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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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GOD I hate it when my Dad calls underwear "panties" ('>.<)


Still feeling awful.  Film at eleven.

Slightly less awful was seeing my grandparents today.


@Stew: That sucks about feeling sick
@Leaf: I must admit, I LOL'd

So, yesterday sucked. Well, it was nice until after I got back from break; as I was forced to deal with a customer who could barely comprehend anything I was saying or understand that the 1-year warranty on her son's 3DS expired over a year ago or even explain what wasn't working on it (Also, said 3DS looks like it was run over with a semitruck), and the manager I was working with (Some guy from a Longview store) refused to do anything about it when I feel like I'm about to fucking snap because I'm tired of repeating the same bit of info every 5 fucking seconds to the same exact customer >_<;

I hope I don't have to deal with more of that before I leave.

EDIT: ...and now I want to stab mom. It would have been useful if she had, I don't know, told me she was wanting to put gas in the Ramcharger for me so I can pay car insurance? Now, I have to wait for my next paycheck to pay it because I just put gas in it a few days ago, and she's yelling at me about driving it uninsured when I just put insurance on it again and that was the entire reason I got out this morning in the first place >_<;;;
(Also, apparently she was "only going to pay insurance and get lunch", which I know is bullshit; as whenever I go anywhere with her, it's a bar minimum of 6 hours as she has to waste as much of my time as possible so all I can do when I get home is go straight to work)

Oh, and I have to figure out how to keep the damn thing running for longer than 5 minutes, because it's completely undrivable in temperatures below 60F :\


"That sucks :<"

>on chat
>talk about how awesome old version of Firefox is
>regular comes on and calls me ignorant for it
>I tell him I'm using it because "it works"
>he says "that's not an excuse, but what do you know? You're not a developer."

>being this much of a smartyfag

Asshole, I was only using it because SoundCloud doesn't work on Opera.


Mmm. I dealt with people like that over Windows 2000; which I swore by for a long time (In fact, it still sees semi-frequent use as the backward compatibility mode on 2k-tan the Desktop, via Virtualbox)


oh good fucking god lord. so to make things short, my girlfriend is being thrown in military prison over a botched discharge (on their end!) that they cannot stop hounding her over. my baby...
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Guys, I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.

The Second Crimean War is about to go full out hot and everything is as tense as a guitar string about to snap. And meanwhile, the markets are going batshit chaos everywhere in response. The ruble is dead. Poland is marching, and calling the NATO members to an official council meeting on the Crimean situation. That, and I just bought a whole kilogram of candy and 6 liters of soda, among with lots of other snacks. I'm fucking ready for the all-nighter, but I have important classes tomorrow.

What the hell am I supposed to do?


Quote from: LeaflameSD on March 03, 2014, 01:47:01 PM
>he says "that's not an excuse, but what do you know? You're not a developer."

Implying developers are the ones that envision design, the features and how stuff works.


Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 03, 2014, 10:31:49 AM
So, yesterday sucked. Well, it was nice until after I got back from break; as I was forced to deal with a customer who could barely comprehend anything I was saying or understand that the 1-year warranty on her son's 3DS expired over a year ago or even explain what wasn't working on it (Also, said 3DS looks like it was run over with a semitruck), and the manager I was working with (Some guy from a Longview store) refused to do anything about it when I feel like I'm about to fucking snap because I'm tired of repeating the same bit of info every 5 fucking seconds to the same exact customer >_<;

I hope I don't have to deal with more of that before I leave.
And that's why Parents and tech rarely mix... parents' OS is not forwards compatible...

Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 03, 2014, 10:31:49 AM
EDIT: ...and now I want to stab mom. It would have been useful if she had, I don't know, told me she was wanting to put gas in the Ramcharger for me so I can pay car insurance? Now, I have to wait for my next paycheck to pay it because I just put gas in it a few days ago, and she's yelling at me about driving it uninsured when I just put insurance on it again and that was the entire reason I got out this morning in the first place >_<;;;
(Also, apparently she was "only going to pay insurance and get lunch", which I know is bullshit; as whenever I go anywhere with her, it's a bar minimum of 6 hours as she has to waste as much of my time as possible so all I can do when I get home is go straight to work)

Oh, and I have to figure out how to keep the damn thing running for longer than 5 minutes, because it's completely undrivable in temperatures below 60F :\
but Mothers usually waste 75.99% of their time, so it's an unavoidable drama
Quote from: LeaflameSD on March 03, 2014, 01:47:01 PM
"That sucks :<"

>on chat
>talk about how awesome old version of Firefox is
>regular comes on and calls me ignorant for it
>I tell him I'm using it because "it works"
>he says "that's not an excuse, but what do you know? You're not a developer."

>being this much of a smartyfag

Asshole, I was only using it because SoundCloud doesn't work on Opera.
in all honesty, he was the ignoramus on there
Quote from: Cockleshell on March 03, 2014, 02:07:16 PM
oh good fucking god lord. so to make things short, my girlfriend is being thrown in military prison over a botched discharge (on their end!) that they cannot stop hounding her over. my baby...
well, that's Military Justice fer ya

Quote from: NejinOniwa on March 03, 2014, 02:13:50 PM
Guys, I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.

The Second Crimean War is about to go full out hot and everything is as tense as a guitar string about to snap. And meanwhile, the markets are going batshit chaos everywhere in response. The ruble is dead. Poland is marching, and calling the NATO members to an official council meeting on the Crimean situation. That, and I just bought a whole kilogram of candy and 6 liters of soda, among with lots of other snacks. I'm fucking ready for the all-nighter, but I have important classes tomorrow.

What the hell am I supposed to do?

a bit on spanish wisdoom: Aguante banda!!! (hang in there peep)

Quote from: Krizonar on March 03, 2014, 02:30:45 PM
Implying developers are the ones that envision design, the features and how stuff works.

but only displaying his lack of common sense


Orders being broadcast and lots of chatter on Skyking channel. Meanwhile, UN Security Council holds a special meeting on the situation. At one point I had the representative of Jordan, his translator AND the Skyking channel chatter going on at the same time. It was rather confusing.


guys i'm really scared what's going on here
is Nejin going to die?


Not yet at least lol. Europe isn't exactly small, whatever you peeps may believe sometimes ;) The conflict itself is, at present, very much contained to the Crimean peninsula and to some extent the rest of Ukraine. The Russians ARE holding an extensive military exercise out of Kaliningrad in the baltic sea, however, and Poland rushing their military to ready for what is assumed to be the first step in the plan they're taking to the NATO meeting tomorrow that they called for. Russia's economy is in freefall and the ruble is becoming trash worth. The hostility of the West and the threat of sanctions and isolation toward Russia may well force Putin into action, and that's besides whatever plan for the endgame of all this he had to begin with. Depending on how the conflict pans out, we may see little more than saber rattling, an extensive local conflict that will vastly reshape the political landscape of eastern europe, or an all-out global conflict involving Russia, China and the US alongside all their respective allies.

I mean, as far as "getting nuked" goes, I'm not in the worst danger in the world. But I'm considering preparing some innawoods measures now.

It feels strange, watching all this unfold.
It truly is Happening.


I highly doubt it. Nejin has the strength of a trillion iceblown vikings. Not even the heat death of the universe could end that man.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.