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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 04, 2013, 10:37:10 AM
not that i mind, but why are YOU wishing us a happy national blow shit up day? you're not even from a country that celebrates it. if anything, i would have thought this would have been a day of contempt for the UK. :0
Geez, not trying to be rude here or anything but couldn't you have just said it back instead of giving me a snarky remark? I'm happy that America got their independance, what's all the fuss about?

You ruined the mood for me now -.-


Shhh everyone, it's the sentiment that counts!

Happy 4th of July everyone too!

Also Candace and I didn't die on the highway last night.


@Stew: That's nice :3

So, having a rather crappy day; as my sister neglected to call me to let me know she was back home, and when I called, she was right about to get back out and wasn't sure if she'd head back tonight or not before they go to shoot fireworks at 11PM tonight. Also, mom doesn't seem to want me to come with her and dad to go see fireworks out at his work, so I'm not wasting my time with them

Now, on a different note, normally I don't advertize, but if someone has $150, XP-tan figurine


That figurine is really cool! : o

So Stew and I are sitting at the table checking the internets and eating sandwiches and rice bowls together. ISN'T NERD LOVE GRAND?



Oh.  Well dear.  There aren't any fireworks convenient around here, but we may here them from up at Snowshoe.

The rice was delicious.... Chariots Chariots.


Bella and I are having celebration steaks!  Sadly, Bella also causes a fucking mess everywhere she goes.  I wish I could've taken the whole week off to do things together....


Did she break something? ^^;;;


*is now picturing bella with A1 on her face, much like princess celestia and cake*

@leaf: jeez, EVERYWHERE I GO I'M GETTING YELLED AT FOR JOKES I MAKE. excuse me if i thought it was odd for a country that doesn't celebrate the holiday to be mentioning it. often times when i've mentioned thanksgiving people in other countries have no idea what i'm talking about. IT WAS A JOKE. get the fuck over it, jeez. >>;
*is angry at both this and people on facebook*

WENT TO THE BEACH TODAY, IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME. but it seems that someone got swept out to sea! the coast guard's tugboat was circling a rocky island where we had seen a pontooner earlier in the day. after awhile, a coast guard helicopter joined in, slowly sweeping the water off the beach. two ambulances and a firetruck showed up over the course of the day (later on, anyway), too. :000

that beach is really rocky, but we managed to make the best of it. there's even an ice cream stand across the street (with hot dogs, lobster rolls, frappes, the works~), and the bathrooms there are really nice. we're officially making this our new beach, especially since the parking spots are directly across from it. (there's only a sidewalk and a small wall in the way.) =w=
click to make it bigger


Sounds like a good day :3


mmm. i'm wondering about the guy at the beach, though. :[

we're going again next week. -w-
click to make it bigger


Indeed a fun day!

Quote from: Kari*is now picturing bella with A1 on her face, much like princess celestia and cake*

That's roughly an accurate approximation.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 05, 2013, 08:56:59 PM
@leaf: jeez, EVERYWHERE I GO I'M GETTING YELLED AT FOR JOKES I MAKE. excuse me if i thought it was odd for a country that doesn't celebrate the holiday to be mentioning it. often times when i've mentioned thanksgiving people in other countries have no idea what i'm talking about. IT WAS A JOKE. get the fuck over it, jeez. >>;
*is angry at both this and people on facebook*
Now you know how I feel sometimes when I make jokes.

Also, apologies. But if you say
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 04, 2013, 10:37:10 AM
why are YOU wishing us a happy national blow shit up day? you're not even from a country that celebrates it.

I can't help but feel slightly offended. Now let's move on.

So guess what?
>Go to internet cafe
>Give guy 50 pence for half and hour
>Get this instead:


well, you guys DON'T celebrate it. it surprised me is all. :\

also, don't question a good thing. -w-

@stew: make sure to get pics, as bad as that sounds it also sounds adorable. and now the next time i see bella i need to give her ribs. >w<
click to make it bigger


@Leaf: All the time in the world~

I wish I could skip these next 5 days and jump to my trip. I'm ready to go