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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Dustii: Sounds good, man. I still have some Christmas shopping to finish up ^^;

Also, I hope to move out of my parents' house next year. Even if I only get as far as the other side of my hometown, it'd still be nice to be on my own :3


Hey, Pittsburgh's pretty nice.  I live maybe an hour or two from there.  Doc lives in the city though, I think, or just outside.

So it's nearly the end of the semester and my Integrated Science professor seems to be losing it even more.  She's grading pretty sketchily now in addition to her sometimes difficult to understand lesson teaching.  Other then that, I guess I'm just about ready for Christmas vacation.

I also embarked on a retrospective of all the sheets I've done for Junior General; only 29 finished in like eight years.


@Stew: That doesn't sound good, with the bit on your professor :\

I have work today, and I'm still trying to recover from this cold. I should be fine, but part of me expects to be sent home early if I can't keep up; since I'm not back to 100% yet

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: DustiiWolf on November 26, 2012, 05:32:00 PM
I AM moving to Pittsburgh though it looks like. Will live there about 2 years is the plan, then move to Nashuah NH or Boston MA.

Cool stuff, what part are you moving into? I'm over in Mt. Lebanon at the moment but that will change depending on which college I decide on going to but I'll probably still be within 3-4 hours from Pittsburgh unless I get accepted to USC and move out there to southern Cali.

Will probably end up at either University of Pittsburgh (main-Oakland), a branch campus of Pitt, or Ohio University so I'll most likely still be in the area.

Anyway, if you need any help around town just ask me on here and I'll help you out mate. Good luck with the move.

Also, don't go to Oakland, Mt. Oliver, Wilkinsburg, and really really really don't go into Squirrel Hill aka The North Hills

Oakland - everything of value in front pockets, knife, stay close to University campus' (Pitt & Carnegie Mellon) and Hospitals do not stray to far into the shady areas.
Mt. Oliver - Don't walk out in the open and try to stay in a well maintained business or your car until you leave, people get shot almost daily
Wilkinsburg - Only the churches are maintained and almost every house is run down and boarded up, people die here
Squirrel Hill aka North Hills - You will get mugged, stabbed, shot, beat, curb stomped, dead. Don't go. Really.

Well, its a good city and I love it but there are areas that need to be avoided by anyone white, well-off, etc. and I'm sure you will love your time here in Da Burgh!


Thanks for the tips Kraus, I really want to visit Pittsburgh but I've always wondered which sections are best/safest for tourists and which should be avoided. I'll definitely keep this noted down someplace.

In other news: I have to go in for surgery tomorrow. My teeth are already sore, something I blame on either psychic pain or my annoying habit of clenching/grinding my jaws when I'm worried.... :s


@Kraus: Good to know, if I ever find myself in that area ^^
@Bella: I hope it goes well for you tomorrow :[

So, I'm still feeling sick; made worse by a super-hot buffalo wing that was much hotter than I expected; messing up my stomach for the rest of the night (Also, the long wait for the bathroom didn't exactly help, either). I thankfully got off early, since I felt like I was about to collapse, stacked with the fact that it felt like everyone was being as obnoxious as possible.

If I don't feel better tomorrow, I'll likely try calling in sick; I really need rest more than anything


Quote from: Dr. Kraus on November 27, 2012, 09:31:11 PM
Cool stuff, what part are you moving into? I'm over in Mt. Lebanon at the moment but that will change depending on which college I decide on going to but I'll probably still be within 3-4 hours from Pittsburgh unless I get accepted to USC and move out there to southern Cali.

Will probably end up at either University of Pittsburgh (main-Oakland), a branch campus of Pitt, or Ohio University so I'll most likely still be in the area.
For the record, I am a Trojan alum. :3
The campus itself is safe, but you probably would not want to be walking around in the middle of the night in the immediately surrounding area. Or anywhere further south.


So, I called in sick today, which was a headache in and of itself. So far, the rest has helped a bit


Sorry to hear that Pent.

All this talk of Pittsburgh is enough to make me do something with PTSS.


Quote from: Dr. Kraus on November 27, 2012, 09:31:11 PM
Quote from: DustiiWolf on November 26, 2012, 05:32:00 PM
I AM moving to Pittsburgh though it looks like. Will live there about 2 years is the plan, then move to Nashuah NH or Boston MA.

Cool stuff, what part are you moving into? I'm over in Mt. Lebanon at the moment but that will change depending on which college I decide on going to but I'll probably still be within 3-4 hours from Pittsburgh unless I get accepted to USC and move out there to southern Cali.

Will probably end up at either University of Pittsburgh (main-Oakland), a branch campus of Pitt, or Ohio University so I'll most likely still be in the area.

Anyway, if you need any help around town just ask me on here and I'll help you out mate. Good luck with the move.

Also, don't go to Oakland, Mt. Oliver, Wilkinsburg, and really really really don't go into Squirrel Hill aka The North Hills

Oakland - everything of value in front pockets, knife, stay close to University campus' (Pitt & Carnegie Mellon) and Hospitals do not stray to far into the shady areas.
Mt. Oliver - Don't walk out in the open and try to stay in a well maintained business or your car until you leave, people get shot almost daily
Wilkinsburg - Only the churches are maintained and almost every house is run down and boarded up, people die here
Squirrel Hill aka North Hills - You will get mugged, stabbed, shot, beat, curb stomped, dead. Don't go. Really.

Well, its a good city and I love it but there are areas that need to be avoided by anyone white, well-off, etc. and I'm sure you will love your time here in Da Burgh!

Thanks for the information, though now im a bit more nervous about moving. You know, when i DO move i wont know my way around and i dont want to wander into one of those places
Official -tans are my bat signal.


The surgery went better than I expected ... in fact, the worse/scariest part was having the IV put in, but even that wasn't terrible, just a little pinchy-er than a blood draw or injection. I'm really glad I decided to go with IV anesthesia over local and nitrous, it was nice being able to just go to sleep and wake up like that. (Even though I got a milder "twilight" kind, which means I was probably semi-conscious... I have a memory of seeing the doctor and nurses above me, but I'm not even sure if that was during the procedure or just when they were starting out).

It was kind of annoying having zero feeling in parts of my face for several hours afterward (and feeling isn't totally back yet) and having a mouth full of gauze made me feel sick but aside from that I had any serious pain or side-effects... I haven't even needed pain medication yet, although I'm keeping ice on the sides of my face as much as possible to help with the healing.

Quote from: stewartsage on November 28, 2012, 06:05:05 PM
All this talk of Pittsburgh is enough to make me do something with PTSS.


Dr. Kraus

Quote from: DustiiWolf on November 28, 2012, 08:07:08 PM

Thanks for the information, though now im a bit more nervous about moving. You know, when i DO move i wont know my way around and i dont want to wander into one of those places

Don't worry about it, If you are moving into the south hills area, running into these places is hard without a 30 minute drive or longer. The tram or "The T" doesn't even go into these areas so you wouldn't need to worry about it.

For the most part, every city has areas like these in which outsiders shouldn't enter. But in Pittsburgh about 90% of people living in the city hold a high standard of never bothering other people, I've been in these areas and people will typically leave you be but you still need to be careful.

If you end up living in Mt. Lebanon (god damn this place is a social bubble, living da dream), Upper Saint Clair, Bethel Park, and Peters Township, you will be enclosed in a social bubble of well-off families (many in Mt. Lebanon whom are stuck up people much of the time) whom only really like to show off from time to time and brag about their kids getting into a main campus out of state college that will cost them upwards of $40,000 a year.

I'm sure you will be fine and just by looking at a map of Pittsburgh you can find these places and easily avoid them, Oakland is fine as long as you don't go into the blatant shady area.


@Bella: Good to know it went well ^^

So, at last, my internet is back up. It went out last night around 8:30 (Right in the middle of an extended episode of Game Grumps, no less), and was still out by the time I went to bed about 3 hours later (After watching some of the episodes of Megas XLR and MLP I had stockpiled). It was apparently a city-wide outage, as even my sister's connection was out (She's on a different provider, for the record).

It was frustrating, as I was waiting on Kari to get back online because I was helping her with the blog she was setting up, and she never replied to the text message I sent, so I have no idea if she knows what was going on or not >_<;;

EDIT: So it seems she did finish it up and get it online. I still would have liked to have finished helping, though


One of the better parts of winter:

No need to store your drink anywhere.

Or make any ice, for that matter.
Thirsty? Just pour a glass, open the window and take a handful of snow. Give it a squeeze and bam, ice cube.



@Nej: Sounds good to me :3

So, I overslept this morning. I guess that doesn't come as a surprise when I was up until 3AM because of heartburn