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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i need to start making a "weird movies" folder.
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If you do, be sure to track down Howard the Duck -w-

That movie is so bad, yet I love it xD


eh, i was going to call it "cheesy 80's movies" but i have one from the 90's, too. :\
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I haven't seen that movie in forever xD

Urgh. I want to get out and do stuff, but I can't do anything until I get my paycheck, which they refuse to let me have until after 2PM for whatever reason >_<;

EDIT: Well, I at least have a power supply for my laptop on the way now. I was asked if I wanted to come into work tonight, so I think I might take the offer just to get some extra money...and I'll likely steal the AC to mom's laptop to use Asagi at grandma's office, since my new power supply isn't in yet >w>;


never seen Wayne's World. but UHF was a good one. -w-

i won't say have fun at work, but hopefully it doesn't suck. :3

gaaah, my eyes are killing me. on the upside, the comic page is progressing well, there's likely to be one or two up by tonight. i'll likely keep up the pace through the week and then make saturday upload day. :3
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Dr. Kraus

Welp, GuP is over and I must say that it was nail biting right down to the final seconds of the battle and I have to say is...

anyway, it was great and I can't wait for season 2 to come around (probably sometime in the fall if lucky, they had the entire couple month delay so they can make an open ended final for a season 2). Also might be moving down to Florida this summer or something like that, don't really know at this point.


ouch, florida in summer. my sympathies. :\
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 25, 2013, 07:29:29 PM
ouch, florida in summer. my sympathies. :\

I love hot weather and its better for my health overall, thats why I really would like to live in either Florida or California because every time I go down south my health is 150% better than normal up here in the North.

Though, I'm always going to be a northerner and a Pittsburgher that can't go outside when there is slight sunshine because 2bright4eyes


@Kraus: I'm the opposite. During my trip to visit Kari, my health seemed to be better; my allergies were at an all-time minimum, plus my brain didn't feel like an omelet -w-


@kraus: i agree with you on the sun thing, i was in the car today and i was thinking to myself, "damn, shoulda brought my sunglasses, it's so bright."
it's been severely overcast all day. :\

@pent: seems he's a southerner born in the north and you're a northener born in the south. :3
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lol... me, I'm a mtehualean... time and time again, my da's family has asked and tried to force me to move up the states, working there... I only tell them no, because Matehuala is my Girlfriend, Wife and Mistress


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 25, 2013, 10:36:13 PM
@pent: seems he's a southerner born in the north and you're a northener born in the south. :3

Another Northerner-born-in-the-South reporting in ... I can't stand the heat, it seems to aggravate whatever ails me.

Optimum operational conditions:
0 to 70° F, 40 to 70% humidity, 20 to 40'' annual rainfall, 100'' to ∞'' annual snowfall.

I'm especially sensitive to temperatures, anything above 80° F and I risk my delicate germanium transistors failing passing out from the heat or being too sluggish to do anything useful. In warm environments I tend to stay in air conditioned areas at all times. And even when it's not warm out i try to stay indoors as much as possible, because of the insect threat. Actually, the only time I feel fully comfortable outside is in the winter, when it's nice and chilly and any potential stingy-bitey things are dead.


What she said.

Well, for the most part anyway. Except that I'm a northerner born slightly more to the north than most of you have ever been (Stockholm is some 100 miles south of Anchorage or so) yet insist on going as far north as I can possibly manage all the time...
Low humidity is crucial, rainfall is best kept reasonable but as long as it stays in the right place and time I'm fine. Snowfall, come at me. Optimal temperatures by season are as follows: Winter -10C to -5C, can be stretched to -20C and -2C. Spring 5C to 10C. Summer 15C to 21C. Autumn once again 5C to 10C.

I don't have the same temperature sensitivity as you, Bella, but if humidity starts climbing up I am not leaving the house. I'm pretty comfortable in beating the Saharan heat or hiking through the Grand Canyon - you prepare yourself for those, anyway - but the days I spent in Florida was probably one of the absolute worst of my life in terms of weather, closely followed by the damn heat wave during my summer stay at Kari's, during which I used so many ice packs I bloody well lost count. Fortunately most stingy-bitey things here up in the north are restricted to mosquitoes, wasps and gadflies, and it's really only the mosquitoes you can't escape easily, and those you bloody well just ignore anyway. Spiders here don't exactly bite humans, and the odds of running into a viper (which is the only poisonous snake on this latitude) are pretty damn low, especially when you get further north. Heck, you run a bigger risk running into a bear, a boar, or a herd of reindeer than you do a viper (and of those the boar is by far the most dangerous, despite not being much of a carnivore). Summers here are fairly comfortable, as long as you don't mind the countless days of less-than-great weather.