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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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That sucks. Hope it goes well

So, I've started to price some of the things I know I'll need when I move. So far, I know how much renting a U-Hail will be, plus how much an air mattress will run (Which can hold me off until I get my futon). Still need to think about pots and pans, silverware, and towels as far as major stuff goes; since I have a cookie sheet, some cups, and a nice set of dishes


pots and pans will be easy to source around here. the local goodwill is less than a block away from the complex (you could walk there if needed), and they have tons of stuff. plus, their prices are colour-coded, and the colour of the day is half off. they have kitchen items, lamps, small appliances, some furniture, tons of blankets and pillows, and some other things. plus, when it comes to basic stuff we can do what my sister did and go to dollar tree. $1 dish soap? I THINK SO

@stew: i'd invest in a bag of calcium chloride if i were you. :\

@simon: did you read the whole post? note the "your friend" at the end of the first line. the "you" wasn't directed at you specifically, it was directed in general.
make sure he polices that, it can be detrimental to those around him. for further reading, watch the anime Binbougami-ga! .

right now i start work once again on the world building needed for Ace's High. SO MANY NUNSSSSS
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Mmm. Noted (Also, a Goodwill that close by? Score! >:3)

If I can find a set, I'd like copper-bottom pots and pans like what mom has a set of. They heat up quickly and evenly, clean up nicely, and are built to last -w-

Also, good luck on your comic ^^


thanks man. as always, if i get stuck on something, i'ma poke you for an answer. xD

also, idk what kind of pots you'll find there, but if you want to splurge, there's a big lots right down the street and a wal mart just up the hill from the apartments. :\

oh yeah, i forgot to mention the other day when we were talking about books, another favourite novel of mine: Geek Love. twisted and dark and beautiful.
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Interesting :3

Also, something I thought about with that game Kari did a while back, where you had to guess which fact was true, I finally remembered I said I was going to do one ^^;
So, here we go: Which of these three is true about me?

1: I saw Disney's Song of the South before they became ashamed of it and buried it deep within their vault
2: I used to have a nearly complete set of plush Power Ranger dolls, until they all went missing save for the White Ranger; whom I still have to this day
3: I once grew a goatee to attempt a cosplay of the Nostalgia Critic for Halloween one year. Sadly, I never had a chance to obtain the rest of the stuff I needed


i'm gonna vote for 3...
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my vote is for 2.

Personally I do drain energy... but I'm more focused on Musical/elemental energy, and take less than =.000000000001% of people....


completely unrelated to everything else being discussed, but if anyone wants it, i have a link to some lovely music made by traditional japanese instruments. and it's all free!


(there's a buttload more on the site)
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You know we're all secretly changelings inside.

Voting for 2.


Krausssss play league with me mon
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Alright, I suppose I'll reveal the answer

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It's #2. I'll post a pic of my old White Ranger doll sometime later, since I really want to show it off.

As for the first one, I have seen clips of Song of the South when I was really little, but never the entire movie. Part of me is interested mostly because of Disney pretending it doesn't exist; it makes it more intriguing

With the third one, I never really thought about cosplaying as the Nostalgia Critic before; mostly because I don't care much for the feeling of having facial hair. I have considered cosplaying as Dr. Insano, and actually have gone as a modified version of Linkara


Quote from: Cockleshell on January 26, 2013, 07:51:04 AM
Krausssss play league with me mon
Wait cockle started playing league and didn't tell me?



hence why i confused her post with kraus a couple days ago. seems she didn't advertise the fact.

@pent: i was gonna go for 2, but at the last minute i thought to myself, "3 sounds like something rodney might do." and i went for that. oh well ^^;

@nej: so if we're changelings, why is so hard for us to PLAY changeling. >>;;;
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so let's escape it with a nice GAME OF CHANGELING.
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