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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Pitkin on December 10, 2012, 05:40:46 AM
EU3 sure is nice, but I haven't played it for a while now. Since - purely coincidentally - I have the game lying around on the living room table, I might give it a go. Maybe as Swedes. x)

There's also EU4 coming out next year, which I'm pretty hyped for. YAY PARADOX

On a less yay topic, today is ANOTHER FUCKING EXAM DAY. I am not happy about this -_-


gl man. :[

mum was on my case earlier about getting a bank account. tbh it doesn't bother me TOO much, but i don't see much of a point for one when i'm 1. going to clean it out anyway, and 2. not receving much income outside of cleaning for my grandfather every week. what bothers me more is that my mum is trying to make a life descision for me. when your parents get you a bank account as a kid, it's cute and funny, but being older and being pressured into something unnessecary is on the border of annoying and rage-inducing.
though it seems that if i get an account from the place my mum and sister are at, with a reccomendation from them, i can get a free $100. i'm thinking about it, if only because then i could piss people off by paying with checks. -w-
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I'd go for it, just for the $100 and the ability to be a troll >:3

You know, I should actually order a checkbook sometime; there have been a few times it would have proved useful, like with paying bills

EDIT: So, after 10 years, I finally got 101% on Donkey Kong 64. At last, I can finally close the book on it



as for the bank account, i'm mulling it over. usually i prefer to just hang onto my money, but maybe stashing it away in a place to earn interest wouldn't be a bad idea. my mum had also said that since i'd mainly be depositing cash, there's unlikely to be any fees. as weird as this sounds, part of my opposition to it is due to my mother's keen interest in getting me one. sort of an unconscious defiance because of a stubborn nature. (i'm not the first stubborn person in my family, after all....)

i need to decide quick, though, since i need to do some ordering fast. maybe if i sleep on it, that'll help the decision making process.

in other news, for anyone that even had an inkling of like for homestuck, i made a karkat system animator skin. he's one of the trolls, if you're not familar with the name. i'm pleased with the results, despite the erasing of the background (to get rid of the white block around the image) being a little rough. i'm working on another one, using different gifs (this was built off the same one).
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I keep meaning to make a bank account too.... :/

In other news ........ we think somebody robbed us of some firewood...... like most people in the area, we keep it out under the front of our porch, the only protection being some tarps. Dad swears a huge section of the pile is missing, though I thought it was just due to him using it...?

At any rate, I'm now pissed and trying to devise a way to booby-trap the pile so if anyone tries to take more, they'll be impaled or wind up with blades stuck in their hands and arms or something equally ghastly and violent, because shitheads who steal other peoples' SURVIVAL TOOLS need to be punished. Badly. Except there's the issue of booby traps almost invariably ending up harming their creators....... so yeah.


@Bella: That's terrible >_<
I'd gladly send you some wood, if it wasn't impractical to send it such a long distance

On a lighter note, I ordered the drive for mom's laptop. It should be in within the week


@bella: if another tree falls in our yard and it's not really in the way, maybe we could arrange a way for you guys to haul it out. it'd be free, after all. plus most of the trees that would fall in the back have been dead for a couple years, so it's kinda pre-seasoned.

also, my booby traps don't usually come back to bite me. but if i were you, i'd set up a motion-sensor light outside of the wood pile, if there isn't one already. other alternatives include running chicken wire over and around the pile to lock it inside, or set up a bunch of noise-making things (bells, windchimes, disposable pie plates on strings) around the pile (that's what my dad did to deter birds around our blueberry bushes). hopefully it doesn't happen again, but i'd talk to your neighbors to see if there's a pattern around the neighborhood. technically what the guy did was petty to grand larceny (depending on how much was taken), so if it's a neighborhood thing, the police should be alerted. >:\

@pent: nice, man. hopefully it comes in soon. :3

i really need to get ordering.....
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Thanks for the offer Kari. ^^

At any rate, we rigged up a little security system .... nailed up some rails, and wired some prickly tree-trimmings to the rails so it'd be difficult for anyone to get in the woodpile enclosure, much less carry many pieces away. And there's a booby-trap that'll send a pile of wood toppling down on anyone who tries to break in there.

And yeah, I'm trying to talk dad into filing a police report. : /


@Bella: That would be a good idea, yeah :\

So, work went well today...a whiny guy aside who was slacking off, but whatever. It wasn't too busy, and moved at a nice pace :3


@pent: nice, nice. hopefully more days can be like that. -w-
@bells: don't write me off. good about the traps, though, and really press your dad about it. if your pile WAS stolen from, it's almost guarenteed that you're not the first. :\

FINALLY ordered at least half my christmas gifts. amazon predicts all of them here by at least the 18th, but i'm not holding my breath. meaning some gifts might be late. >>;
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I don't mind if my gift is late, so hopefully everyone else's will arrive on time :3


it's not going to matter if someone minds or not since it's already done. xD

but for all we know, it could arrive on time. ^^
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So I'll be in New Hampshire the evening of January 10th through the morning of the 14th.


@Kari: Sounds good :3

@Stew: Bella will be holding onto your Christmas gift from me, so you can claim it when you go see her ^^


@stew: aw man, i know you're meeting up with bells, but dude, we totally need to say hi. :3

looking up a cookie recipe like my grandmother used to bake. sadly i'm only getting partial results. :[
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