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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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The good news: My insurance is going to cover the price of all my Fuckin' Shit Up Teeth being removed, even the weird mutant one. Which is kind of amazing, because I thought I lost this insurance when I turned 19 (apparently I was allowed to keep it for an extra two years because of income reasons), AND I wasn't even sure they'd cover the cost of extraction (since this isn't considered a "routine" procedure in spite of it being super-common).

The bad news: My face is still going to be fucked up. (But as least insurance is paying for it, like it should, so I don't have the literal insult to injury of having to pay for said fucking-up). Oh and it's like a week from now, which may be more merciful than anything 'cause it gives me less time to work myself into a panic over it. Though the anxiety hasn't set in too badly yet. -_-

@Nej: There isn't anything wrong with a little self-insertio-   okay, that sounded wrong.



For this I am going to shamelessly self-promote myself to the max.


@Bella: Hopefully everything goes fine :[
@Nej: I'd comment on self insertion, but that's better suited for a different topic ^^;;

So, today was my first day at work. It was tiring, but went well; before I knew it, the day was half over. Tomorrow, I work until close, so I likely won't be home until very late @_@

Also, while in the giant freezer to retrieve some pizza dough. I had flashbacks to a story I wrote...the only thing that would have completed it would be if I was locked inside with 2k-tan >w>;;


I have a maths exam on monday
That I thought was in two weeks



@Nej: Good luck with that :[

Well, today went well. I'm tired, up later than originally intended, and have work tomorrow morning (It's a short shift, at least), but mom now has an HDTV; so she won't try to take mine away ^^

Also, there was this girl there, running the line mom and I were in, who looked like what Kriz said the female version of me looked like in a dream he had. She was nice; carrying on conversations with everyone while we waited.


Went and saw Lincoln today with my family; great movie.

My dad, brother, and I also put up the external Christmas lights while my mom went to do some shopping.


Writing here to let you know I'm still alive :D Currently studying for the final theoretical paramedic exam which is scheduled for Thursday and I'm super busy :/ Hopefully everything works out fine!


@Paul: Hope it goes well ^^

@Stew: Sounds good, although I do have to wonder what's with the sudden influx of things involving Lincoln as of late

It seems my plans for the weekend are shot; as my check still hasn't shown up >_<
So, it's a no-go on Skyfall, plus something that Newegg has on sale this weekend is going to slip by me


@Paul: Good luck, I'm sure you'll do well on the exam. :)

@Pentium: The sudden influx of Lincolny things is because Lincoln is freakin' awesome. 'u'

@Stew: I have to start putting up lights as well...


We never put Christmas lights on my house. We did once when I was little, but never again; mom's too freakish about the electricity bill now, plus dad hates getting on the latter to hang them up. However, once mom finally clears off the table in the living room, our tree will likely go up :3

So, I'm hoping my check shows up on Monday, because I'm planning a personal trip to Tyler for that day; for some Christmas shopping, and also to see Skyfall because the local theater decided that Twilight was far more important, and because of my work schedule, I won't be able to go with the parents next Saturday >_>;
However, this does give me a chance to freely explore Tyler; go to the places I usually have to skip during my trips with the parents, because they're too far out of the way from what they want to do. So, there's a good side to this


I...I'm ashamed of myself.
I was so up in my studies that I forgot there was a new PONI episode today.


I MUST REDEEM MYSELF (by watching it)


Raffaele the Amigan

IMHO it is very difficult that this Lincoln movie is better than "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" played by Raymond Massey...

Massey had really the "physique du rôle" for being a perfect Lincoln...

(Real Lincoln -above-)

Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


So, my plans for the day are shot. My money still hasn't shown up, and I'm also coming down with a cold >_<;

I'm starting to think I'll have to call them again tomorrow if my money doesn't show up by then. Also, I hope I'm over this cold before tomorrow, because I'll be working every single day from tomorrow until at least Saturday, depending on mow my schedule looks for the week after (The unpredictable schedule is enough to make me want to resume job hunting; I don't like not knowing what my schedule will be until that week is almost here, as it makes it impossible to plan to do anything).

In other news, I just realized my folder of MLP episodes is right next to the Evangelion folder. My collection is messed up in the head xD


Im getting a windows phone ^^
And ive done my main christmas shopping.
ALL for under 100$. ;D

UPDATE: Im not moving to boston this february :c
I AM moving to Pittsburgh though it looks like. Will live there about 2 years is the plan, then move to Nashuah NH or Boston MA.
Official -tans are my bat signal.