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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I miss my old headphones.  These are pretty damn good, but my old ones had like five foot of cord and had great quality.

Sorry for not posting more often but almost nothing has happened to me or been done by me for the last three weeks.  Until today when someone has apparently stolen all my meat and non-canned vegetables out of the freezer.  A friend of mine is gonna bring down some veggies and meat tomorrow but I'm pretty darn pissed.

Dr. Kraus

Just finished watching Princess Mononoke after not seeing it since 1999 (when I was 5) and I'm letting Kiki's delivery service download for tomorrow night.

Dat was a masterpiece, Miyazaki is a god damn genius and I'm sad to know that he is finished because of the dieing studio that is Studio Ghibli due to no good directors coming to the studio to take over his works.

Also finished the anime "You're Under Arrest!" with the movie on my waiting list because watching the movie right after watching seasons 1 and 2 and then skipping 3 would be bad.


@Kraus: he has two kids and a partner, the Studio can at least crank out 2-3 more movies. and we all know Miyazaki is never going to stop writing stories, which honestly, means he'll never stop creating anime.

Mononoke was never one of my favourites but Kiki's was my first Miyazaki and it remains as one of my favourites. don't expect over-the-top theatrics like in Howl's Moving Castle or something, but do expect heartwarming moments and an extreme craving for bread. :0

@stew: this is why you need to stitch your name into the meat. i can help you, if you want. :0
also, poast moar. we don't care if it's boring stuff. :3

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@Stew: Sounds like a pair I used to have. The pair I have now is similar to those old ones, at least; cord isn't quite as long, but hey

Also, a Cockle is following me on Tumblr -w-


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Fuckin' love Princess Mononoke.


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Nichi was an exciting day. In both good and bad ways.

I met up with my sister at work, and then we set out to Tyler so she could register for the GED; stopping for donuts on the way (Where I found $.25 on the ground. As soon as we get to Tyler, we get rear-ended by a lady that wasn't paying attention. However, nobody was hurt, and there was only a few scratches on her vehicle, plus she admitted it was her fault, so we agreed we wouldn't call police or anything. Thus, we continued onward to the campus of the junior college that handles the GED testing.

Once we arrive, my sister finds out some good news: her test scores from when she took it back around 2007 or so were still on file, so all she has to do is retest on algebra (The subject she failed on last time. She passed everything else), and because that's all she had to test for, she only had to pay $20. Her test is scheduled for October, and bro-in-law said he's going to take off work to drive her up there.

After that, we went to lunch at Arby's, before going across the street to Hasting's. She bought a stack of several CDs from their clearance bin for a total of $8 (Mostly some old '90s pop), and I bought the Spinal Tap album that came out a few years ago as well as a chibi Evangelion blind box figurine (It actually identified on top the character inside, which was Asuka, but you don't know what swimsuit she'll be wearing until you open it. Was let down they were out of Mari and Rei, but hey; Asuka's cool). We were planning on just going to Gamestop afterward and then going home, but decided to make a detour to the mall for Hot Topic; landing me a Portal Turret blind box (It's a rainbow colored one. 20% cooler).

Then, our trek continued as we planned to go to Gamestop, as a game I was seeking was in stock, and my sister wanted to look at the nearby Wal-Mart for possible blind bag ponies...when we got rearended a second time. This time, there was more damage; we had to call police out. My sister's truck is fine (Nowhere near as fucked up as mom's Ramcharger was in the wreck I was in a few years back, so it's very much fixable. Does need a new driver's seat again), and everyone involved was fine (My sister was sore, and I was ab it earlier but I loosened up thankfully), although the vehicle that hit us is basically screwed, as it wouldn't even start up to get out of the road. After the police report was filed, I walked into the gas station we parked at and bought myself a Coke to try and relax, while my sister was calling mom to explain the situation, and then called her father-in-law to see if he could arrange a doctor's appointment for us as soon as possible (My sister might need more stuff done, but all I'll need is likely just a check-up).

Once that was straightened out, we then continued onto Gamestop; deciding this would be our last stop in Tyler before we return home. It was there that I found a game for the Xbox 360 I had been searching for since I bought another 360 last summer: Deathsmiles. It was disc only, but I didn't care; I had come too far in my quest to be too picky, and when I saw Gamestop's website actually showed it as in-stock, I knew I had to take this opportunity. I did find a penny on the ground, but when I saw it was face down, I didn't pick it up; our luck has been too shitty today for the most part to even consider it, and normally I'm not superstitious.

After that, we set out; my sister less than comfortable because her seat was broken. We made a stop at a gas station half-way home so she could take a break and get a drink; she also bought a scratch-off lotto ticket since she hoped maybe she'd have some good luck with it. Afterward, we arrived back to my house; where bro-in-law was waiting with two of our coworkers who were concerned about us. Dad was awake and about to get ready for work, so I told him what was going on and he looked at everything; agreeing with me that her truck was in very good shape in spite of what just happened. Also, bro-in-law checked the scratch-off ticket, which was a $2 one, and they won $20 off of it; so at least they had some other good luck today.

After they left, mom got home, and I waited for her to leave to have dinner with dad so she could take me back to work to retrieve my car. On the way home, I decided to use some change I had on me to try my luck; buying one of the same tickets they did...and doubled my money (I just need to take it next time I'm by a gas station to claim my $4).

Now, I'm back home and going to soak in the tub, then make some ramen and watch some Blockbuster Buster. It's been one hell of a day...but hey; I did finally obtain Deathsmiles, which was one of the reasons I wanted another 360 and had become very hard to find aside from online.


when you get here, you'll get to see the special edition of Deathsmiles. my sister has it. ^^

your day sucked, but at least you guys don't have to get anything fixed and didn't get injured. ;^;

i still had a crappy and stressful day, but nothing that can top that, lol.

my mother and i set off this morning to go to a nail appointment for her. i was under the assumption that we were going to the appointment, my grandparents, and then home. next stop after the appointment was my sisters, to pick up a table for my sister's wedding shower on saturday. after that, it was to my aunt's house, because appearantly we were too late to meet her at grampy's. much to my chagrin, we spent a good half hour+ there, after which we FINALLY got to my grandparents'. we spent about 5-10 minutes there, taking a break and frustrating the cat. after THAT, i was thinking we would go home....but lolnope, we're gonna spend an hour at walmart instead. oh joy. =__=;

normally i wouldn't care about such things. but 2 factors got in my way: 1. today is tuesday, thus i was missing the SVU marathon (which ends early lately, so being out all day means you see none of it), and 2. me and mum have been at each others' throats all day over the damn wedding shower. she gets frustrated at me for getting frustrated at her. i get frustrated at her because she claims that we're "going to be ourselves", and yet she is taking MUCH advice from her hoity-toity sister, who is reccomending raspberry vinagrette and special rolls. (we're LUCKY if we have bread at dinner. salads with fancy dressing...? who the fuck are you kidding, lady.) it angers me that the rest of the family thinks we're (especially me) incompetent in these matters and feel the need to step in to "advise us" or 'help out' (basically, "how could a couple of dumb fucks like you ever throw a party, let us fix it, since you obviously have no idea what you're doing"). this is a particularly sore spot for me because, being the youngest in the family, i have never been able to rise above the status of "baby" in my family's eyes, thus any time i have an idea (no matter how relevant or valid) it is rendered invalid because obviously i'm an idiot. (i'm willing to bet i likely have the highest IQ in the family, and i'm not even trying to brag with that statement.) so despite KNOWING what my sister wants in her wedding shower and whatnot, all my cries fall on deaf ears. I'M the one she talks to the most, thus *I* would be the one to consult about her wishes. after all, the point of a wedding shower is to celebrate the BRIDE. they weren't even planning to use their chosen colours for the shower decor. it is PAINFULLY obvious that they are doing this for THEM, NOT for HER. only making matters worse is that mum literally said my ideas were "sometimes childish" which is why they were disregarded. LOL, OBVIOUSLY THEY'RE JUST CHILDISH, AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ME TALKING IT OVER WITH THE BRIDE AND CONFIRMING WHAT THE BRIDE WANTS, LOL, OBVIOUSLY THE MAID OF HONOUR HAS NO PART IN THIS LOL.

*constructs effigy of family members*
*proceeds to beat the tar out of them viciously, making sure to squeeze a few necks*
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Indeed, that does suck >_<;

I can relate, though. It was a long time before anyone actually took anything I said seriously; obviously I was an idiot either because (A) I'm the baby (Dad's side of the family. That died out once I was able to prove myself), or (B) I'm one of the two middle grandchildren; ergo, worthless (Mom's side of the family. Lingers to this day)


see, there's no real way to prove myself here. i've proved myself again and again and it just never works. maybe now that gram's dead and i'm tackling a big baking project, i can earn myself some respect by taking on the role of family baker. means i'll need to crank out at least 2 baking projects a month, but i think i can handle that.
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Good luck

I've considered maybe looking into a second part-time job, just to have extra money rolling in so it won't be as hellish in terms of bills; so maybe I can actually start to save up and move out


might not be a bad idea. but is anyone hiring?
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I'm sure I can find something. I meant to ask a friend of mine when I was in at Game-X-Change the other day if they have an opening

EDIT: Sega bought out Atlus
Sega bought out Atlus. You may now panic

EDIT2: So mom's trying to get me into the doctor today. I'd rather wait for tomorrow, as I don't want to have to rush to the doctor and hope I'm not late for work, but she's pressing for it today. I mean, yeah; my neck is a little sore, and my knee is bothering me a bit, but I was in far worse shape when I was in the wreck with the Omni to the point I could barely move because I was in such agony, and yet she was all "you're fine; just pop an aspirin and go to bed. You still have work in the morning". The doctor better not make me take off work, either; I can't afford to lose any more hours at work, unless mom is willing to help pay bills, which is an obvious "no" because her car is so much more important than me.

Now she's all "Do you have insurance?". No, of course I don't; if I did, why the fuck would I be still be paying what I owe from when she caused me to contract chickenpox? Given this is all mom's idea, if the insurance of the person that hit us does not cover my trip to the doctor, mom better pay the bill.

...and now I'm all stressed out thanks to that bitch and have work in just a few hours, and of course, nobody is online to help me calm down. Thanks, mom >_>;


Nothing like boats and boats of office gossip and complaining about fucking everything.  Fantastic.

Family.  Fun times.