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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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leaf, i lol'd. a lot. but seriously, EVERY. FREAKIN. TIME.

for example, we're walking down the dirt road in the parking lot of the fairground last saturday, and we're happily chatting, etc etc. it's a great day. i'm mid sentence and suddenly OH GOD WHAT IS THAT MY EYYYYEEE MY EYYYYYE
and after that little episode ended (about 2-3 minutes of rubbing and blinking and clutching later), i'm back to the conversation and all is well and OH GOD THE OTHER ONE FUCKING SERIOUSLY OWWWWWWWWW

- a true story
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I would talk about going to the fair & craft show today but my phone decided to have an almost certainly fatal malfunction and I've been bordering on crying about that for like the last 4 hours.

The home keys (the row of little white buttons toward the very bottom of the face) aren't working. Almost certainly a hardware issue since I haven't rooted it or done anything to the OS. And they aren't lighting up or responding to touch at all, so, yeah.

Everything else is working alright, but I'm unable to back out of applications, bring up application information (such as the edit, search, save, exit functions, etc.) or access my home screen once I've started an application, which makes it essentially useless (imagine trying to use Windows without the start menu or minimize, maximize and exit buttons, or OSX without the dock and menu bar). Thinking of cracking it open and taking a look around, but I honestly can't figure out what it could be beside a motherboard or wiring failure of some kind, and considering how old this phone is, it'd be cheaper to just buy a new one.

Little shit.


Sounds like the generic no-name smart phone I had a few years ago, except it seemed to be a software issue on top of hardware; it refused to let me access my text messages, plus the clock would randomly reset itself to December 31, 1999 for no reason unless Philip J. Fry was involved with its creation somehow



@bells: thought you had a galaxy or something? :\
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Someone gave me a DSi Sunday.  That's been pretty much it this week.


Simon was here :P


@Stew: Very nice *w*
If you want suggestions for DS games, let me know; I've had one since 2006 -w-


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 01, 2013, 01:38:57 AM

@bells: thought you had a galaxy or something? :\

Galaxy S Mesmerize, yes.


My bro's got one too, but I don't really know what to do with it.

Out of a job at the end of this month.  Time to get packing again.


You want to do Pokeymans with it. Join me, and together I can finally have someone to do stuff with online in Platinum, SoulSilver, and Black -w-;

@Bella: The one I had was Samsung, but it didn't run Android or anything; instead some in-house OS that didn't have apps beyond what it shipped with, and was notoriously shitty from what I've heard from other people who had the same model (Although mine actually outlived theirs) :\


@stew: scribblenauts (the sequel, can't remember the full title) taught me that FIRE IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING
so yeah. good game.

@bells: isn't there some kind of....idk....warrenty on it? >>;
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Well it's over a year old, so I imagine the warranty ran out long ago.

And its a 4-year-old model (I think the first Galaxy S came out in '09?) so, yeah.


gl getting a new one. maybe if you find someone who could do it, you could transfer the memory from the old galaxy onto a new one. i imagine it's all done via flash memory the way the iphone is.
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Dr. Kraus


cool bro. poast toast some pics yo. :0

though i can't help but wonder why boston wasn't looked at as a candidate....i mean, we have the friggen DUCK TOURS here. >>;
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