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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Suddenly, the fan on my heater started working. It just got better -w-


@pent: so THAT'S what they meant by "it gets better". -w-;;
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@Stew: This is why I would (theoretically) refuse to live anyplace that isn't a major metropolitan area, or within reasonable commuting distance to one (think less than an hour's drive).

More people + more infrastructure = more work opportunities, if you live in a rural or smaller-town area and you lose your job and you can't find a new one, you're pretty much screwed. I would never be able to feel secure in a situation like that.

On the flip side you've got more people competing for the same pool of jobs, but with skill and persistence you can stay in constant work.



amen to that, sister. thankfully, my chosen line of work makes it much easier to find jobs in areas. :\
click to make it bigger


Much tired. At least I'm off tomorrow, in an unusual twist -w-;


click to make it bigger


no, because I don't trust links you post anymore. cry wolf one too many times, kid, and eventually the townspeople stop coming.
click to make it bigger


@Kari: *gives you Pepto Bismol*
You should feel better :3


I hope your ready!


Hey, dude ^^
Welcome back


@Pent- Thanks!

??? So, uh... What'd I miss?

I hope your ready!


@Spence: Welcome back!

@Kari: For what it's worth, the link Leaf posted showed a Google Streetview of an NY town apparently destroyed by a tornado.

In the first shot everything is normal looking fine, but when you "walk" down the street, you're suddenly in a decimated landscape. Scary stuff. :O

ETA: Apparently this is somewhere in Statin Island after Hurricane Sandy.


@Bella: I read that as "Stalin Island" -w-;;

@Spence: Not much happened; some people came back, some pictures were posted, there was a party with lots of root beer and chicken nuggets, and me complaining about people I deal with at my two jobs LOL


Quote from: SoldierSpence on January 19, 2014, 11:35:58 AM
Hey, guys!
Hey, babe <3

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 19, 2014, 09:51:04 AM
no, because I don't trust links you post anymore. cry wolf one too many times, kid, and eventually the townspeople stop coming.
ur a faget *loljk*

But no, seriously, why can't you guys just click the goddamn link and give me the satisfaction instead of cowering and saying it's a screamer or some shock site? I stopped doing those jokes ages ago when I realized that they got old fast, and that they were kinda childish...

Fucking fucking fucking----