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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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It's been fucking 60 all fucking day, what the fuck?


Quote from: Dr. Kraus on August 14, 2013, 12:13:55 PM

I can also peg the dial at 60 on the highway quite easily in my car even though my car continues to ask for more
POWER wanting to peg the dial at around 80 or 90Mph

I tend to go to the race track every now and then so I like the control :D
My car likes POWER (has a sweet spot for gas mileage) at 45-50 but has probably gone faster at longer rates than most.
At one point during the drive home from the cross country trip, I maintained 85 mph for close to 400 miles. I also pegged in 1,700 miles in only 3 days since we were in a semi-rush to get home.

Also, it is fitting a computer loving forum has people that love other machines. I love cars and trains as well.

Quotenotice a bad joke from Diana there
Diana has no bad jokes.


*Waves at Q4V more*

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 14, 2013, 02:23:55 AM@bells: you've made me curious, but since you don't want to talk about it, i won't pry. i just hope you have an outlet/someone to talk to the way i do when i freak out but can't talk to anyone. >>;

It's not exactly a secret, in fact it came up in conversation when we group-called last time. There are a few people but I don't really like burdening them with my troubles.

Quote from: Krizonar on August 14, 2013, 06:30:20 PMAlso, it is fitting a computer loving forum has people that love other machines. I love cars and trains as well.

Hey, I didn't know you were a train fan.

My knowledge of trains is very modest but they're my favorite form of long-distance transportation, I've taken four round-trip Amtrak rides in the last three years (3 from Boston to Washington DC and 1 from DC to Prince [fucknowhere] WV]). I also spent some time on the DC Metro (which is beautiful and super-clean btw) and have ridden the MARC a few times. Ironically I've spent more time on those systems than I have the MBTA. -.-

As well, earlier this summer I visited Stew at Cass Scenic Railroad park (where he works) and learned quite a bit about the trains there.


what makes you think i remember most of what we talked about? .__.;

@Q4: *throws ultraball*
also, gl with the new laptop, dell isn't my first choice but hopefully you'll have some luck with it. -w-

@kraus: loving the new avatar. :000
click to make it bigger



Is it normal to sniff the exhaust vent on a computer every so often? I think computer fan exhaust smells good, it's all plastic-y and metallic, sorta like the smell of new electronics, only warm and toasty. Stew says it's weird, a little gross, and that computer fan exhaust smells like burning dust. I don't think so. What do you guys think?


Doesn't seem to odd. I usually end up smelling [2k-tan the Desktop \ Frankenstein V3 \ The Yeti \ etc.] if I plug in something while it's running, and while a bit different, I don't find it unpleasant

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 14, 2013, 07:28:53 PM
@kraus: loving the new avatar. :000

Race Queen Miku! Once I scrape together some more spending money, I plan on becoming a personal supporter of Good Smile Racing's GT300 team (Also known as GSR&Studie with TeamUKYO)!

I'll probably end up posting some pictures of the team and their fan art in the random pic thread

Also as a personal supporter I get a 2013 Race Queen Miku Figma along with a couple of other goodies from GSR.

YAY, I'll get my first figure ever. Because I like racing. WOOT


yay! make sure to post pics. :000

@bells: well, i told my mum earlier today that i kinda like the smell of fresh pavement/hot tar, and chlorine, so i say to each their own. though every exhaust fan i've sniffed HAS smelled like burning dust. :\
click to make it bigger


Quote from: Bella on August 14, 2013, 10:52:06 PM

Is it normal to sniff the exhaust vent on a computer every so often? I think computer fan exhaust smells good, it's all plastic-y and metallic, sorta like the smell of new electronics, only warm and toasty. Stew says it's weird, a little gross, and that computer fan exhaust smells like burning dust. I don't think so. What do you guys think?

My favorite smell is the smell that very large air conditioners make.

Also, my parents visited the Cass Scenic Railroad a month ago and rode the train as well. Unfortunately they took pictures of themselves inside the train and none of the train  :) I'm not the biggest fan of Shay locomotives but they're still beautiful.



Quote from: Bella on August 14, 2013, 10:52:06 PM

Is it normal to sniff the exhaust vent on a computer every so often? I think computer fan exhaust smells good, it's all plastic-y and metallic, sorta like the smell of new electronics, only warm and toasty. Stew says it's weird, a little gross, and that computer fan exhaust smells like burning dust. I don't think so. What do you guys think?

My computers' vents are a bit hard to reach, so not really something I do very often, no...

But nevermind that, 59/65 on the theory test, WHAT UP DOGS


Nice Nej.  Now for the practical you need to parallel park on the sun.

Work's going good, but the last few days have been pretty slow.  We're having fall weather without the leaves or anything so folks really aren't coming to the park.  Wifi's also totally a wreck at the house which is always nice.


@Bella: *continues the awkwardly long wave* >_> *starts staring*

@Choco: ultraball pssf you're still in the little leagues young miss *knock ultraball way*. I only laptop I've had was acer, they aren't great. I was thinking about Toshiba, HP & MSI but it was the cheapest Intel core i's and the best.

I hope it does live long and prosper too.

*flights off into space*


Quote from: Krizonar on August 15, 2013, 03:31:44 AM
Also, my parents visited the Cass Scenic Railroad a month ago and rode the train as well. Unfortunately they took pictures of themselves inside the train and none of the train  :) I'm not the biggest fan of Shay locomotives but they're still beautiful.

Wow! I wouldn't be surprised if they saw / met Stew at some point then, since it seems like the staff there is pretty small. SMALL WORLD. : 0

@Kriz, re: weird smells: Hm, tbh I've never liked the smell of air conditioning, it always seems damp and musty.
@Kari, re: weird smells: I admit I enjoy the smell of chlorine too, if only because of its association with pool water, which I in turn associate with vacations and relaxing in the pool. -w-
@Nej: Congrats dude!

I never threw my two cents in re: driving tests. I didn't get my license until after I was 18, but that was because I wanted to avoid the bullshit of state-mandated driving classes (anyone under 18 applying for a license has to take driving classes at a professional school, and they're v. expensive). For about 6 months before I got my license my dad gave me driving lessons (people over the age of 18 are allowed to take driving lessons from adults over the age of 21), and I learned pretty much everything I know about driving in that time. In fact, dad made me drive TO the DMV (it's about 50 miles away) as my last class. I just barely scraped through the "written" test, ditto for the driving test - I believe if i'd gotten two more answers wrong, I wouldn't have passed. THANK GOD that I did pass because tests freak me the frak out and I probably wouldn't have been able to do that again.


Quote from: Q4(V) on August 15, 2013, 12:57:36 PM
@Choco: ultraball pssf you're still in the little leagues young miss *knock ultraball way*. I only laptop I've had was acer, they aren't great. I was thinking about Toshiba, HP & MSI but it was the cheapest Intel core i's and the best.

I hope it does live long and prosper too.

*flights off into space*
>Not great