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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I'd hug you if I could, although that wouldn't help with the homework :[

It feels like everyone is busy today, to be honest. I'm up at grandma's office with nothing going on, beyond some really slow torrents :\


lol, amtrak. with that, we wouldn't have gotten home till 10. xD

why do i bother talking? like, fucking seriously. i hate my gaming group and sort of wish them dead atm. they continuously talk over me, despite me talking at the exact same volume as them, and then they turn around and blame ME for it, saying i need to "speak up" instead of waiting for people to finish. >>;

i really need to torrent Morita-san wa Mukuchi as i can seriously relate to that character. worse yet, this has been happening all day.
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Every time I see something about Toonami on Tumblr, or mentioned by a friend, I just smugly remember that Murder, She Wrote came on at the same time.  Then I down some Werthers Originals with my evening Metamucil and go to bed at 9PM


*hands you paper and slippers* you want any water, grandpa?


i woke up and was punched in the face by siiiiiiick ><;;;
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damnit minion
i read that as "i woke up and was punched in the face by dick"


Simon was here :P


@Kari: *hug*
@Nej: I'm now reminded of when I accidentally said that Dell Optiplexes were sold for "penis on the dollar" -w-;
@Simon: I LOL'd


Dental appointment went fine.


nice ^^

@nej: well, either you're saying that about my plushies or you're saying that you want to punch me in the face with your dick
ball's in your court, sir~
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My partner is starting to get curious about Os-tans... :)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


@Dustii: Yes... yes. Most OS-tan fans!

Quote from: stewartsage on February 10, 2014, 03:45:04 PM
Dental appointment went fine.

I still can't believe we had dentist appointments on the same day at the same time of day (approximately). :O

I had to go all I KNOW MY RIGHTS / YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY BODDDDDDDDYYYYYY on the hygienist who was cleaning  my today. Poor woman. I feel like I'm going to have to get good at verbally sparring with medical professionals because I'm 200% sure I'm going to be doing a lot of that throughout my life.

Later my brother and nephew came over today for a belated birthday party. There was pizza and cake. Nobody had a lighter or matches so we had to light the candles with a propane torch, which was less disastrous than you would expect. There were also vidya gaems. During which time I discovered moderately-challenging test chambers in Portal are an easy and effective way to occupy overactive 11 year olds.

Although now he wants to get the Portal games.... -w-


Playing with fire 2gud

And K, call it an occupational hazard. I've been stuck reading pages and pages of medieval french erotic poetry for a week now. It's getting to me...


@Bella: Yay for introducing someone to Portal! ^^

Quote from: Bella on February 11, 2014, 01:12:59 AM[...] we had to light the candles with a propane torch
*insert pic of Flame Princess giving a thumbs up*

So, I'm about to head back up to Gamestop to try once more to get this bullshit training taken care of. Prepared to be on hold for eons -___-;


@nej: like how i started calling my mother "ma" because ace does. it's cool. -w-;

so it would seem the sick is viral, or at least my doctor thinks so. she gave me a perscription, but told me not to fill it unless i'm still sick by the end of the week. her advice includes lots of rest, water, and basic meds. she said nyquil isn't super-good right now, but i might take it before bed anyway because i like the way it makes my throat feel. ;^;
in other news, going to work on the changeling wiki today and go over my grandparents' tomorrow. this tea is really good.
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The local junk shop has a copy of Bible Adventures for the NES.

But I forgot Baby Moses

Actually, I didn't bother asking to look at it since I already had a few comics down that I wanted and some books.  Maybe next week.  One of the comics even has a Hostess advertising comic (as seen on Atop the Fourth Wall); Wonder Woman versus The Robot Master.