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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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...............OH GOD I SQUEE'D SO MUCH.

you two are so cute. ;v;
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N'aw, I'm glad you two were able to finally meet up! I hope he can get the bank problems resolved and find a place, too. :)

With regards to your parents disagreeing with your relationship – I think those worries are common for parents with children in LDRs. Honestly, I haven't yet heard a story of parents being 100% okay with an LDR right off the bat.  I don't know if your parents are easily swayed by logical arguments, but try to prove to them he's a good partner – explain that he makes you happy, brings something to your life you wouldn't otherwise have, inspires you to do great things in life, etc. Also try to "stay on track" – whether that be school, work or whatever else is important to you – and not change /too/ many things about yourself for your partner or let your relationship pull you away from other responsibilities. In my experience, that's one of the biggest things parents worry about, and if you can prove their worries are unfounded they may warm up to your partner / your relationship.


come to think of it, dustii, this is the first photo I've seen of you.

which one are you?
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I'm currently in a long distance relationship. Parents often turn a blind eye to their child's emotions in favor of what they think is "right". News flash, you're your own person and you don't have to listen to your parents anymore. Love your partner, cherish them. Feel lucky for actually physically being with them, even for short times. I haven't had a chance to meetup with my girlfriend yet. It's heartwrenching. Don't let anything ever stop true love.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Bella: ShowHide
Quote from: Bella on March 17, 2014, 08:02:02 PM
With regards to your parents disagreeing with your relationship – I think those worries are common for parents with children in LDRs. Honestly, I haven't yet heard a story of parents being 100% okay with an LDR right off the bat.  I don't know if your parents are easily swayed by logical arguments, but try to prove to them he's a good partner – explain that he makes you happy, brings something to your life you wouldn't otherwise have, inspires you to do great things in life, etc. Also try to "stay on track" – whether that be school, work or whatever else is important to you – and not change /too/ many things about yourself for your partner or let your relationship pull you away from other responsibilities. In my experience, that's one of the biggest things parents worry about, and if you can prove their worries are unfounded they may warm up to your partner / your relationship.

Some of this I have tried. In fact, being in this relationship is what pushed me to look more for a job and to start working with my father. However, my mother's concerns are less about the person and more about everything in general. She feels that being a homosexual feminine male is not "me", and that i'm destined to be greater; That he's detouring me from my "destiny". She's also actually prayed that my partner move back and leaves me alone. (Bit of a religious nut, though i've seen worse). She furthermore thinks that he's making me worse and going to undo the work to overcome my depression and become more independent, when in fact he's helping me just by being here and pushing me to do more. She's lastly, unconsciously & unknowingly, toying with my emotions, which has been causing anxiety attacks(?), despite my medications. My mother ever being neutral, at best, even, to all this is a lost cause.

My father is more worried about our "immaturity". He feels a number of the decisions he's made are not that of a responsible young adult ready to be in a relationship and live on their own (example: The fact that my partner didn't check his balance till hours out. If he had checked it when he left, he would of noticed the charges. As such, he considers that immature behavior, vs the reality of an honest mistake). He also feels that i am unready for this relationship and that my partner is not what's good for me in this point in my life. He, however, admits that there's a [slight] possibility he is wrong, and that only time will tell. My father, with time and effort on both our parts, could warm up to him. As far as my desire to where feminine articles of clothing at times or style my hair in a "girly" fashion, is a whole 'nother story. >_>

@Choco: ShowHide
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 17, 2014, 07:37:53 PM
...............OH GOD I SQUEE'D SO MUCH.

you two are so cute. ;v;

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 17, 2014, 08:16:59 PM
come to think of it, dustii, this is the first photo I've seen of you.

which one are you?

Why thank you! Arigato! \(^w^\)

I am the girly-ish brunette with the wavy hair and cute turtleneck. I posted a pic of me a long while back, but i guess you missed it.

@Cockleshell: ShowHide
Quote from: Cockleshell on March 17, 2014, 08:18:36 PM
I'm currently in a long distance relationship. Parents often turn a blind eye to their child's emotions in favor of what they think is "right". News flash, you're your own person and you don't have to listen to your parents anymore. Love your partner, cherish them. Feel lucky for actually physically being with them, even for short times. I haven't had a chance to meetup with my girlfriend yet. It's heartwrenching. Don't let anything ever stop true love.

Thank you. However, it's hard to maintain a healthy relationship with your folks and still put your partner first in this case

It felt so good to be held in his arms. He also smells good :3 I felt bad we only got around an hour & a half together ;-;
Official -tans are my bat signal.


I figured that was you, but it HAS been a long time. (love your hair btw.)

I was going to ask.....are you parents opposed because he's black...? .__.;;

(bear in mind they could be and just not saying so .__.;; )
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 17, 2014, 08:24:17 PM
I was going to ask.....are you parents opposed because he's black...? .__.;;

(bear in mind they could be and just not saying so .__.;; )

Not by any stretch.

Father: "Neither of you are ready, and i still sting from the LDR bombshell"
Mother: "Gay is wrong. He is wrong. Your destiny is elsewhere and your 100x smarter than you let on"

Father is basically norm. parent. Mother, however, is religious nut meets overestimation in my abilities
Official -tans are my bat signal.


@Dustii: Glad you two finally got to meed up ^^
Also, reminds me of my mom. She's a religious nut that seems set on micromanaging my life; like she couldn't accept that I wouldn't be interested in going to church (When in all honesty I've always felt out of place there, but she would never listen to me on the matter), and I'm 101% certain she would never approve of me wearing dresses and other feminine clothing, given how negatively she reacted to me trying on my sister's clothes when I was little :\
(Granted, she can barely accept that one of my closest friends is not a Christian)

@Cockle: Indeed; my mom is bad enough when it comes to my friends, so I'd hate to see how she'd act if I actually did have a girlfriend >_<;

I'm counting down the days until my birthday vacation. I'm ready for adventure :3


@genpop: kids will always favour one parent over the other, and thus said parent will usually get along better with said child. for example, I'm SIGNIFICANLY closer to my mother than my father (I've often wished him dead, actually), and as such, my mother gets me a shitload more than he does. the sucky part here is (that while I don't care) we've never developed any opportunities to bond. this is mostly his fault; but my giving up on him might not have helped things either. (what can I say, though? having my interests and talents called "garbage" enough times has taught me not to share ANYTHING with my dad, whether it be a failure OR a success.) :\

either way, hope it cools off. >>;

EDIT: for all my madoka peeps out there.
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Official -tans are my bat signal.


Ahhhhh it's so cold my nipples are icicles
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Indeed, it is one of the rare times that it is below freezing here, so I took a nice walk!


It's slowly returning to spring here :3


Old Man Winter is clawing onto life with every last warm, dying breath.

so I'm thinking of phasing out AIM. the only people I have on there either have Skype or I don't talk to anymore anyway, so it's sort of a moot point to have it. the last IM I've had in the past week was from stew and frankly I was surprised to see it since he usually uses Skype too. the last holdout was my sister and she switched to Skype completely last week after AIM stopped working properly on her phone.

I may keep the program file around and the app for GT, but uninstalling it seems wise since it's just taking up space.
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Mmm. I mostly use tolerate Skype, and when I'm not chatting on there, I'm on Steam