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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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AIM and Skype have been my two for years, but with AIM mostly dark these days, I can't see much reason to keep it around. :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 17, 2014, 09:20:24 PM
@genpop: kids will always favour one parent over the other, and thus said parent will usually get along better with said child. for example, I'm SIGNIFICANLY closer to my mother than my father (I've often wished him dead, actually), and as such, my mother gets me a shitload more than he does. the sucky part here is (that while I don't care) we've never developed any opportunities to bond. this is mostly his fault; but my giving up on him might not have helped things either. (what can I say, though? having my interests and talents called "garbage" enough times has taught me not to share ANYTHING with my dad, whether it be a failure OR a success.) :\
I'm actually not very close to either of my parents.


I just watched the NASA talk on the Curiosity Rover's first year on Mars.

It was
kinda cool. Though somewhat nerdy.


Finally got out snowboarding today, feltgoodman.

@Dustii: Also, with regard to the parents thing, thankfully nobody in my close family is especially religious or otherwise dogmatic – I imagine that would probably make dealing with them a bit tougher. Ultimately it's a fine tightrope to walk, standing with your partner and getting along with your folks if they aren't so happy with your relationship. I've never been in such a situation, but the best advice I can give is be honest about your feelings, let them know how important they are to you, but that you're growing up deserve to find happiness in a partner as well.


@Bella: I want to learn how to snowboard eventually :3


ugh. I knew I was forgetting something as I left walmart, but I didn't remember till I got home.

can't finish these Homeko hairclips till tomorrow. ><;
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Quote from: Bella on March 18, 2014, 04:13:59 PM
Finally got out snowboarding today, feltgoodman.

@Dustii: Also, with regard to the parents thing, thankfully nobody in my close family is especially religious or otherwise dogmatic – I imagine that would probably make dealing with them a bit tougher. Ultimately it's a fine tightrope to walk, standing with your partner and getting along with your folks if they aren't so happy with your relationship. I've never been in such a situation, but the best advice I can give is be honest about your feelings, let them know how important they are to you, but that you're growing up deserve to find happiness in a partner as well.

If only it were that simple.

Honestly, my mother saw me doing great things, and perhaps my father too. but no one seems to realize, what if I don't want to do those things? What if those things never give me true happiness? Shouldn't i have the right to live a peaceful, happy life?
Official -tans are my bat signal.


I definitely know that feel. My mom is very judgmental over any job I have; I was miserable when I worked at the hospital, yet she was strongly against me leaving there because she felt that it was a "good job" and my reasoning was "childish" (II worked under an asshole that hated my existence from the moment he first saw me, and wanted away from him. Obviously I'm being childish by not wanting to suffer, because "that's life" or whatever cop-out phrase she'd use to basically say "I don't care that you're suffering"). Oh, and must not forget that she can leave a job for the exact same reasoning and it's somehow perfectly fine.

On a different note, had an epic facepalm. First I read Pixar is making a sequel to The Incredibles, and I thought "alright; cool"...then I saw in the same announcement, they're making Cars 3. Why do we need a Cars 3, or for that matter, why did we need a Cars 2? Are they seriously trying to dig their own grave?


Cars 3?

Wow, I didn't even think Cars 1 was good.


at least we're getting another incredibles.

@dustii: in high school, I had a friend named Jen. her mother, though nice and loving on the exteriour, had Jen's life planned down to the last detail. she ignored everything Jen loved and was passionate about/good at simply because she had a set idea of how Jen's life should be. Jen's mother decided during Jen's youth that she was going to be a veterinarian.  Jen was passionate about anime, art, and sewing, and was very good at it (she made fursuits and other items (such as my fleece cat hat) that were beyond spectacular; fully articulated, moving parts, and such attention to detail that she was filling commissions before etsy was even a thing), but her mother didn't care. she picked out all of Jen's elective classes in high school, including a vet tech class Jen didn't even want or do well in (from what I heard). in the end, though, Jen was able to live her own life, with her boyfriend (who her mother also didn't approve of), doing what she loved.

how did she do this?

she ran the fuck away. after graduating she left her mother's house and never looked back, getting an apartment a few towns over with her boyfriend (I think they may have married by now). she never spoke to her mother again, and while times were hard, she at least was FINALLY free.

the moral of this story is that, while it may be hard and you may be unsure about it, sometimes the only way to be able to live your life is to cut ties completely.
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She sounds like a fucking boss.


In other news, DW8XL is getting a PC release. Japan only, of course, but that's exactly what we want anyway.

My face became happy.


QuoteFor a star to be born
there is one thing that must happen:
a gaseous nebula must collapse.

So collapse.
This is not your destruction.

This is your birth.
Simon was here :P


@Kriz: Indeed; the first one I thought was merely "ok", but fail to see any reason for them to make further sequels beyond Disney Direct-To-Video logic ("They'll buy anything we slap the Disney logo onto!")

@Kari: Glad she was able to finally live her life. Also, at least my mom isn't that insane; she just kept me locked inside a sterile bubble for most of my life (Only contact with other people outside of my neighborhood was at church; where I always felt unwelcome and out of place)