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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 27, 2012, 08:44:02 AM
@Bella: Pics? :3

So, my dad sent me a link for a job at a local high school, where I'd be maintaining their computers. I'm going to try applying for it :3
I'll never work for a school district for a tech job, I know from experience they never let you do the optimal things, but make you do it the way they want. School districts needlessly overcomplicate security, never have the computers updated and load the computers with redundant bloat programs. They also do not recycle computers, but instead, incinerate them.

The way School districts handle computers is deplorable and should be punishable under child abuse laws.


Maybe it's because my county has used Macs sense time began for their computing purposes, but we always had up-to-date operating systems and programs.

I've never known a governmental body to incinerate computers, well, the federal government does but that's for security reasons.  Most ones in Virginia at least sell there's.  I only missed out on a Gen 1 iMac and iBook for ~$40 because I left for college the day before.


@K and Pent: I'll post pics when I'm on my other computer

Quote from: Krizonar on August 27, 2012, 09:20:01 AM
They also do not recycle computers, but instead, incinerate them.

The way School districts handle computers is deplorable and should be punishable under child abuse laws.

And now I hate North Carolina even more than I did before thx

I do agree that wastefulness like that should be a criminal offense. There are a lot of people who could get use out of those machines. >:/

Quote from: stewartsage on August 27, 2012, 11:46:14 AM
Maybe it's because my county has used Macs sense time began for their computing purposes, but we always had up-to-date operating systems and programs.

I've never known a governmental body to incinerate computers, well, the federal government does but that's for security reasons.  Most ones in Virginia at least sell there's.  I only missed out on a Gen 1 iMac and iBook for ~$40 because I left for college the day before.

Keep reminding us how you used Macs before they were cool. : p

Also .....I'd have stuck around and been a day late for college....


but I don't live in North Carolina!

indeed, most of those computers aren't even dead, my Mac mini came from the room they put all the stuff before the truck comes and gets it.

lol, there are machines running Snow Leopard still in the computer lab I used to maintain that they now do.


Oh.... is it South Carolina? If it's SC the sentiment still stands.


@kriz: you need to get your facts straight. maybe that's the way things are done where you're from, but my high school sends all the old computers in the district to a recycling facility, and that's only after they're at least 10 or so years out of date. often times if a school gets new computers, the old ones are given to another school in the district for an upgrade. most of my computers and parts were sourced from the spot where they're all placed before they're taken to the recycling facility. the ones that aren't recycled are used as practice computers for the repair classes.

also, my high school just got new computers about 2 years ago. dunno what they're running right now, but they're fresh. also, i haven't heard of their security program, but i wouldn't call it bloatware. it actually is a very background program. while i was still in school, they installed some firewall programs to prevent people from going on sites for fun, but i actually had a teacher reccomend a site to the class to get around it. there isn't any bloatware at all from what i can see. they were actually alright computers.

i've never heard of incinerating computers. it's a foriegn concept around here.
oh, and my elementary and middle school had both macs and PCs. >>;

@pent: go for it! it'd be a great job for you, provided you have some experience in networking. the IT guys in my high school serviced the entire district, though, so don't be surprised if they ask you to travel. ^^;
click to make it bigger


Yes, that is extremely different from here. I volunteered (legally, I can walk into this school any time I want and say I'm here working) and ran a computer lab at my school for 4 years, in my case, a video editing lab.
Here are some things I know to be true-

-You are not allowed to update the computers OR install programs (this is absolutely terrible, you can't even update the flash player, this is so insecure!)
^ it gets worse though, since they did this, YOU CANNOT RUN MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS. My poor Mac lab hasn't had a maintenance run in literally 5 years this month.
-You are not allowed to delete anything from the computers
-You are not allowed to use the computers wirelessly, despite the school having a wireless network and Macs having the capability to transfer internet from ethernet>wireless (I at first had all of the computers hooked to each other as a shared group wirelessly so people in the lab could share files and not need to use flash drives, apparently that is not what the district wants, however, and yes, it was a closed network)
-If a computer is reported to have a problem or be unnaturally slow, it will be inspected by an "IT" and if deemed not up to standards, will be taken away and disposed of, even if it is not 'dead'
-Computers are incinerated as the means of disposal (I asked this multiple times when they told me, because I couldn't believe it when apple will recycle them for free)
-YOU CAN NOT BUY COMPUTERS FROM THE SCHOOL, even if they are about to be disposed of
-it is illegal to take computers or any other hardware from the room they store it before it is driven off (I'm a criminal now) it will be counted as stealing school property
-The school sets up computers by installing over a network image, so every computer is given EVERY PROGRAM regardless of its function or the lab's function; most of the programs are, also, useless (lol, thanks for the pointless dvd burning software!)

Does that not sound terrible and oppressive? Not to mention wasteful and inefficient?

It was the one thing in my life that about drove me to the brink of insanity at just how bad they handled their equipment. I put in a work order for one computer to get software installed and it took them 5 months to do it, that's terrible, why can't I just install it?

School district equipment handling here is a horror show. They had more of my computers die last year than I had die in 4, because none of mine died in 4 years. Zip. Zero.

Some interesting things are, when I got there they were using beige g3s (not the white and blue colorful ones... before those) and I managed to get them to update the lab. A program they put on all of them was Microsoft office; why the heck would a VIDEO LAB need microsoft office? These video files can sometimes reach tens of gigabytes for a single file, please don't waste my hard drive space with crud!

Oh look, my first long, ranty post.  :o here, have a Nanami here!


is that pic in the gallery?

and as horrible as your school is/was, all i ask is that you don't generalize it. mine is very kind to their computer, for the most part.
click to make it bigger


No, because it was just drawn :D

well, for about an area of 100 miles (these are district policies, unfortunately, not school policies) all the schools here ARE like that.

I've never seen a school like yours, much like you've never seen computer hell before. I would love to work at a school like yours, but nobody would want to work at one like mine.

Dem job openings at mine make sense; who would want to work there?


i suppose if you turn the frustration from poor computer treatment into superior treatment of your own, it could work. :\

also, if no one will upload that, i'll save it into my os-tan folder and upload it later. -w-
click to make it bigger


Well, Mac doesn't look a day over... the factory? Perfect treatment.

I would actually prefer if that one was not uploaded, as I'd like to keep my art/art made for me, to myself.
How about these that are not in the gallery? (this is a much larger version of a thumbnail pic you have uploaded yourself)

/appeases with other, public art


All except for the last two are in the gallery.

Also, the link is bad on that Nanami drawing you posted. : /


*runs by thread screaming*



So, I just had my first day of BACK TO SCHOOL proper.

Today's accomplishment: Invented the term "Daily Explosions" when disputing my teacher's claim that the Big Bang was not an explosion but rather, "An expansion of time and space involving lots of energy" which is pretty much what an explosion is All About, as with timespace general you can argue that space itself does expand around an explosion of lesser magnitude than BB, even if there is space around it to expand into.


Feelsgoodman. Only thing that feels bad is the 300$ I'll be throwing part uselessly into books...