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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Since the previous How To Draw Manga didn't help me, I browsed Amazon UK for another better book and this caught my eye.

So whaddya think? Would you buy it?


whaaaat, the katy coope one didn't help you? did you follow the instructions? ;^;

i've never seen that other one before. i think i spy Onizuka-sensei on the cover, which is interesting. but as for quality, i can't say.

this was another one i got when i was younger. it's not as early as my first (the katy coope one), but it's old, that's for sure. it covers a lot of basic stuff, though you won't have most of the materials they list in there (such as the pen nibs and such); most of it is hard to find outside of japan.
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Oh man, katy coope. That is ancient stuff there. hahah

I'll comment more on learning to draw later, but I should sleep, and I am a rambly sort of person.

Speaking of rambling, my convention staff friends and brony friends are talking about how the Las Pegasus con last weekend was probably a scam.
Here's a link to the story of an artist that the ALA boss shared with us:

I figure I'd share here too, even though I'm not an MLP fan. If it happened to a con I loved, I'd be damn pissed off.


@Kari: I read it all, I tell ya. It is good, unlike most reviews of it, but it doesn't really go into depth. It kinda just showed me characters that all look similar to each other and bases. It didn't really teach me a whole lot (I may come off as kinda retarded online, but don't worry, I am smart.), or maybe I just didn't understand it.

@Sleepy: Scamming in conventions is something new to me.


@Sleepy: Wow, that would have been a terrible convention to go to. Let's hope my first con is a lot better than that, whenever I actually get a chance to go :\


Sorry for being so reclusive lately I've been pretty depressed feeling and sad about winter and my job being (almost) over and not had anything to say. And I've been suffering writers + artists block and UGH EVERYTHING SUCKS.

And imma keep bothering you all to keep apprised of /More IBMs and /Theory Revival because I may be introduction a new class of characters soon (LANGUAGE-TANS. NOW I FEEL LIKE AN ASS FOR SAYING I'D NEVER MAKE ANY.), so help and input would be super appreciated...


I hope everything gets better soon :[


Flu week has me trapped. GGKTHX. -_-


@nej: weather through, master. and drink lots of fluids, being sick always dehydrates. if your throat is sore, buy a bottle of honey and start downing it like an ad exec downs coffee.

@bella: not that i'm criticizing you, but even when i've been uber derp-pressed i've made an effort to come online and let people know i'm alive. (and you don't want to know the depths of depression i've been to.) the writers' block, however, i can't say much on that. take a break for awhile and do something else. Nuzlocke is a good thing in this case, since it's quite time-consuming and worlds away from everything else you're doing, so your mind will be completely occupied once you get into it. :3

language as in French-tan/Japanese-tan/Mandarin-tan, or language as in Ruby-tan/Java-tan/etc?
or could this be a fabled Grammar-tan!? :0

@sleepy: as long as that took me to read, it was damn scary. makes me think twice about attending any small/new cons. .__.;

@leaf: the katy coope method is for getting things started. it's SUPPOSED to be generic, since if you start looking into books like the one i posted, you won't know where to start. you want something general at first. but if you didn't find hers helpful, you might try this one instead; i've had it just about as long as my katy coope one and it proved to be rather useful from the start. it's thicker, too. :3
don't overwhelm yourself at first. if you want my advice, stay as basic as possible. and work on your proportions and basic (BASIC) anatomy. when i first started out, girls looked like lego bricks i stuck half-gumballs onto for boobs :p
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Thanks Pent, and yeah, I feel shitty about not being online, but I hardly have the energy to roll out of bed in the morning much less carry on any sort of meaningful conversation. I have been posting on tumblr intermittently, so checking over there is a good way to make sure that I'm still alive / have an internet connection.

And yeah Kari, I mean programming language-tans. I made a longer post about my ideas on PL-tans as a class - they mesh pretty well with what Nej suggested.

@Nej: You sick too? Or just surrounded by sick people?

@Sleepy: I'm gonna read that article, I'm curious to find out how it nearly imploded. o__O


@Choco: I see. So I have to start small... I guess I will look into getting that book I was talking just to see what it is like. But honestly I am used to just getting one huge book with everything I need to know about the said subject.

@Bella: Welcome back? Also, I always thought people used the internet to get away from real-life problems.

@Nejin: Noodles. Eat a ton of noodles that are piping hot, and you'll feel right as rain.


i suppose it's different for everyone. for example, the internet serves as both an escape from and a reminder of the walls of life closing in on me. ^^
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@Leafy: It kind of depends. If I'm in need of distraction or support, I usually turn to the internet and talking with friends. Other times I just feel melancholy and introspective, and want just that - alone time and introspection. :/

Also, I know I said I'd hand the Gallery image-uploading reins to Kari and Pent ... but I (re)discovered some super-obscure / old programming language-tans and am probably going to upload their pics to the gallery. (I promise I'll get the fsck out after I'm done uploading them though...) .u.


dude, why just hand the reins over to us? IT'S A GROUP EFFORT, EVERYBODY PARTY

would they perchance be the programming angels? i remember a little flash video introducing them on some japanese website.

EDIT: guys, have you ever caught yourself wishing you could be more honest with people?
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Nope. I value my ability to deceive people quite highly.