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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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breathe, leaf, breathe.
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Not sure if trolling
or actually concerned about me (which you shouldn't because *surprise!*, I'm not fucking upset).


Lying in a sea of pillows in the guestroom bed, since my own has been VACATED to my new home and is no more at my parents' place. Feels...weird. The room that's been mine for almost 20 years - we moved here just after my 3rd birthday, and I turn 23 this October - isn't mine anymore. It's just an empty, uncleaned mess with a table and a few bookcases.

We're having a barbecue at my clone's parents' place tomorrow, though, so I'm staying at least one more night here before going HOME to Uppsala.
Home for reals, this time.

Dr. Kraus

Recent car story from yours truly

>Finishing high school
>Finally get my license shortly after graduation
>Go out car shopping, dad is bent on getting me a car
>no complaints to that, I'll take a free car with insurance until I finish college
>Look at 2011 Nissan Maxima and 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse
>Eclipse suspension gone to shit, Maxima isn't my style
>Go to bunch of other dealerships, find nothing
>Tell Dad I'd like a Ford because "MERICA
>Dad likes 2013 focuses, we test drive a few both used and new
>Get a good deal on one that a staff member had been driving (300 miles on it)
>Happy as fuck
>Wash that baby every Sunday if the weather is nice
>Wasn't into cars a whole lot before getting the Ford, start learning stuff from mechanic friend and lurk /o/ more
>Months have passed, still love the Ford but don't feel a connection to it
>Can't do anything to it parts wise due to warranty 'n everything being brand new
>Talk with Dad, understands because he got a 280z in high school and worked on that until he gave it to my uncle before moving to New York
>Agrees that if I work for his company and do well in this first semester he'll help me out with getting a RX-7 (He's a big fan of them himself)

Welp, hopefully I get all this done and get the RX-7

Also, the Ford is an automatic with a really really jumpy double clutch system so its really getting on my nervs now that I'm commuting to school and back every day in it.

A lovely car that I love to bits but I really want a car I can work on and feel proud knowing I put time and hard work into it.


@Q4V: N'awww, how sweet of you. ^u^
@Kari: How's it feel to have a computer named after you? :3

Sorry for not being around lately, I've been simmering with panic over the Accuplacer test and starting school in general (I still contend that I NEED AN ADULT) and so on and so forth, after tomorrow I should be around more.

I did average on the math test (which isn't good enough to get into the Application Design program - without taking "remedial" math first - but I believe I can still get into Web Development with the math scores I managed), I did above-average on English and got a perfect score on the essay section, which startled the heck out of the person managing the test (she says she hasn't seen a perfect essay score in "many many months") and I also did above average on the computer skills portion, though it being Windows-based and including sections on IE and Word thwarted me somewhat, because I've never used MS Word and I haven't used IE in like 7 years. It's official: I've been spending way too much time with Unices.


@bells: i feel as though i am passing on a little piece of myself to future generations. kids? grandkids? future teaching career? pssha, i got a computer named after me. -w-
also, if you're going to go into ANY sort of computer-based program you CAN'T expect to deal with just one platform. you'd be doing yourself a favour to play around with windows and linux more. :\

@leaf: yes, i was trying to say calm the fuck down. not trying to make it worse. don't post angry unless you fo' realz angry. >>;

@nej: i can understand the sea of pillows part. considering i haven't moved anywhere, though, i can't relate much in that department. though we did stay for a long duration at my grandparents so coming back home was both a relief and weird. :\

cleaned my bed today and organized some of the clothes on my bed/chair. wondering where the fuck mum is, she went out for a hair appointment around 3 and she's still not back (going on 8:30 pm).
also, this is hilarious, for some reason a scene from a movie i watched in high school popped into my head the other day for no apparent reason. that movie has been playing on oxygen (after house) for the past 2 1/2 hours. (just ended.) PSYCHICCCCCCC
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@Bella: Hope it goes well. If you need some help on any tests involving Windows or Microsoft Office, I can pass along any version you could possibly need (Except, I don't have a version of Office newer than 2003) -w-

@Kari: Nice :3


oh yeah, almost forgot, RARITY PLUSH GET
(along with a bunch of other nice things, thanks pent =w= )
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No problem. I knew you'd like what I sent :3



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shhh you're in the library, payday 2 on xbox also LoL & dl'ing steam games on Choco.


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I wonder what to do today