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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Kari: Happy birthday ^^

Also, that person yesterday had black hair ^^;;


Happy Birthday, Kari!

* Paul is feeling pretty sick at the moment, had sort of a high fever this morning (38.5°C) and a pretty terrible headache that still lasts.
Also my spine is sometimes starting to hurt after a particularly busy day at work :/


Wow... you're fucked :O
I'm kidding, I'm not that messed up, hang in there buddy :D

Sleep. Drink water. Loads of water. Throw a ball into the air, anything that will help you to ease the pain.


Quote from: LeaflameSD on March 10, 2013, 04:39:30 PM
Wow... you're fucked :O
I'm kidding, I'm not that messed up, hang in there buddy :D

Sleep. Drink water. Loads of water. Throw a ball into the air, anything that will help you to ease the pain.

go slay some cokemonz!

Fenicidades Karilicious...


Hope you're having a nice birthday, Kari! :D

And Paul, I hope you feel better soon. I don't know what you're doing / taking for the fever and pain, but an icepack or frozen damp towel across the head seems helps me whenever I have a headache OR fever, so it might be worth a try. As for the back problems, maybe ice packs or a heating pad depending on what sort of pain you're having? : (


@Paul: Hope you feel better soon. I know I often have pain in my left shoulder after a long day at work of if I spend too much time sitting at 2k (I love that ancient computer chair, but it's not the most comfortable thing

Also, in honor of Kari's birthday, I'm having myself a drink to relax after a damn good day at work. Cheers! ^^


Since I've been forgetting to mention it: The last few days I've been maple sugaring. It's weird because it literally involves wounding poor defenseless maple trees and putting taps in them and hanging buckets from the taps and waiting for their sweet, sweet sap to drain out. It's basically tree-vampirism.

I drank some of the sap right from the tap yesterday, and then today I drank some out of one of the buckets. ELIXIR OF THE NEW ENGLAND GODDDDDDDDDDDS.


Maple syrup! WOO! >:3


awwwww shiiiit, that sounds awesome. wish i had the means to tap some trees here. :\

thanks for the birthday greetings everyone, this is likely the best birthday yet. ^^
and nej, i'm surprised i made it this far. :\

@paul: ;^;
honey!!! soup and honey and rest and teeeeeaaaaa ;^;
click to make it bigger


My birthday is next weekend on Sunday

*tumble weed throughout the forum*
Simon was here :P


Glad you had fun, Kari. ^^

And yeah, maple sugaring has been interesting so far. Now I just have to figure out how to get the sap from the buckets and into a safe container so i can carry it home ... thinking of using some water jugs ...


that might be a good idea, but why not just take the buckets? afraid it'll spill?

@simon: gonna have to do something. like art. :3
click to make it bigger


They're probably pretty heavy by themselves.  Use five gallon buckets and a wheelbarrow!

"Mid-Terms" coming up.  Only one actual exam, and a paper to do.


@Stew: Good luck :3

@Bella: Use the Force to carry the buckets. Or, just use a wagon; which might be more practical ^^;;


@choco: that would be nice, thank you.
Simon was here :P