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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Kari: The mall in Tyler has been bookless since B. Dalton shut down; leaving just Barnes & Noble down the street as far as new book stores go :\
However, the mall at home became more bookful (If that's the right term) once the library moved in -w-;


lucky. the mall here doesn't have any places to buy books, making it a very boring place for me. the only book stores in town are the barnes & noble, which is nearby the mall (by car, mind you, it's a hell of a walk from the mall given the high volume of traffic around) and the used book superstore, which is far down the strip. :\
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I just got a contract on a new student room. With the housing situation being what it is for students in general and in Uppsala in particular, that's not too far from a damn miracle.

So yeah. Getting back to speed on the 1st of august. Gonna be nice.


@Kari: I don't want to get into a "who has it worse" competition but there are no bookstores in my town. In Plymouth there's a used book store, but it's tiny, overpriced and doesn't have a good selection. There's also the university bookstore, which has a *decent* selection, but the prices there are downright stratospheric. (They were selling a circa-1994 "Idiot's Guide to OS/2 Warp" for the original sticker price of THIRTY-SOME DOLLARS. When I asked a worker there how they could justify selling a fifteen-year-old guide to an operating system that's about 20 years out of date at full price, she gave a vacant giggleshrug that indicated she had no idea what the hell I was talking about.) In Lincoln there's an okay used book store, but it's impossible to find a damned thing in there because the owner / clerks don't organize it properly. As well, it can run on the overpriced side (all books are sold at 1/2 of the sticker price). There are scattered thrift shops that sell books but i've never had much luck at them.

@Nej: Dorm rooms are in short supply? : /

@Genpop: I've had an awful bellyache all day. I shouldn't have had that cereal last night .... it tasted a little stale and the milk was borderline-sour. >>


That sucks :[

Also, that used bookstore sounds like one I go to in Tyler. Most books are 1\2 of the sticker price on the back, and their organization is terrible (If you go to their sci-fi section, it's organized as follows: Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, everything else in no order whatsoever). There might be some cool stuff hidden there...if you're mad enough to actually try to dig through everything :\


sounds like a project for more than one person. find a partner, go to bookstore, comb through one section a day. haggle with the manager on older books, it can work sometimes.

@bells: i'm not trying to get in a pissing match either, it just irks me. and i suppose this is reason for you to move closer. -w-
also, eat something with ginger or mint. you'll feel better. :\

@nej: first you, then me! (nice job man, now wish me luck in getting back in school for the fall or (more likely) spring.) -w-

just picked a buttload of berries. -w-
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 20, 2013, 05:23:43 PM
just picked a buttload of berries. -w-

Today I went into town...

>Arrived at cafe, ate large breakfast with Dad, Dad gives me spending money
>Go to vidya gaming store, pick up two PS2 games (Capcom Fighting Jam and Viewtiful Joe)
>Get soda and go to internet cafe
>When my time nearly ends, kid plays one of those screamer games
>Sound goes off, I jump like 5 feet in the air
>Leave and go to Mom's
>Stay for a bit, take some fresh air and leave
>Get home, browse the web, play PS2, watch TV


Quote from: Bella on July 20, 2013, 03:42:42 PM
@Nej: Dorm rooms are in short supply? : /
Ridiculously so. I suppose that's one of the downsides of free tuition, that the schools can't keep up with space.


lucky son of a bitch.... >>;

@leaf: i can never relate to you youngins'.

and no. the grapes aren't ready yet, they're more an early fall fruit.
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My stomach is messed up this morning :\

But, there is a kitteh next to my feet :3


I never understood the kids song "there's a hole in my bucket"
If there is a hole get another one!
Simon was here :P


Quote from: NejinOniwa on July 21, 2013, 01:43:44 AM
Quote from: Bella on July 20, 2013, 03:42:42 PM
@Nej: Dorm rooms are in short supply? : /
Ridiculously so. I suppose that's one of the downsides of free tuition, that the schools can't keep up with space.

That's crazy. What do students do, then? Rent apartments or live with friends / relatives off-campus, etc.?

Quote from: Simonorged on July 21, 2013, 10:23:00 AM
I never understood the kids song "there's a hole in my bucket"
If there is a hole get another one!

You just made me nostalgic, my grandmother used to sing that song all the time. ;^;


There's an entire market for (in part illegal) second-hand renting of student rooms and apartments, and the Nations (somewhat akin to fraternities) also have housing for their members. Then there's people who rent rooms or parts of houses and apartments owned by families and random people, and people who get housing in the (rather small and peasanty) suburbs and take the train. Sharing your apartment with someone else, be it spouse, friend or classmate, is of course the easiest way to get your hands on somewhere to live.

There's a pretty big housing crisis for young people in general in this country.


i still count you as a lucky bastard. i'd live in the bus station if it meant i could go back to school. ;^;

@bella: i love and hate things that make me nostalgic for lost relatives. for example, my sister wore a sundress yesterday that belonged to my aunt suzie (died in 2000). ;^;
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