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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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my internal alarm is somewhat proportionate to when i go to bed. thus, because i usually go to bed between 3-5am, i usually get up around 9-11am.
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Basically, the aim of mori fashion is to look like a forest-dweller ... a romanticized, fairy-tale forest-dweller that is, not some sort of weird survivalist or backwoods bum (well, not entirely - mori girl fashion tends to be more romanticised and ornate while mori boy fashion is more vagabond-esque). It involves a lot of neutral & muted colors and nature-based patterns, as well as subtle prints like plaid or polka-dot; organic fabrics and materials, like cotton and wool; roomy, comfortable clothing, like flowing skirts, baggy pants, oversize sweaters, boots and scarves/shawls and lots and lots of layering. There's also a certain homemade or vintage element to it, with a lot of feminine mori clothing incorporating lace, embroidery, leather-work, patchwork and knitted or crocheted elements. As for hair and makeup, mori girls tend to keep on the natural side and stick to soft and muted color schemes. (Here's a good tumblr documenting feminine mori fashion; here's a tumblr that focuses on masculine mori fashion.)

There are lifestyle elements as well - I won't write as much about them as there is a substantial amount of variation between individuals (and I really don't like suggesting that people have to meet certain interest requirements to partake in a fashion style) but basically mori girls and boys are supposed to appreciate the natural world and elements of country living.


Sounds neat :3

So, back home for a bit to pick up some stuff, before sailing back out to the resort. More pillows required, and also some allergy meds

Dr. Kraus

Raining like crazy right now, lots of thunder and lightning as well.

Decided to put the DSLR at my window pointed towards the intersection where there is a street lamp, just recording mainly the sounds but you can see the rain somewhat because of the orange light and it gives the whole scene a gentle look.

Probably going to throw the DSLR in the car later when its day time and drive around town when the streets are empty and do some video similar to this:


we lost power for awhile due to the storm. :\

@bells: sounds cool man, but it also sounds like how you already dress now. -w-

pent will like this, it's Gainax's line of limited edition Momoko dolls. this one's Rei from Eva, and the other one is Nono (dunno what series she's from). seems they had a Nadia one as well, but i can't find pics. :\
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You guys know what sucks?

Not having internet.


Sunburn also sucks, but I kind of brought that upon myself...


AAAAAAAAAH GUYS, THE SUPREME COURT STRUCK DOWN DOMA (DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE ACT, A.K.A. THAT FEDERAL BAN ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE) AS UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Meaning that same sex marriages will be recognized by the federal government in the same fashion that opposite-sex marriages are. And California will have marriage equality again. So proud of the US at the moment.

Also I stayed up until like 1:30 am watching the Texas Senate filibuster, which was pretty amazing ... the people in the gallery yelled and cheered and chanted for like 30 minutes straight in order to keep the senate from ending Sen. Davis' 13-hour filibuster (that was 13 hours without eating, drinking, using the bathroom, sitting or pausing her speech - they tried to strike her down by saying she got off-topic by discussing REQUIRED SONOGRAMS) and voting on the bill. The WILL OF THE PEOPLE succeeded in Texas last night. Good for them!

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 26, 2013, 02:20:16 AM
we lost power for awhile due to the storm. :\

@bells: sounds cool man, but it also sounds like how you already dress now. -w-

I hope you got it back quickly! x.x

Haha, yeah, it kinda is. TBH I have a lot of single pieces that could work in a mori outfit / ensemble, but I have yet to figure out how to combine them in like, a cohesive fashion. xD That's what I'd like to work on.

Quote from: NejinOniwa on June 26, 2013, 06:58:33 AM
You guys know what sucks?

Not having internet.


Sunburn also sucks, but I kind of brought that upon myself...

Sunburn and lack of internet are pretty much the worse. I hope you're back online and feeling less burnt now, at any rate. :C


have you been on vacation, mashtur? .__.


hey guys, does anyone here know how to program iphone apps?
cause i have an idea for a really, REALLY good one. like, i'd be helping to create it, and i'd still pay for it.
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@Bella: Very nice >:3
Also, what happened in Texas? I know nothing about it, but it's all over Tumblr with zero info beyond "LOL Texas sux"

@Nej: Sounds like my vacation. I have a slight sunburn on my back, and a lack of interwebs :\
(Was still fun, though)

@Kari: Oddly enough, while passing by The Weather Channel yesterday, I caught a report on a chance of thunderstorms for your area ^^;;
Also, nice dolls :3

So, I'm back home for a little while. The parents are going to head up tonight after dad gets off, and I think I'll go up there tomorrow morning to join them; so I have the house to myself tonight. For now, I have laundry to do, need to wash my hair, go through the pics I took, and then I have work at 5PM.

Some interesting things of note:
- The pools close at 10PM. If I had been quicker the other night, I could have gone swimming right after work, but since I got in at 9:50 and they were starting to get everyone out of the pool and lock it up, I just soaked in the epic bathtub for about an hour; drinking fruit punch from a wine glass -w-

- The on-site Pizza Hut was replaced with something called "Mama DeLuca's Pizza" and a Subway

- Their TVs have ports for everything...except composite A\V and S-Video; so I couldn't hook up my Super NES. But, it had 3 HDMI ports, so plugging in my 360 was easy (Also, picture quality was better than the LCD they had in the presidential suite 3 years ago; which had severe motion blur to a point I could only play turn-based games. Which, since I was playing Disgaea, was fine with me)


In fact I'm actually still on vacation, up at my summer villa in the north. Just a slight less disconnected at the moment, is all...

Slight. Very slight.

Dr. Kraus

Going with my family to go hang with more family this weekend at a farm that some even more family had rented in North Pennsylvania/South New York.

10 acres of land, probably some guns and big 'ol fire.

All I see is 'Merica


have fun, mr. shiny new avatar.

@nej: having a good time, i hope.

@pent: sounds like you're having a good time. :3
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Indeed I am. I'm back home now, since my cat wanted me to stay, apparently :3

Dr. Kraus


Anyway, just made my first of many orders from KinoKuniya Books!

Sakurasou book 8 is the book I'll be using to take the next step in learning Japanese! Because, why not enjoy reading a story while learning!

Also the price to get this from Amazon Japan was $48! its only $6 for the book but the shipping was $38 and then there was taxes!

Kinokuniya is nice because they are based in Japan but have their main US shop in New York and some smaller stores in Seattle, Portland, San Fran, San Jose, Costa Mesa, and LA. The cost of shipping was $8, a fair shake for something from overseas, the book was $9.25 which is also a fair shake for a full 340+ paged book. The total was only $17.25 which is a fair shake in my book compared to Amazon Japan which was just crazy.

Can't wait for that to arrive in the mail next week :D


@Kari: No iThing programming experience here, but out of curiosity what's your idea for the app?

@Nej: Ahh, I see. I hope you're having a good holiday at any rate.

@Pent: Basically, there was a really restrictive anti-abortion bill, if enacted into law it would have shut down all but 5 clinics in the entire state of Texas. So State Senator Wendy Davis started a filibuster as a last-ditch effort to keep it from being voted on and advanced through the legal system. She had to keep the floor for 13 hours straight - from 11am to midnight - and the rules of the Texas senate in regards to filibusters are MUCH harsher than the US Senate's, for instance, she couldn't sit, support herself on any furniture, eat, drink, use the bathroom or have any sort of breaks, and she had to keep talking. On topic. FOR 13 HOURS STRAIGHT. And if she "deviated" from the topic 3 or more times, her filibuster would be declared void and they'd go ahead and vote anyway.

Anyway, she ended up getting three strikes - one for talking about Planned Parenthood, another for adjusting her back brace, the third for talking about a sonogram requirement for those seeking abortions (Yeah, each one was actually on topic but they just wanted to throw her out of there). At one point there was a filibuster OF her filibuster, and just before the Senate came to a vote, the people in the gallery started chanting, yelling and clapping, making as much noise as they could, all to keep them from voting. And it ended up working.