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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 13, 2014, 05:33:19 PM
mint is up and running, VLC, torrenting and internet work. even if there isn't a .pdf reader, i can use firefox for that, so Loly is stable for the moment.
Foxit Reader is pretty good.


dude, foxit is what i used. but idk if i can access my programs since i'm booting from a DVD. >>;
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I have to go to "the doctor" tomorrow. I'm not actually seeing a doctor but a nurse practitioner, since the waiting list for the doctors at the clinic is months-long. I'm going so I can see about getting acne treatment and getting up to date on my innoculations (since I'm sure I'm not), but I'm really scared. I don't like medical professionals .... for reasons. Some more wildly paranoid than others. Perhaps I should elaborate in To(pic)less (not that it's dirty, it's just slightly more SRSBSNS and REAL TALK-ish than I normally post about here). idk yet.


if you feel like it, go right ahead. i am a firm believer in the 14th amendment (the right to refuse medical treatment). >>;

with that in mind, though, treatment for that should be rather mild, though i hope you're not scared of needles. :\
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@Bella: I know the feeling, but I'm sure you'll be fine :3
(Which, TBH I'd love to get treatment for my acne. It's not as bad as it was 10 years ago, thankfully, but it's still annoying when it pops up :\ )

Work was slow, so I'm off now. Tomorrow, I set sail for One Piece Tyler -w-


No comment on Candace's ongoing struggle to not be a big baby about everything.

Something has actually gone quickly in the federal government!  My ID card is ready and waiting for me in Luray!


unggnhggnhgghghnnn 3 days until april vacationnNNNNNNNNNNN

What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 14, 2014, 05:34:09 PM
dude, foxit is what i used. but idk if i can access my programs since i'm booting from a DVD. >>;


@Cockle: Niiiice :3

Well, now to figure out how to get past the next few hours. I'd go ahead and leave, but I can't check into the hotel until 3PM, so I intend to leave closer to then :\

EDIT: Heading out now, so I can hit some of the stores that close before 6PM -w-


The appointment went okay today. Although I was more honest with her than I've ever been with any other medical professionals which was pretty scary, but also refreshing too. At least she was nice and seemed to be pretty accepting and accommodating.

We're gonna start with topical treatment and then consider medication if that doesn't help... I just have to wait for the prescription to be approved by the insurance company, which might take a couple days.

ETA: Also, apparently I've gotten shorter. I'm only ~5'5'' now. Wtf body?! :Z


That's good :3

So far, day is great. Found lots of Moxie (I have 8 bottles stockpiled -w-), obtained some food, bought a dice bag for Kari, a Kyubey plushie for myself (I had to >w>), and found that I need to go back to that anime store and get that copy of Ninja Five-O, for GBA (I knew it was rare, but didn't realize how expensive it was)


ugh. i feel so emo right now. only word i have to describe it besides depressed, which feels a bit generic, though accurate. today didn't go horribly until the afternoon which culminated with a blowout with my sister, discovering the dock for my external has shit the bed, and getting yelled at by my mother about college and then being called childish when i cried about the horror of the future and the looming reality that i'm likely never going back to college and am going to get a crappy retail job and be stuck in it for the next 35 years the way my mother was/is. >>;

not gonna lie, the only thing keeping me from bawling again is distracting myself with making a hiragana chart in this notebook. svu marathon is on, but it's not helping much, so i'ma likely start watching videos on youtube on the commercials in the vain hope that that might help more. despite working on the changeling wiki this morning and getting some changeling materials in the mail this afternoon, i'm sort of having an "i wish i were dead" moment atm. *le sigh*
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There will be CAH tonight, so that can distract you maybe :3


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Waking up now. About to go down to get breakfast :3

Likely when I get out later, I might knock out a few more of the places I wanted to go to tonight, so I'll be free for CAH