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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 16, 2014, 07:32:40 AM
Waking up now. About to go down to get breakfast :3

Likely when I get out later, I might knock out a few more of the places I wanted to go to tonight, so I'll be free for CAH
When will the game start (in GMT)?


I'll be around.

Also: The mother fucking insurance company refuses to buck up for real acne medication so my doctor had to write me a "prescription" for " " "acne medication" " " which is really over the counter bullshit that doesn't do fuck.

I think the reasoning is that when THIS doesn't work in a few months time (and it won't) then they'll have the insurance company by the short hairs to pay for ACTUAL meds instead of the dermatological equivalent if kidz gummy vitamins.

Fuck this all.


Sorry to hear that, Bella.

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I know my words won't have an impact, but what can you do?


@Bella: That sucks >_<
My acne isn't as bad as it used to be, but at its peak circa '06 or so, nothing over the counter worked; the only thing effective on it was alcohol wipes from the hospital (The kind nurses use on your arm before giving you a shot), which was really heavy but the only thing that actually seemed to help :\

So, on a lighter note, I have a cool Portal sign to hang in my room when I get home :3
...and pics of old Apples to show everyone


How to get rid of acne:

shower with soap
don't eat lots of greasy food
wipe your face when it becomes sweaty
take care of your skin


Quote from: LeaflameSD on April 16, 2014, 12:47:29 PM
How to get rid of acne:

shower with soap
don't eat lots of greasy food
wipe your face when it becomes sweaty
take care of your skin
I don't want to seem as if I'm being a smartass, because I really aren't.


optional: make like me and never use makeup, i have the softest most perfect skin ever
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Quote from: LeaflameSD on April 16, 2014, 12:47:29 PM
How to get rid of acne:

shower with soap
don't eat lots of greasy food
wipe your face when it becomes sweaty
take care of your skin

Quote from: Cockleshell on April 16, 2014, 02:15:41 PM
optional: make like me and never use makeup, i have the softest most perfect skin ever

I don't mean to sound dismissive but I already do all these things.

I wash my face every day with acne wash containing salicylic acid and use an anti-acne moisturizer, I use witchhazel to cleanse and tighten my pores and vitamin E oil to heal scarring. I also regularly use baking soda and lemon juice as a masque/exfoliant and to even skintone. For the first 20 years of my life, I only used makeup on rare occasions, and even then it was mostly eye makeup. Only recently have I started using foundation, concealer and powder, although I generally only wear it once or twice a week. I haven't noticed a significant change in my skin quality since I started using it.

I change and wash my pillow cases and towels often. I wash my hands before i touch my face. In general I try to keep bacteria off my face and am careful when it comes to touching any open wounds. In fact, in the last few months I've gone as far as going partially vegetarian in an attempt to balance my hormones and internal chemistry in general. I no longer drink milk and have limited my intake of meat, although i've fallen off the wagon lately.

The problem is, it's an internal issue. All these things will HELP, but they won't cure it. I have high testosterone for a female-bodied individual, and that makes me more prone to acne. Considering that my mom and brother both had acne well into adulthood, there's probably a genetic component as well. The only way to get rid of the acne is going to be through 1) strong external medication, or 2) find a way to lower my testosterone. Things that work for people with milder acne aren't going to work on me, because it's not as simple as a matter of poor hygiene / diet / normal teenager hormones.


@leaf: i only have nice skin because it runs in my family. and funny thing, my sister didn't exactly have perfect skin in high school. some people just draw the short stick in life, and no amount of washing, creams, or sweat-wiping will fix that. >>;
click to make it bigger


@Bella: I know that feel. Also not helping me with my acne was mom's refusal to take me to a dermatologist to try and get me something stronger; so all I could really do was hot water and hand soap (Which was just as effective as the creams and pads were) until I discovered alcohol-based disinfecting wipes from the hospital -w-;


Valid points. That said, Leaf is correct that good hygiene goes a long way (ESPECIALLY for people with acne, arguably), but it isn't a cure-all. Or rather — good hygiene helps prevent the growth/spread of bacteria, which helps prevent infection and whatnot, but it doesn't actually get rid of the underlying causes of acne. (Like hormones, oil buildup in the skin, etc.)

As for makeup, I'm not sure that makeup itself is bad for skin, but caution has to be taken to use gentle, high-quality makeup and clean it off completely once you're done for the day. It's also important to wash or replace makeup application pads, brushes, sponges and whatnot regularly to prevent bacterial spread.

Dr. Kraus

My little brother used to have chronic acne but then we took him to the dermatologist who prescribed him some creams and a pill.

He now has zero acne but sustained slight scarring on his checks but if you are having trouble with it and can afford to do so defiantly go to the dermatologist.


@Bella: Noted, for if I decide to start doing makeup for trap mode :3

@Kraus: Mmm. The part that sucks in my case? My mom had the same problem when she was my age, but she actually got to go to the dermatologist for it. As for me, I just had to deal with it; because if she's too cheap to get me something as major as a chickenpox vaccine, there's no way she'd go with anything beyond over-the-counter for acne treatment >_>;;

So, an eventful wrap-up for the day. I set out about 6:15 to go get food...and got caught in rush hour. After nearly clipping the frontend of some asshole in a Toyota who got into the lane next to me and floored it while I was trying to merge into that lane, I decided to make a stop at Toys 'R' Us as a breather; since I had a headache from all the stupid on the road. Saw some neat things, and ended up picking up Foto Showdown on clearance for $5 (It's a very obscure DS game I've always had an interest in). As a fun note, the bag they put the game in looks ancient; like maybe this tiny bag was something buried in their storeroom since the early '90s (As it has the logo of that era on it)

By the time I finished, it was a little after 7; traffic had, thankfully, started to relax, as I made my way toward Jucy's; easily the best burger place in the general area (They're the one I mentioned a few months ago, that had the Coca-Cola Freestyle fountain). Unfortunately, the traffic light was out at one intersection I went though (Thankfully, not as crowded as the last time that happened, but still makes me nervous when a traffic light goes into safe mode; all lights flashing red), so I planned an alternate route to get back to the hotel once I had my food. Which, I picked up a cheezburger, some fried pickles, and a large Orange Coke (Have I mentioned I love the Freestyle fountain? >w<)

I then made my trek back to the base; partially blinded by the sunset most of the way. I managed to make it back, as I went up to my room, got my laptop back out, and ate the burger. Now, I relax...although the other people in this hotel are being loud and obnoxious, so IDK how relaxed I can get here (I think if I ever do this again, I'm going back to the Quality Inn on the other end of town; so much quieter and cheaper)

Dr. Kraus

I got bored and made a really quick mockup demo of a OS-TAN VN.




please note: the following is just a SUPER SUPER crap mock up of what we can build off of in the future if anyone wants to jump on this crazy train with me...


I'm not really sure about this, to be honest.