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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So what the hell did you guys do to make Pitkin ragebreak and what did I miss, exactly? >_>


It was due to the argument between Kari and Dustii, then Kari and Alfonso, in the anime topic last weekend


Last weekend?

Talk about latency


Ragebreak always comes when the circumstances around allow it. It's a very delicate process.


One does not simply ragebreak? (God this is the second time I've been able to work "one does not simply X" into a conversation this morning.) >>

And Stew, now you know why I'm so suspicious of orthodontists. Sometimes it seems like they want to fix any miniscule problem even if it doesn't pose any immediate (or long-term, for that matter) threat. And all the horror stories I've heard of people who wore braces throughout their child / teenage years only to have them be taken off and have their teeth become crooked again. If I ever need my teeth straightened someday, I'm going to wait until my teeth are good and (mostly) set ... -__-


I like my teeth as they are, but I'd still like to have a dentist do a check-up to see if my wisdom teeth are coming in correctly...if the dental & vision insurance from Pizza Hut would finally kick in >_>;;


i was supposed to get braces as a child, but my sister's insurance cut off at 19, and for some reason the state cut mine, too. it got reinstated, but only as healthy kids silver, which didn't cover braces. i compare it to indiana jones sliding under a lowering door and managing to reach back under to grab his hat. (dodged that bullet nice.) -w-
my insurance was eventually bumped back up to gold, but we had decided by this point not to get me braces. tbh the only "problem" that i have with my teeth is a slight overbite. it doesn't prevent me from eating or smiling, and there's no other obvious problems (overcrowding, gaps, etc), so i don't see the point.

@nej: i was just trying to re-rail the topic!!! (that and i don't take kindly to newcomers judging americans as a whole as having bad grammar when they haven't even seen the way we talk for at least a month.) if there was another admin policing these topics to make sure they don't devolve into random piles of buttcheek and waffle iron, then i wouldn't take matters into my own hands. (hell, if i were an admin i wouldn't even be that angry, since people would actually LISTEN when i gently nudge them back into the right topic. which i did before hand. i asked politely to move the grammar talk into topicless.)
as for the discussion with dustii, that was topic-relevant, and an honest debate. though perhaps the dub vs sub debate should be put on the list of "forbidden" topics such as politics and religion, since everyone's opinions will run high in that one. (though i feel semi-justified. you shouldn't talk smack about something you haven't seen in full.)

@alphonso: but you've tossed the word "lazy" around twice in the past week, and you haven't made any K-ON! references along with it.... ;^;
though it would help if you knew the geography of the area. since exeter is a bit out of the way and there's nothing there (in terms of stores) that we can't find here, we just don't end up over there much, especially this time of year. (beach is too coooold. ;^; )
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Was up all night watching... watchi-watching anime.

*sigh* Forgive me guys for seeming weird... I am in a state of shock.


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It wasn't dangerously bad, it's just now I feel like I'm on a drug tripp or something... muscles kinda ache and jargon. Well I guess I better go somewhere else before I start something.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 22, 2013, 11:39:39 AM
*snip* if there was another admin policing these topics to make sure they don't devolve into random piles of buttcheek and waffle iron, then i wouldn't take matters into my own hands. *snip*

Yes, admittedly it is a dreadful mistake to believe that officially grown-ups would be able to act like real ones. Mea culpa. :)

Also, I find it a bit funny that the same forum which cries out "freedom of speech!" every now and then is at the same time calling for more moderation AND forbidding of unsuitable topics. This is, without any animosity, a mere observation that everyone can verify for themselves.


@leaf: certain anime can do that to you, as Jinrui did to me. what series was it?

@pit: no need to get nasty. i don't think anyone was behaving childishly, it was more a matter of heated tempers run amok. and also, i wasn't saying FORBID the topic, i'm just saying that like the topics of religion and politics, it might be one to avoid. no need to take every single word so damn literally. >>;;

as for further moderation, i say that because i asked for the grammar discussion to end in the anime topic a couple times. it's not the grammar topic, it's the anime topic. there's no sense in letting that go on, since if it did and the topic fell apart into a chaotic pile, we'd have to make a new topic to talk about anime, which theoretically could devolve again, resulting in a third anime topic, and so on. it doesn't help to have administrators/moderators when they barely post or stick to only one part of the forum.

if you don't mind my asking, do you have something against me? i've been getting that vibe recently.
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Can't we all just get along? ;_________;


Quote from: Bella on January 22, 2013, 01:43:51 PM
Can't we all just get along? ;_________;

Seconded. I'm tired of the constant fighting already, because if I wanted that, I'd just go on the boards on GameFAQs for current game consoles >_>;

Also, Bella, I'm going to try and get your birthday gift in the mail tomorrow :3


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 22, 2013, 01:39:07 PM
if you don't mind my asking, do you have something against me? i've been getting that vibe recently.

I don't mind you asked. Nothing against you. Wouldn't marry you either: already married, you see. ;)

edit: To answer Bella and Pentium: probably not, some personalities tend to clash, and when they don't... well, I'll figure something else.