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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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He wanted to reenact the Monty Python Fish-Slapping Dance -w-;


Was it because I dissed Ohio? Or because of my scarf-fetish? Or all the things I keep meaning to buy online?


he's working at a travel depot. he is now jackie gleason. you deserved it, alice.

though, in your defense, those ARE some pretty nice things. :0

there IS nothing good in ohio.
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I know right? :3

Also there's supposed to be a major meteor shower tonight so keep your eyes to the sky, OSC.


Cool. I'll have to keep an eye out when I get off work :3


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Got pizza and mailed Pent's stuff today!  Also finally got my book.


Quote from: Bella on August 12, 2013, 02:48:36 PM
I know right? :3

Also there's supposed to be a major meteor shower tonight so keep your eyes to the sky, OSC.
Stuff like this is why I rearranged my room for my computer to be beside the window.


dunno if i mentioned this but i got my limited edition Cowboy Bebop shirt from teefury the other day. i loooove it. >w<
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Limited edition? How many were made?


it was a 1-day only sale. the way those sites work is that they get orders for a shirt, and print the shirts after the orders are done coming in. this particular shirt was part of a t-shirt battle in which this design went up against another design (sometimes from a different series, this one was also Cowboy Bebop). dunno which one won.
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@Stew: Yay! ^^
@Kari: Very nice ^^

So, I ended up ordering that Doctor Who picture disc I found last week >w>;
(Now I need a frame for it, so I can properly display it)


Dear Gram,
hope the afterlife is alright. things could be better down here, but they could also be worse. can't believe it's been a whole year since you died, it really doesn't feel like it. i suppose that's a good thing in a way, that the time passed quickly instead of dragging on. you probably would have wanted that for us, for us to be strong and move on. well, if that's the case, you'll be glad to know that we're okay. not great, possibly not even alright, but we're okay.
and that's just fine.
talk to you soon,
love, kari
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That's lovely, Kari. Wherever your grandmother is, I'm sure she'd be touched by such a kind tribute to her.

Come to think of it, June marked 4 years since my grandmother passed away. In some ways, it seems like it wasn't so long ago ... in other ways, it seems like it's been ages. Things were so different back then.

@Pent: Finally caved and bought it, huh? :3

No judgement from me, I've been seriously eying dat GLaDOS ring myself. -w-;

@Kriz: Niiiiiice. There's a big window by my table AND desk, but one looks out on the mountainside while the other looks out mostly on woods. Not exactly optimal for sky-watching.

Speaking of which ... dad and I drove to a clearing to get a better look at the sky. I counted maybe 8-10 meteors in about 20 minutes time. Of course dad doesn't like any activity that involves stillness and patience, so he got bored and we went home. I might sit out by the front windows and see if I can spot any more in a little bit.


@Kari: Seconding Bella on that. That was beautiful

This past March was the 4th anniversary of when my great uncle passed away, and so much has changed since then. Since then, I finally have more of an idea of what I want to do with my life, and for the first time in my life I actually have a circle of close friends whom I can rely on and are willing to forgive me when I fuck up; something I never thought possible way back then.

@Bella: Indeed. I'll have pictures of it when it arrives :3