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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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YAY! ^^

I still want to try snowboarding eventually


I can't help but get paranoid as fuck when boarding. Having both your feet stuck together like that, it feels like you're chained to a piece of wood... -_-


I'm just a little crazy, so I'd probably like it >w>


i'll join in if we can go tubing. cause i'll be in the lodge for everything else. .w.
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I'll just not go, kthanx.

Today was not a very good day.  Incompetent sales staff, sleeping through my classes, yeah....


@Stew: I know that feel

Today was alright. Dishwasher was still broken, so I was washing dishes by hand, had people trying to help me when I know they're just going to get in my way with how cramped that aisle is, and had a nice system going that was keeping it running smoothly and efficiently...until the fuck-up was like "I need the rectangle pans cleaned now", after I already had two sinks full of stuff soaking, which threw off my entire system and resulted in me being back at square one by the time I was finished cleaning those pans for him >_<;;

I managed to get it all back down to a reasonable level by the time I got off, at the very least :\


not your problem now! : D
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Indeed. I hope the dishwasher is working tonight, though

So, after nearly 3 years of waiting, that '94 Dodge Spirit is almost ready to drive. I approve of this, although once it is running, it raises the question of whither to take it with me when I move, or take the Ramcharger. One would be cheaper to drive up there, but the other has more cargo room plus towing capacity...


it's too bad you can't mail the smaller stuff here and just drive with the big stuff. :\
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True :\

Well, it mostly rides on if I can fit that bookshelf in the car or not. It'll fit in the truck without question, but the car? Not sure, since the back seat doesn't fold down like my mom's car or the Dart* I had

*One of the most unusual things about that car; it had a fold-down back seat in 1974, when I never knew of any vehicles having that until at least 1999


srsly? cool. but i didn't realize the spirit was a car, not a truck. if that's the case, take a truck, it'll serve you well provided it doesn't have front wheel drive. :\
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My brother's got a '92 Spirit.  It's reliable.


for some reason late 80's and early 90's cars always are. my sister's buick is a 96' and it's in damn great shape. of course, it was literally only driven on sundays to church by an elderly asian woman.
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@Stew: Even better, said '94 Spirit is built around the engine of the '89 Omni I loved so much (It's like my car is a time lord, and is finally regenerating after it took a minivan to the side years ago ;v; )
As for reliability, only twice in the past decade that I can remember my Ramcharger was not drivable; once when the fuel pump died, and once when an idiot in a Toyota slammed into it from behind (See why I prefer to pretend 2010 never happened?)

@Kari: Indeed they are. You should see my grandpa's '88 Chevy truck; it's the automotive equivalent to Laptop the Laptop, in the fact that it looks like a rusted piece of shit but somehow still manages to work XD

As for vehicle to take when I move, I'm still not quite sure. I'll drive the Spirit for a while once it's running, while the Ramcharger is having its engine replaced, and then decide from there which I want to use (Maybe I'll take both >:3)


Quote from: PentiumMMX on February 27, 2013, 09:51:30 PM
As for vehicle to take when I move, I'm still not quite sure. I'll drive the Spirit for a while once it's running, while the Ramcharger is having its engine replaced, and then decide from there which I want to use (Maybe I'll take both >:3)


About cars... well, dad seems to collect them... He has a Chevrolet Pick Up Truck back from '79, a Ford Fairmont, I guess 80-82 a grand cherkee 96 and a ford explorer 96 too...