D


Hooray for Pitkin-dono and Fedora-dono!  Long may their glorious reign continue to shine it's benevolent light upon us from time to time! :3


good to hear from you in the public space, Pitkin. congrats on finding a nice house. take some pics with the cows. ^^

@kodomo: whether you see them or not, they're still grandparents, technically.
also, why's your dad upset (if you don't mind my asking)? sudden lack of space? :\

god my back hurts. i managed to relocate most of the clothes from my bed and chair to my closet in the back, but never managed to get to the books (ughhhh). much to my dismay, the room now looks messier than before and i have no idea where to pick things up. time for a break with a shower and possibly dinner. >>;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 30, 2014, 05:39:47 PM
@kodomo: whether you see them or not, they're still grandparents, technically.
also, why's your dad upset (if you don't mind my asking)? sudden lack of space? :\

You're right. :)

Also, my dad finds a good majority of my mom's side of the family aside from her parents to be ...less than desirable except for all but my least favourite cousins.

The bad news is that two of my least favourite ones were there, but thankfully the worst of the three wasn't there. *phew*

Basically, we had a sort of family reunion out of nowhere.

I didn't go swimming, but can you people believe it? I was playing reversi! With one of my favourite cousins at that, thanks to the fact that his dad decided to take my chair. After our second game, my cousin decided to play with his brother (another one of the favoured cousins) until his dad decided to replace the cousin I was playing with. After that, it became a fun-to-watch game of reversi, with cheating and whatnot.


is that reversi...? that exists....?

also, least-favourite? should i ask?
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The box said Othello, but I knew it either the same game as or a similar game to reversi.

And you probably shouldn't. :/


eh, alright. your business.

and i think Othello is a seperate game, unless Reversi is based on Othello. cause Othello is OLLLLD.

got the cat, got a snack, got my heating pad, i am good right now. -w-
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@Winduko: Sounds like a nice time :3
@Pit: Congrats on the house ^^
@Kari: I've been in that situation before; too much stuff on bed to sleep ^^;

Work went well tonight; so much better than it did Monday