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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 04, 2013, 06:12:49 PM
You're new to me, but welcome back :3

Quote from: Bella on January 04, 2013, 08:35:37 PM
If you don't mind my asking, how so? I've witnessed a lot of change here myself, but I'm curious to hear the perspective of somebody who was at the site almost a year before I joined (and left for such a long stretch of time).
I've actually visited a few times over the course of my 'absence', just didn't log in or anything. For one, the gallery used to be more of the fore-front and I feel the forum felt secondary, but now it feels vice-versa. I've never really been much of a community person, so I can't really speak for how much the community has changed. The theme definitely has. I feel when I joined, 2k-tan was more or less the mascot of this site.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 04, 2013, 08:44:18 PM
@zixaphir: *bows* always nice to meet an ancient one. i'm choco, and somehow i wound up with the most posts on here despite not being an admin. xD

you "used to" like this site? why not anymore? :[
(and i agree, what's changed? :3 )
Well, 'used to' in the fact that I used to actively browse, and more or less haven't for some time.

In a way, I find it odd that OS-tan hasn't become more of a booru gallery, but then again, this site pre-dates the advent of booru.


@Zixa: lol, 2k as the mascot? pent would be in heaven there. xD

i suppose it hasn't become more of a booru because 1. the format is largely different (for th the better, in my opinion), and 2. we don't really have enough material to qualify to be a booru. mind you, i had about 15,000 pictures to upload to the gallery, mostly rare pictures that we can't get anymore, but the drive they were on died. >>;

instead of just hosting the images, now we make our own -tans for older computers, ones that would otherwise never recieve characterization.
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2k was mascot? I approve of this *w*


Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 05, 2013, 06:59:55 AM
2k was mascot? I approve of this *w*

More or less. Meaning probably not officially, but close enough.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 05, 2013, 02:41:30 AM
instead of just hosting the images, now we make our own -tans for older computers, ones that would otherwise never recieve characterization.

Sounds like the most logical progression of what this place would become. I approve.


Hi Zixaphir, long time no see. :)


Well I became a err... a... a err... *cough*brony*cough*



*cough* I didn't. *cough*


Quote from: Zixaphir on January 05, 2013, 12:39:51 AM
I've actually visited a few times over the course of my 'absence', just didn't log in or anything. For one, the gallery used to be more of the fore-front and I feel the forum felt secondary, but now it feels vice-versa. I've never really been much of a community person, so I can't really speak for how much the community has changed. The theme definitely has. I feel when I joined, 2k-tan was more or less the mascot of this site.

Very interesting! I've heard that the gallery was more central to the forum Back In The Day, but I wasn't here so i wouldn't know. It seems as though the forum has become the central feature, but it sounds like the admins might want to shift some of the focus to the wiki in the future (which I fully support in theory and practice, as evidenced by my recent bout of wiki-editing fever).

Heh, I still remember the big forum theme change! It was kind of disorienting but tbh I ended up liking the new theme a lot better. 2K-tan was the unofficial mascot? I always thought ME-tan had that honor. : p

Anyway, here's hoping you stick around a little while longer and get acquainted with the community here. We aren't without our occasional problems, but it's really one of the loveliest I've had the pleasure of knowing.

Quote from: LeaflameSD on January 05, 2013, 08:52:28 AM
Well I became a err... a... a err... *cough*brony*cough*


Welcome aboard mate!


Quote from: LeaflameSD on January 05, 2013, 08:52:28 AM
Well I became a err... a... a err... *cough*brony*cough*



Quote from: NejinOniwa on January 05, 2013, 10:42:39 AM
Quote from: LeaflameSD on January 05, 2013, 08:52:28 AM
Well I became a err... a... a err... *cough*brony*cough*


Hey, it can be pretty traumatic to realize you've been assimilated into The Herd!


I cried for days when I realized I caught the pony.  First it was just browsing Ponibooru because someone was talking about Twilight Sparkle and 'Dear Princess Celestia'.  Then I woke up covered in blindbags and the theme song stuck in my head with Winter Wrap Up playing on my computer.

Pretty much totally better.  My ear's still blocked up, but that's how it was most of elementary school so other then saying 'what' a lot more then usual I don't notice.


Very nice ^^

I went back to bed earlier, and was asleep until 1PM. I'm feeling pretty good now; about to find something for lunch :3
Well, I still look bad, but energy wise I'm starting to feel good again.

Also, my copy of Thousand Arms is in


Well, I went from totally uninformed to zealot over the course of maybe a week or so. That was an important stateside trip, that was. -w-

Speaking of That Trip, Kari, I'm sorry to say that your present is stuck in shipping hell. I don't know how it got there, and I don't know when it will arrive, and I have no time whatsoever at the moment to do anything about it. I'll see what I can look up once Exam Hell is done with.

THIS EVENING ON CORRUPTION DAILY: The Vatican owns 75% of all property in Italy.


@Pent: Glad you're feeling better. :)
@Nej: Is that statistic real? o__o;;;

Quote from: stewartsage on January 05, 2013, 12:35:53 PM
I cried for days when I realized I caught the pony.  First it was just browsing Ponibooru because someone was talking about Twilight Sparkle and 'Dear Princess Celestia'.  Then I woke up covered in blindbags and the theme song stuck in my head with Winter Wrap Up playing on my computer.

Pfffffft, you're pretty much the one who got me into ponies through much slow wearing down until I finally broke and succumbed to the cute. >//> Then the next thing I knew I was visiting Wal-Marts in strange towns trying to find blind bags. : p

QuotePretty much totally better.  My ear's still blocked up, but that's how it was most of elementary school so other then saying 'what' a lot more then usual I don't notice.


Makes me think of myself when I was little ...for reasons I can't recall, I was asking people to repeat themselves, and it finally got to my aunt and she just about tried to convince my mom to send me to a hearing doctor because she was sure I was hearing-impaired.