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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I has a coffee, so I'm good now

BTW, for the coffee drinkers on the site, how do you like your coffee served?
For me, I typically just add a teaspoon of sugar to it if it's just plain black coffee. If I have the option for a latte, I usually go for that instead (Especially a mocha latte)


tea is superiour/s. as is coke.
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True. When given the option, I will take tea over coffee...but sometimes I just really want coffee :3


fair enough. i love the smell. so i guess i take my coffee vapourous.
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Coffee beats dry leaves any time, except for the ecological part. Archaic spelling attempts have no impact on that. xP

As for how I like it: black, without sugar. In black tea I tend to put a bit of sugar though.


@Pit: Always nice. That's how most everyone on my dad's side of the family drinks their coffee :3

As for tea, I pretty much do it the same way; add a teaspoon or two of sugar



Quote from: stewartsage on April 05, 2013, 09:01:02 PM
If by that you mean she'd kill me, then yes.

Not if Michigan didn't kill me first.


Oh and apparently mental illness = possession by the devil?

I know that old people come from "a different time", which usually condoned shitloads of racism, sexism, homophobia, mistreatment of the mentally-unwell, etc. and are maybe a little crusty in the brain, but seriously, can u not.


That .gif got me crackin' up ^z^


well, old people tend to see their worldviews as the ones.... in related news we finally made my grandpa reduce his workload.... he only had to fall from a low level scaffold... but it was a weird accident


@Bella: Are you sure my grandmother on my mom's side didn't come to visit? That sounds very much like something she'd do :\


Quote from: LeaflameSD on April 06, 2013, 04:17:00 PM
That .gif got me crackin' up ^z^

Glad to hear it, I've reorganized my reaction GIF folder just so I can employ more reaction images when I snark from now on. >w>;;

Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 06, 2013, 10:13:21 PM
@Bella: Are you sure my grandmother on my mom's side didn't come to visit? That sounds very much like something she'd do :\

If it's any consolation, most of the older folks I've known have been rather retrogressive and crotchety when it comes to anything vaguely progressive (gay & trans* rights, non-traditional gender roles, non-Abrahamic religions [excluding Islam, obviously], sensitivity toward other races and cultures, etc, etc). I'm not saying liberal older people don't exist (I know several), it's just with the way a lot of them were brought up it's somewhat uncommon, unfortunately. :/


Indeed. For every person like my great uncle, you have people like my mom's side of the family...and 99% of people that live in my hometown, regardless of age :\


both my grandparent are/were quite accepting of gays and of other religions. my grandpa cracks wise about other cultures and stuff like that, but he doesn't seriously mean it. my grandma was a bit more serious about stuff like that, but more in a "confused blonde moment" sort of way. looking back on it, it was actually pretty cute. i miss my grandma....

so i'm pissed. i was having a great day, and it just kept getting better and better and better as time went on! wrote a bunch of reviews, worked on the comic a bit, got another new marker, convinced my sis to get me a plushie for my birthday and then vowed to get another one next week, paid back my mum some, and Re:Dial even came in the mail!!
but then my friend mel contacted me saying that our room arrangements for AB had fallen through and that there was nothing she could do/arrange (tbh she didn't even really try) and that i should look for alternate housing for me and the kids, IGNORING THE FACT THAT SHE IS THE ALTERNATE HOUSING.
and if that wasn't enough of a kick in the pants, Re:Dial's DVD doesn't work because my damn DVD drive is region-locked! ><;;;

the rest i'll have to take care of myself, but mind lending me a hand with the drive, OSC? full details in the computer thread. ><;
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Um, handbrake it and watch it on the computer?  That sounds dumb when I type it.

Went to Rich Mountain yesterday to see the battlefield site.  Lovely view too.  Also had this delicious peanut butter pie that indescribably good at the cafeteria when I got back.

Things have gone really well this week, like, a bunch of stuff I was worried about resolved itself and nothing worse happened.  Plus I figured out some annoying IRC setting stuff and discovered I was being way too hard on the Train Dispatcher 2 staff.