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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.




Holy crap it's a Cockle *w*

So, I overslept this morning. Have to leave for work in about 10 minutes or so :\
This is what I hate about having an opening shift the day after a closing shift; I feel like I never get enough rest


Quote from: Cockleshell on December 14, 2012, 08:06:32 AM


Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 14, 2012, 08:40:22 AM


(@Pent: sucks man. but look at this way: you get out while it's still light out. :3

final class was today. i was nervous, but it went quite well, and while i got a healthy critiquing from my teacher, i also got a good amount of praise, and a B+, the highest grade he awards. i'm gonna work on the drawing more, but overall i'm having a great day, despite tearing up earlier after thinking that my grandma would be proud of me. ;v; )
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Sounds nice ^^

Also, aside from accidentally burning my arm on a hot pizza pan (Nothing serious, so don't worry), plus being a bit groggy due to not having enough time to rest, today went well. Now, I don't have to be back in until just before lunch tomorrow; so I can kick back and relax :3


my point exactly. and LOL WE'RE BURN BUDDIES (mine is also on the arm, just below the elbow on the inside)
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....I burned my tongue on hot curry udon? lol

Hey there Cockle.


oh, and,

먹고 또 먹고 먹어봐도
mokgo tto mokgo mogobwado
배고파 고파 니가 보고파
begopa gopa niga bogopa
사랑했던 맘이 보고팠던 맘이
saranghetdon mami bogopatdon mami
우리 사랑 우동처럼 맛있어
uri sarang udongchorom masisso
(너를 사랑해) 따뜻해서 니가 난 좋아
(noreul saranghe) ttatteutheso niga nan joa
(너만 좋아해) 맛있어서 니가 좋아 ~우우
(noman joahe) masissoso niga joa ~uu
(후루룩 짭짭 냠냠 맛있어서 좋아)
(hururuk jjapjjap nyamnyam masissosso joa)
우리 사랑 우동처럼 맛있어
uri sarang udongchorom masisso

우동~~~동동동 동동도로동
udong~~~dongdongdong dongdongdorodong


you and cockle stick around. do eet. :0
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*Gives Kari and Pent and Sleepy ice-packs*

*Assists in capturing Cockle-san*

I had to take Luci to the vet today since her current course of treatment hasn't been helping her itchy skin issues. :s The vet prescribed her some kind of steroid pills + heavy duty flea drops (since he suspects she has an allergy to fleas and even a few will make her super-itchy), and she seems to be doing better but only time will tell. ;^;


I hope she'll be fine :[


YAY *hugs*

@bella: i know adding fish oil into their food helped olive and fern when they had dry skin. maybe there's an equivalent for dogs (if not more fish oil)? :\
also, my burn doesn't hurt anymore. the solarcaine healed it basically instantly. there's a pair of large scars there now, though. :\
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Dr. Kraus

I tell you what, I'm never going to do anyone a computer favor ever again unless they are a real close friend. I had a "friend" at school (he is more of an classmate then a friend) who asked me to take a look at his laptop because it was over heating and locking up. So I take it home and my dad decides to have a look at it and let me tell you, this laptop was on its last breath really. 8 years old, blue screening like crazy, choppy, etc. this laptop wasn't going to make it to the end of the school year. Even so, my dad did some work on it and then told me that it wasn't worth the time or money to fix so I gave it back to the owner without anything really having been done. The kid took it home and I thought I was done with it until the next day he comes up to me demanding that I replace the laptop because "It was working fine before I gave it to you and now it doesn't!". Christ, I had to tell explain to him that its just like it was when I took it from him but he refused to believe me and continued to say I owe him money until I told "fuck off". The next day this kid says "OK Tom, just give me $20 and this can all be over", my response? Same as last time, "fuck off, I don't owe you any money!" and today "$10". I really exploded today and right before a test in AP Computer Science, I once again told him to fuck off and added that if he is in AP Computer Science he should be able to fix the problem himself but since he can't even do that then he should do himself a favor and drop the class. Jesus, this kid has been out to get me ever since I "broke" his laptop and has tried to turn most people against me within the social spectrum and has had them try and pressure me into replacing his laptop. I never want to go through what is going right now again, its not worth my time or money.

Sorry for the rant but I just needed to type that out, it bad enough with the stress of five essays and three tests in a single week along with College stuff piling up the stress.


@Aurora, Kari: Yay! Enjoy winter break ^^
Also, my burn healed up nicely, as well. It's just a bit red in that spot; not anything serious

@Kraus: Ouch :\
Can't say I've had that happen before with anyone I've done computer repairs for, but I do know the feeling of someone trying to turn people against me over a small thing like that


*pat pat* there, there. :[

there will always be people that will try to take advantage of you. for instance, when i was in 1st grade my mum packed some pirolines (fancy cigar-shaped cookie with chocolate coating inside) in my lunch. i gave one each to my friends, and when the other kids on the playground saw that, they all asked for one too, and i couldn't say no, so i only got to eat one myself. it was a hard lesson, but a good one. ;^;

all the same, as cynical as it sounds, never do a favour for someone you don't consider a friend. not an acquaintance friend, not a friend of a friend, a true, wouldn't-screw-you-over friend, since they're the people that deserve your kindness and expertise anyway. (unless the other person pays you, or the favour in question is just to watch their backpack for 3 minutes while they run to the can or something.)

i hope this resolves itself without more involvement. you're completely right when you said that he should drop that class. someone in an AP COMPUTER CLASS that needs help fixing their laptop (that they've obviously had a long time) is a hopeless case that isn't worth the time of day. as for him turning people against you, your REAL friends won't succumb to the hype. and even then, when the dumbfuck does something to screw over someone else, the social tides will turn back in your favour. it'll just take a little time. :\
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Choco pent Bella nejin Kraus aurora <3 I missed you gaiz
+sleepyd sorry I forgot you <3
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.