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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Bella: Are you pulling our leg, or are you serious? Sorry if I come off as rude, but anti-psychotic\sedative\antihistamine pills seems a bit much for chickenpox, and it is still April Fool's Day :\


Is there a Strata thread? I'm kinda stuck.
Is there a thread with relevant computer information or trivia?
Simon was here :P


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Pent, Bells' life is made up of over blowing things and un-needed panic.  Seriously though, chicken pox gets worse the older you are;  late teens/twenties onward it gets a lot worse.


Well, yeah. I had it back in January (Thanks, mom >_>; )

But, I don't see how she'd come up with needing anti-psychotics for chickenpox :\


true dat. but maybe it's side effects, like how viagra was originally for blood pressure.
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Simon was here :P


Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 01, 2013, 09:32:47 PM
@Bella: Are you pulling our leg, or are you serious? Sorry if I come off as rude, but anti-psychotic\sedative\antihistamine pills seems a bit much for chickenpox, and it is still April Fool's Day :\

Quote from: stewartsage on April 02, 2013, 12:24:23 PM
Pent, Bells' life is made up of over blowing things and un-needed panic.  Seriously though, chicken pox gets worse the older you are;  late teens/twenties onward it gets a lot worse.

I'm on Atarax (aka hydroxyzine), a prescription antihistamine that also somehow acts as a mild antipsychotic, anti-anxiety, sedative and anti-nausea medication. It seems to be working pretty well so far, the itching is almost nonexistent (so far *knock on wood*) and the blisters are a lot less red and angry looking. On the flip side, it's working a little too well as a sedative, I can barely muster the energy / coordination to sit up in a chair (this is my first time using Eve since Sunday night), my balance is messed up and I basically have zero will to do anything that doesn't involve lying in bed, eating, reading or watching TV. I have no fucks to give. It's basically transformed me into a tree sloth.

And if anything, an antihistamine seems a little weak for chicken pox. I can't believe anyone can get through this without some serious goddamn medications without, like, clawing their eyeballs out or taking a cheesegrater to their skin or something OH GOD IT WAS SO BAD BEFORE I GOT ON THIS MEDICATION.


Ah. All I had was a painkiller; which doubled as an antihistamine and fever reducer :\


glad it's helping bells, but if it's leaving you lethargic you might want to call your doctor and get on something else. :\
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Indeed. I still feel it's too heavy for something like chickenpox :\

So, Asagi's new AC came in. It works maybe half the time; the other half, it flickers constantly with what's apparently a "insufficient power" error (Took me forever to find that on HP's site). So, I'm going to return it and hopefully maybe get my truck out to that recycling place to see about a replacement AC next week. That honestly killed my night; I didn't even care to finish the episode of Nostalgia Critic I was watching :\


Chicken pox sucks.

What also sucks is taking falls at 100km/h speeds. And overshooting the jumping ramps and landing on the flats.

My toes are hurting like a bitch now -_-


adding to this pile of suck is a few things on my end!

yesterday i was awoken with what sounded like an explosion, startled the cats into the basement and my mum from her reading spot, too, but a quick look out the windows provided no clues. then my dad got home.
and saw the tree.
the large birch tree leaning on his workshop. (it's one of a pair, the other's still standing but i'm wondering if that isn't a hazard, too.)
i went out and took a buttload of pictures, there was chunks of branches and debris all over the place in addition to the decades-old tree looming ominously over the building. worse yet, it's on our rear neighbor's property, so whether or not they have the insurance for this has been called into question. >>;

today! i wake up at about 12:45 and am feeling as if i have been struck with the sick punch hard. throat hurts, nose is running, headache, woozy, stomach ache, tired, the works. i was supposed to go over to my grandparents' to help thatch the yard, but i guess that plan's been nixed.
also, my friend russell has had his paypal account hacked. his accounts are cleaned into the negatives and credit's maxxed. i feel so bad for him, as it is he just got back from DC yesterday from applying for a job there. ;^;
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