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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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gahhhh, they were the best Christmas cookies ever, too ><
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Indeed. I want more ;_;


I will make it my mission to find it

in the meantime, though, I've got sewing to do. -w-;
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Whatcha sewing Kari? :3

Also: I've pretty much been buried under homework / getting through the damn lit club voting, mother of god, would it murder these damned people to write stories that don't involve aaaaAAAAnnnnNNnnnGgGGGGstttt or self-harm or substance abuse or abusive relationships or gory accidents or ~~*~*~Superrrrrrrrrrr HeteroSexshul Relationshipssss~*~*~~?! If I have to read another story involving some chick's evil/absent/dead husband/boyfriend/generic male love interest I'M GOING TO ANEURYSM.


xmas yukatas. -w-

also, sounds like it's time you quit that club. :\
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Ooooh!! ^^

Too invested in it at this point, and I only have like 10 stories left to review. If anything, this experience has made me feel a lot better about my writing skills, since i'm pretty sure I'm better than most of these authors.

Actually, everyone on OSC is. Pat yourselves on the back, guys. -w-


Sewing is noble work.

Today I finished up my school semester by working ahead, so now I get a month or so off.
It would also appear my dad gave away my Windows Vista case and disc already as I could not find it.


*pats on back*
*travels back in time; pats my 11-year-old self on the back for The Return of Jamie*

Also, I need to contact you sometime soon, Bella; involving shipping your Christmas gift (Which I'm going to do next week)


bells, your gift might be late. the soonest I can get around to buying it is a week away.
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Nothing much has happened as of now...

...but I guess for Christmas, the whole family may come to Mom's house for an epic party or something.



I woke up this morning to having a messed-up stomach, leading to a struggle to find Tums >_<
(Now just trying to get it to settle so I can go back to sleep; really hope I don't have to skip work later)


damn sun keeps waking me up early. and on top of that, svu doesn't start till 1pm. >>;

on the upside, I have pie. >>;
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I'm really starting to hate the existence of other people. Resentment and hostility are the reason I have trust issues, that and fucking raisins
Simon was here :P


Being alive does that to you, chap. You'll get over it.

Being alive, that is.