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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I honestly never heard of the actor before, but the instant I saw him, I was like "That's the Doctor". Not familiar with anything he was in, so IDK how good of an actor he is


I do not really like Doctor Who.  -inb4 everybody is shocked-


I sent in my community college application today.

*trembles and breathes into paper bag*


Good luck :3

So, Kari's laptop is having problems now :[


It is official.

Two of my fingers on my right hand are broken. I cannot move my hand properly anymore, sometimes it hurts, and there is numbness going on there. My father said he is going to take me to a doctor.



um....i assume you meant to say he's taking YOU to a doctor...?

@bella: congrats!! you'll do fine ^^

pent was right, loly is having computer troubles. of the "shit has hit the fan" variety. her drive has failed. all the data appears to be intact, but it seems the drive arm is dead. we saved the drive but for the time being, we have a fresh install and a drive with half the space. i'm going to have to retorrent all of my anime, replace all my gadgets, and find all new backgrounds. but at least she's alive.
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Bella on August 05, 2013, 08:06:46 PM
I sent in my community college application today.

*trembles and breathes into paper bag*

I payed my tuition for the first semester at my community college (CCAC) today


@Leaf: What happened?! 0____0

@Kari: Oh shit. I'm sorry to hear about the HDD breaking, although I guess it's better than the mobo quitting from a cost POV. Sucks about losing the data though. :C

That being said, how do you know the actuator arm is broken and that the data is intact? I've always heard that actuator malfunctions usually result in the platter being badly damaged.

@Kraus: Congrats! ^^


@Kari: That feel ;^;

@Bella: I move my mouse around alot.

@Dr. Kraus: Congratulations, an omedeto is you.


@Kari: Loly lives! ^^

Also, I'm up too damn early :\

EDIT: Forgot to mention yesterday that I obtained some ancient tomes on how to program in BASIC. RadioShack branded tomes custom-tailored for my TRS-80 :3


fuck yeah. 8)

@bella: we're working under that assumption and going to buy another drive of the same exact model. worst case scenario i have another 1tb drive, so it's a win-win.

SPEEDY LIIIIIIIVES!!! as mentioned in the computer thread, my old laptop, speedy, has suddenly returned from the dead! O__O; i'm not complaining, rather i'm scooping out every last bit of data i can in case she changes her mind. and i didn't even have to DO anything!! just plugged her in, turned her on, and reset the CMOS!!!! OwO;;;
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I have so many TRS-80 Model 1 books.  And manuals.  And newsletters.

Work was pretty okay today.


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@Stew: Nice. I have a TRS-80 Color Computer 2 that I named Chii -w-