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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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As god is my witness I will! If I visit that is, since we'd have to go to Walmart to pick one up.

.........mostly so MY DELICATE HEAT-SENSITIVE INSTRUMENTATION don't melt in the heat. Though you really ought to have one anyway, being SUMMER in the MID-ATLANTIC after all. (The average max/min temps for that area are 80/55F, whereas my area's averages are 78/53F, and I can assure you our ACs run steady from about late June to mid-August.) -.-


Hey guys!  What's up?

I hope your ready!


@Bella: My mom tries to avoid turning on the AC as much as possible, or if she does, it's barely on at all (Just enough to make it not so hot, but not terribly comfortable). Also, the average summer temps in my area are 95F\60F


Mother of gawd. :L

I can't stand anything above 70F or so ... basically the only reason I'm even okay with wandering into more southern latitudes is the promise that I'll be able to take shelter in an air conditioned space if the heat is too much for me. -___-

Dr. Kraus

I've never really had any cares when it comes to temperature no matter the place, I just don't want it to be REALLY FUCKING DRY MANG and I prefer it to rain A LOT but that is probably something that is embedded within me thanks to the motherland. Because I've lived here in Pittsburgh for pretty much my whole life and I'm staying another year or two until I move to University Park in the middle of the state, my care for what the weather is outside lowers every passing year because I've pretty much seen the worst of it already.

I like Florida though; flat, rains a fair amount, beaches, really nice roads, car love


@Bella: Indeed. My tolerance for extreme heat hasn't been the same since that one summer I got dehydrated, although I can bear with temps around 80F. Once you get into the 90s or even the 100s, it becomes a problem
(Especially in how my truck's AC isn't as good as it used to be)


i HATE ac. but then, i'm part lizard.

just dumped the remaining mango peach juice into a can of ginger ale. i like this. :0
click to make it bigger


Humidity gives me sinus headaches and huge freakin' hair (and not in the good 80s glam-rocker sorta way), so that's out.

Though I don't like dry conditions either, again, more nose/throat issues and the static electricity is infuriating.

Ideally I like 40-70% humidity and temps between 30-70F.


I hate extreme heat. Doesn't help my tolerance for it was lowered that one time I got dehydrated...although, ever since I seem to have a higher tolerance for cold


i have a high tolernace for cold and for heat, i just hate AC. it makes my skin crack. :\
click to make it bigger


Scandinavian weather is master race. Go home.


but i can't afford to go home. plane tickets to europe are so expensive. :\
click to make it bigger


I've never been outside of the US :\

Well, except that one time I went to Mt. Fuji, and that other time I was in Johto...


Quote from: NejinOniwa on May 05, 2013, 05:31:55 AM
Scandinavian weather is master race. Go home.

The climate is like half of the reason I want to visit Scandinavia. >->


What's the weather like there, anyway?