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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I just got back from that recycling place. Was planning to go tomorrow, but ended up with so much stuff that I decided to do it today to get everything out of my way. Used part of the money I obtained to get new shorts :3


I hope they're comfy and easy to wear.

@nej: interesting! :0 lucky bastard and your ability to go to the theatre

now replace "doctor" with "teacher" and "cancer" with "single-person game design".

also, I'm not letting you cry alone this summer even if I have to LEEEEROOOY JEEENKIIIINS through your window and drag you through the broken glass, kicking and screaming.

@leaf: gone, but not forgotten. I doubt anyone's actually going to stop using her. (I won't! :0 )

feels good to finally be done this torrent project. only Ubuntu sucks and my mint livecd has gone awol so I'm stuck in safe mode for the next 2 days. all this anime, and I can't even watch it ;v;
Saturday I'm forced to go to my cousin's baby shower. annoying but hey, it's not like I can skip it (I'd be tranquilized and tied to a chair if I tried).
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@Kari: Sucks on the baby shower :\

I kinda want to get out and do something today, but at the same time, I want to stay home :\


Tomorrow I'm going to a historical/geneological fair I've always been too busy to go to.  Also I have the house alone for most of the weekend. 


@Stew: Nice :3

I ended up hanging out with my sister today; since I was bored and wanted something to do. I bought a bag of Cadbury eggs to take with me on my vacation >w<


Since i was too tired to post this here yesterday after returning from class: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOVELY BIRTHDAY GIFT PENT, I CAN FINALLY SNUGGLE MY ALMOST-NAME-DOPPLEGANGER NOW! <3 I picked it up from the post office before class but didn't have the chance to open it until lunch break, it really brightened my afternoon! (And I needed it ... math class was long and covered one of the subjects that I've always had a lot of trouble with.)

I'd take a pic with her now, but I look like an idiot because i'm in the process of hair-dying and have like three processing caps and a shower cap on. >>

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 11, 2014, 02:24:42 AM

now replace "doctor" with "teacher" and "cancer" with "single-person game design".

also, I'm not letting you cry alone this summer even if I have to LEEEEROOOY JEEENKIIIINS through your window and drag you through the broken glass, kicking and screaming.

N'aww, thanks for the encouragement. It really means a lot to me. ;w;

Hopefully the baby shower isn't too boring ... funny story, I've only been to one baby shower in my life (when my sis in law was expecting) and that was like 11 years ago. Mostly i remember there being 1) cake and 2) absolutely nothing fun for a 10 year old to do.

Quote from: stewartsage on April 11, 2014, 12:18:00 PM
Tomorrow I'm going to a historical/geneological fair I've always been too busy to go to.  Also I have the house alone for most of the weekend. 

Calllllll meeeeeeeee....


@Bella: I knew you'd like it ^^
(Pop up on Skype tonight, if you're not busy; I have a pic I can finally show you, and some good news :3)


@bells: if you come on Skype, come on facebook too, I can only talk to people through messenger on there atm since Skype is too much of a resource hog for safe mode. (I don't feel safe using it, anyway.)

the first baby or wedding shower I went to (can't remember) was a little younger than that age, and trust me, they don't get any more interesting as you get older. >>;

on the upside, I am about to make the cutest damn baby bibs ever. news and pics at 11.

@stew: coooooooooool. is the genealogy aspect specific to a local family, the community in the area, or is it about the practice itself? :0
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 11, 2014, 02:24:42 AM
@leaf: gone, but not forgotten. I doubt anyone's actually going to stop using her. (I won't! :0 )
"I need to tickle my b-balls urgently."


So I just wasted the afternoon downloading TF2 onto my laptop, and lo and behold, it won't run; it pops up an error stating that my graphics card is incompatible as soon as I tried to start the game. >_>;

Looks like, with every single goddamn online game, if I want to play, I have to drag 2k to grandma's office


Had a fun time in Fulks Run!  Lot's of learning and also a BBQ Beef sandwich.


read that as Fuck's run.

working on very little sleep and food since I was prepping for my cousin's baby shower. got pics of all the bibs, the whole thing took like, 20 minutes. I got chocolate covered strawberries and wish I had stolen some candy. pet a super-cute puppy. now at sister's, was discussing changeling and how I shouldn't have my laptop open during game. someone ate my crab Rangoon. that was my dinner. ;^;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 12, 2014, 05:04:47 PM
read that as Fuck's run.

Good to know I wasn't the only one -w-;;

So tired from work. Was irritated for the first hour; given how my boss managed to screw up my schedule again (I'm not even going to ask for a correction again for this week; she'll just mess it up again even if I give her specific information on what I want to work >_>; ), and how it was hanging over my head how irritated I was that I wasted several hours downloading TF2 only for it to not work (Looks like I won't be playing it, or any other online game, unless I drag 2k up to grandma's office to download it again, which I really don't want to)


mint is up and running, VLC, torrenting and internet work. even if there isn't a .pdf reader, i can use firefox for that, so Loly is stable for the moment.
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Cool :3

One more day until vacation. I might start packing tonight after work