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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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True :\

If there is one positive, I do bypass meeting mom's family for their late Thanksgiving; since I was asleep -w-
(Also, I'll probably pick up something to eat on my way in)

EDIT: The Spirit is back >:3
Just in time for me to charge into the final round

EDIT2: I can never count on my bank for anything it seems. Even with direct deposit, I'm still getting the fucking "you don't have $300 in the bank so we'll charge you $8 a month to have this bank account" charge; which caused me to get overdrawn


Can someone direct me to the animes to which


And this:

Originate from?

Also, that second one looks like Yu Madobe

Quote from: LeaflameSD on November 29, 2013, 03:50:38 AM
I am British, so we don't celebrate Turkey Day (;^^)

Do you celebrate the day of the doctor then?
Official -tans are my bat signal.


I think #1 is Softenni? Though this is better suited for RPT or the anime threads tbh.


it IS better suited for rpt, but I can confirm, yes, that first one is Softenni. as for the second, I haven't a clue, though I've heard of a nifty thing google is trying with firefox/chrome that was basically a reverse image lookup. you might try googling the program and see if you can use it, if no one else can identify it. :\

@pent: are there ANY other banks in the area...?
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The second image is from Oreshura (Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru).

Quote from: DustiiWolf on November 29, 2013, 05:29:31 PM
Do you celebrate the day of the doctor then?
Oh, I'm not a Doctor Who fan ^^


@Kari: Banks in general? Plenty
Banks with locations outside of Texas? Capital One is the only option; lest I lose access to all of my money when I move >_>;

So, here's a rundown of the rest of the night

- Can has taco cheezburger? (5PM)
I left home an hour early to get something to eat that isn't too expensive, and deposit a little cash into the bank to bring it back up. On the way, thought I was going to be witness or caught in a wreck as some shithead in a Hummer was going 60MPH+ on the small road in-between my bank and Wal-Mart (Which is a 30MPH zone), passed me (A no passing zone, I might add), and in the process nearly slammed headfirst into a car turning into Wal-Mart. My some miracle, that asshole didn't hit anyone, but that was enough to make me decide against going to Taco Bell as planned; I instead walked down to Wal-Mart to go to their McDonald's.

When there, some cook there was acting like he knew me. I vaguely recognize him from McDonald's, but it seems weird because I don't even know who this guy is. But, I enjoyed a cheap burger with a Coke, then briefly wondered around Wal-Mart before buying some chocolate and going down to work.

- The Doctor and the Director in Black Friday (6PM)
Working alongside one of my favorite coworkers again (Who is a Doctor Who fan; with his nametag identifying himself as "The Doctor" -w-), we proceeded to clean up the store after whatever happened before we got there. Things were reorganized, systems were sold, Diablo III was put next to Disgaea 3 on the PS3 shelf, and I have an epic brownie waiting for me for later (Damn thing is at least 6 inches all sides). It went a lot smoother this time around; not near as many people, I was better rested, and it was overall nice. Even better when we got to close up shop and start to reorganize.

- Closing Time (9PM)
With the front door locked, we began to further clean; greatly reorganizing the Xbox 360 section, filing away stuff on the back counter, and joking around. Just, all in all a good time. Also, I took home the case for Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus; as the disc was missing...and found it has the download code for Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty inside; which may or may not have been redeemed (I might possibly have a free game -w-). We lost track of time, having to rush the 360 section toward the end, before clocking out and then leaving at the same time. All in all, the second half of the day was much better than the first...even if I realized by the time I approved my timesheet that my hours were all kinds of fucked up (Mostly because, before I even had time to clock in, they were throwing tasks at me)

Now, I get to sleep at a normal time again. Yay~




I can confirm that I did, in fact, get a free game from saving that case last night. So, now I have Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty downloading -w-


Nobody's gonna thank me? Wow, r00d.


Pent... that.... that's a real game?  Not some kind of Cinema Snob approved porno spoof?

Went to the giant antique place with the family today.  Struck out on finding anything for my brother, but I did get a few things for myself >>.


@Stew: Yes it is -w- (Although, I laughed at the idea of a porn spoof. Hey; they did it multiple times for ET)
Also, cool; even if you weren't looking for yourself -w-;

It's going to be busy next Saturday; I have a meeting at Pizza Hut in the morning, and have to work at Gamestop that evening


ugh, my head hurts so much and I can't figure out why. and I haven't done anything I set out to do today outside of a bath. ughhhhh.
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I know the feeling :\

So, I got called into work early today, and by extension I got off a little early. I took a nice bath when I got home :3


Time for Yogscast livestreams for Christmas!  The holiday season has truly begun.


And I still haven't found the damn cook book! ><;

How is it gonna be Christmas without cookies. ;^;
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