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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Bella: That sucks :[

If it makes you feel better, if you didn't see earlier, your gift for me arrives earlier this week :3


So my correct item finally arrived from FRP Games.  Now to send back the incorrect item..... after I take a damn nap.


That's both bad and good :1

Megaman Starforce DVD came in the mail; 13 episodes on 2 discs(?).


So tired from snowboarding all afternoon. x.x

Also, finally got my b'day gift from my grandparents ... a cute greeting card and a $25 Target gift card. ^.^


That's nice

I hate today. The weather has me feeling sleepy, and just when I finally get to sleep, I get called by work because they want me to come in right now, when all my uniforms are in the washing machine >_<;;


so i saw. i was wondering why you weren't on skype. :\

now i feel bad that i'm the only one having a semi-decent day. oh wait, bells is too. YAY, DECENT BUDDIES~

my parents have been at each others' throats all day, but despite that today isn't half bad. the knee seems to be getting better, i've gotten quite a bit of art done (managed to finish the main digital panel in about 1-2 hours, light speed considering what it used to take me ^^; ), and the anime club at the library went really nicely. they were amazed by my tablet, and i was shocked to learn that none of them had heard of gaia online. :0 we also got through kiki's delivery service and watched some of the first Gundam Unicorn OVA. a new member showed up (he couldn't stay for the whole thing, though), and i exchanged DAs with a couple people after encouraging them to come on gaia. a good time was had by all. ^^
click to make it bigger


So I'm switching around my phone accounts, and now I can't call or be called...BUT I 5 BARS, LOL.


Well my birthday was last weekend, and this weekend is the party, Burritos, and brownies yay o__o
Simon was here :P


Quote from: NejinOniwa on March 21, 2013, 06:49:24 PM
So I'm switching around my phone accounts, and now I can't call or be called...BUT I 5 BARS, LOL.
ninjaphone? :0

Quote from: Simonorged on March 22, 2013, 09:01:51 AM
Well my birthday was last weekend, and this weekend is the party, Burritos, and brownies yay o__o

just don't combine the two. i tried chocolate on pizza once and it was horrible. (though it was leftovers on both accounts, so i'd like to try again to see if it tastes better fresh. NEVER GIVE UP THE DREAM~~)
click to make it bigger


I had a chocolate pizza once, technically. One of the guys at work took a thin pizza crust, and topped it with the stuff we use for the chocolate dunkers; which resulted in what was like a giant cookie *w*


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 20, 2013, 10:38:03 AM

also, nice.  how are you liking Yuru Yuri so far? :3
My pleasure. :3

Yeah, Yuru Yuri is entertaining, but I can't watch more than two episodes at once before losing interest. It's like sweet foods for me, I like it but I can't consume too much at once. (Strangely enough, I could watch a few more episodes of Hidamari than I normally could of most shows of the sort.)

Ah, did we close the Japanese language thread? I guess I'll hit you up on skype sometime.
I did finally watch that video that you linked. I knew pretty much everything in that video, but context is a VERY big help when listening and understanding a foreign language.
The romanization for ou/oo is different from what I'm used to seeing too. (It's an o with a diacritic, and I'm too lazy to find it in a character map) For a beginner episode, romaji is fine, but I really wanted to see kana. I commend the fact they showed people speaking at regular conversational speed. (Also wwww 80s)

Oh, and I must share a twitter account that I discovered yesterday:
Basically it's a Japanese guy that makes up silly English sentences that you will NEVER see on an English test. It's for helping Japanese learners with sentence structure and vocabulary. And I think it works both ways. :3


I locked it. Was dead for a while. I can unlock it if you like ^z^


Shit, I've got to remember and throw Patlabor in my bags before going home for SPRING BREAK 2013.

Also: How does everyone else pronounce 'labor'?  The way I say it rhymes with 'caber'; is that normal?


Simon was here :P


>Get a voicemall about having to go into work tomorrow
>It only comes ~14 hours in advance
>Last boss used to inform people of their schedules at least 4-5 days in advance
>Says I have to be in my 7:15am

Quote from: stewartsage on March 22, 2013, 12:52:02 PM
Also: How does everyone else pronounce 'labor'?  The way I say it rhymes with 'caber'; is that normal?

I pronounce it the "lay-ber" way. Rhymes with "Neighbor".