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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Not even snow


@Stew: I can has? It's still shorts weather here IMO; I'm just wearing pants because my cargo shorts have a giant hole in them now ;_;
(For the record, I consider 55F with no breeze to still be "shorts weater". Everybody else in my area considers it to be parka weather :\)


i'm glad to FINALLY have my fall clothes down from the attic. only took a damn month.

i've been on an uploading spree, check the gallery if it suits your fancy. though i will note (*cough cough BELLA cough*) that if i accidentally caught a duplicate, let me know through SKYPE OR PM. i NEVER check the photos after they're in there, or at least not often enough to make comments on them efficient. :\

also, anyone know how to delete or move files in there? i HATE the new gallery system tbh, but at least the gallery got some attention. that photo strip is so annoying, though.... >>;
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No, you can't have my weather.  The snow and I are in love and we're going to be married, not even Bells cans top us!

Woo!  Image party!

In other news I have to move out of this place, probably sending some stuff with my parents if they come to visit Sunday and then bringing everything else on Monday.  I'm simultaneously sad (leaving my coworkers, income, etc.) and overjoyed (don't have to put up with annoying whims of house owners, inter-office conflict, leaving my coworkers, having decent internet again) about this job coming to an end.  Now I've just got to find another job....


A random message appears in topicless, puzzling others as to why it exsists
Simon was here :P


poast moar.

@stew: sucks balls, man. were you just temp employment there? :\
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@Stew: That sucks :\

@Kari: Nice on the pics. Also, I haven't uploaded anything since the upgrade, so IDK how (I do think I have something I found on dA bookmarked to upload, but I need to remember if it's on 2k or Asagi)


do eet. though confirm with me first, i sourced a pic yesterday that got its origins on DA.
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@Kari: I wasn't here for the earliest days of OSC, but I still know enough. I'd really like to write a brief history article for the wiki but idk where to start. 'w'

@Stew: Don't forget to take the miniature bottles of shampoo and stuff I left with you! I'll need those next time I visit you...

Also try not to get work in the Midwest if you value being alive.


yeah, don't go to work out there. you'll develop a wisconsin accent and we just can't have that.
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Only good thing about Wisconsin is delicious cheese -w-;;

Also, only go west of the Mississippi if you're on a holy quest to rescue me. Although, if you guys take too much longer, I'm going to break out of here on my own and meet you half-way LOL


wisconsin was the setting of That 70's Show. that show has since been canceled, and you should not be trying to relive it by going out that way. instead, come live a cool work of fiction, like a Stephen King novel or the Augustana song "Boston". -w-
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Indeed. Also, one shouldn't set foot in Texas to relive King of the Hill, as tempting as it'd be to buy propane and propane accessories -w-;;